Superman Emblem Feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostZilla, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. GhostZilla New Player

    So this has been bugging me for awhile, why can't DCUO just make it so we can buy the feat without getting the emblem? Hell I'll even pay replays just to get it. Bugs me that it just sits there unable to get the feat.
    FIX IT !!!
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  2. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    But why do you absolutely need that specific feat, though? There's lots of feats many of us can never get, like past Survival Mode ones. It's just one feat out of many. There's plenty you CAN get. Why do you NEED this specific one so badly? I get being frustrated at not being able to get a Superman emblem, but why is the feat such a big deal?

    Besides, we're not entitled to any feats we missed the time window for but just really want and not having them doesn't really effect us much in any notable way beyond just the sheer want of them.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    1/10 of a skill point is still 1/10 of a skill point I guess.
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  4. Capt. Retro Well-Known Player

    Because many people play MMO games to progress their characters and get stronger. It's a simple principle, one of DCUO's systems of character progression is Skill Points. To have skill points, no matter how small an amount, locked behind something that the devs have stated has a very low probability of ever coming back is completely illogical.

    If SP is part of your game progression then it is completely reasonable to have the expectation that you can at least try to obtain it. As for comparing it to survival mode feats, they carry no Skill Points so it's not a similar example.

    Requesting the feat to be obtainable has nothing to do with entitlement, you almost make it sound like wanting more feats is somehow a bad thing (?) ... If you don't play the game to try and maximize your SP then more power to you that it doesn't bother you, but that doesn't make those who do like to chase feats entitled.

    If it was an N/A feat then it would be another story but it awards points so the game devs should make it right if they have knowledge that the feat won't be possible to obtain moving forward.
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's 1/10th of a skill point...
  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    If the feat is deemed "dead"... Then, sure.... Why not?

    It should be granted... or at least allowable to purchase it with replays (like an alt).
  7. Tolly Committed Player

    A feat that should have no place on limited elements, but hey, it's daybreak...
  8. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    If 1/10th of a skill point is deemed to be not a big deal, then give it. That argument works both ways. There's no way to earn it. If they want to spend a replay badge on it, then hey, it's no big deal because it's only 1/10th of a skill point.
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    OR invent a time machine, go back to 2018 and grab the emblem and maybe warn us about COVID?
  10. inferno Loyal Player

    some people climb a mountain because it's there.
  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    survival mode has no feat points attached if I remember right.
    the superman emblem is just annoying because you cant close out the episode to be all completed
  12. Limey Committed Player

    Now there's a real suggestion: move the feat to the style tab so the OCD players can be happy with a completed episode list.
  13. Rainnifer Committed Player

    But then that would mean my style tab would be uncompletable, so that wouldn't really help the OCD issue ;o
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  14. Dene Devoted Player

    I got that feat but not the "back from the hack" one.. same principle???

    Not sure of there are any others - i'd have to try and recall

    you win some you lose some
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  15. Limey Committed Player

    But they won't stop adding new styles and emblems to the style tab, so completion of that tab is never truly complete anyway.
  16. Limey Committed Player

    True story. My PC account didn't exist in 2012, and so far I can never get the 1st Anni cape on that account. Does it bug me? Constantly. But what can I do? Nothing, until the devs decide to add 1012 to 2016 anniversary items to the anniversary vendor.

    Sure there's no feats, but we all like to be OCD here, so...
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  17. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Most of us are comic book fans..

    We have a collector's mentality.
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  18. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I get that some people are completionists and want the feat., it would bother me too when i come to do that episodes feat. On one hand i cant understand why they dont give out said feat. 1 skill point (If 9/10ths) is not going to change someones stats hugely.. But on the other side, i dont understand why people are too bothered if they have godly amounts of SP and dont need +10hp