Anniversary Event 2023 Rewards Showcase

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Jan 6, 2023.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Yeah Yeah I made alot of threads about Anniversary lately. This is strictly for the new rewards. Also, I was almost 100% that no way that 3 days before the seasonal goes live we will get to see the rewards but here we go! :D

    Base Items
    12th Annivesrary Cake - Source Wall
    12th Annivesrary Cake - Underworld
    12th Annivesrary Cake - Death Metal
    Source Wall
    Source Wall - Perpetua
    Source Wall - Darkseid
    Source Wall - Broken
    Source Wall - Black Hand
    Source Wall - Ares
    Source Wall - Anti Monitor
    Statue of Triumph - Anti-Monitor
    Statue of Triumph - Perpetua
    Statue of Triumph - Neron

    Enhanced Fate's Faith

    Teal Textured Polymer Chroma

    New Genesis Planet Accessory
    Apokolips Planet Accessory
    Source Wall Seal Accessory
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    What are the new feats this year
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    Multiverse Drywall, Agent of Order & Fourth World Orbit (Three feats, I don't recall how many stars for each)
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  4. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    Looks like I will be spending some money :)
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Ty. I assume style, base items and accessories by the names. Sucks chroma don't have a feat your video was nice and it looks awesome
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  6. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    Actually it's 4 feats for 2023.
    • Agent of Order - collect Enhanced Fate's Faith Restored style.
    • Fourth World Orbit - collect any new accessory.
    • Multiverse Drywall - collect new base items.
    • Triumph: 2023 - collect new Statues of Triumph.
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  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Ty for this
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  8. Achikah All About That Base

    For the love of DCUO... those base items are INCREDIBLE!!!
    I was worried the time passed for the Source Wall reliefs, but finally seeing them tangible are beyond what I imagined. So awesome. T~T
    Also, that BROKEN SOURCE WALL THOOOOOUGH! And the Triumphs!

    Man, 2023 is starting off right. I'm am super looking forward to this year for DCUO!

    Thank you Zoe for the video! And thank you to whoever worked on the gorgeous base items!!! *_* <3
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  9. Skoll Well-Known Player

    If we could get some more base styles in League Hall size… that would be great.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    I liked the source wall base items, the rest of it I found pretty average, but thanks for the video.
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  11. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    The wall base items look pretty neat.

    Thanks again for the showcase! :)
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  12. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Interesting to see Apokolips and New Genesis planet accessories. Many times these odd additions are alternate applications of something else they’re working on; so what’s coming up that would have Apokolips and New Genesis in the sky?

    The new Shazam movie, “Fury of the Gods.” is coming out on March 17; and DCUO always loves some synergy. Will the DCUO god fury content extend to the Fourth World? Not a big leap to make.

    The Source Wall could come into play as Darkseid is released. New Genesis open world could make a return with an attack posture Apokolips floating in the sky. But where would we see New Genesis in the sky? Are we finally about to get an Apokolips open world?

    And if Apokolips is coming into play, maybe we’ll get a couple of new characters too. Desaad has been a big omission so far. And maybe we could see them dust off Orion’s Astro Harness. Some promo art showed that it’s already in the game. Always wondered why it wasn’t used.
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  13. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    I liked base items, even pieces of cake lol... but most of all I liked that this time we have at least one female Statue of Triumph (I would prefer Circe (it seems that some copyright holder does not want at least something related to Circe get into the game ; (... but in general, any female Statue of Triumph is progress ...)
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  14. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Well This was disappointing.. Thanks for showing Zoe :)
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  15. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    not a huge amount that interests me, personally, but I do like the Statues of Victory. & that back Seal thingie. I might have a use for that. but, yeah, not too shabby, overall. as usual, thanks for the sterling work, Zoe, mate.
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  16. Eve YouTuber

    I tried to ask Mepps about the Circe capsule during the stream but he didn't say anything so probs can't talk about caps xD Though I imagine we will get her as the last mentor to get a capsule. We did get the Christmas stuff inspired by her, I think we have a Emblem aswell? not sure. CIRCE ALLY MUST HAPPEN OR I WILL PERSONALLY RIOT! ( :<

    We might be getting something else for the skip & gifts so we should wait, but not be over-excited ;)

    I'm just personally glad the prices for base items are back to what they should be and we got really good ones. SO Base Crafters community is winning, though the style community less (The chroma is pretty neat tho). We should wait to see what gifts we are getting aswell! And It's my pleasure!!! The seal accessory I plan to get it for my Metanite as she is a tech princess, so it will fit perfectly with her style.
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  17. beardrive Committed Player

    Wow, what a great set of base items! The source walls are absolutely amazing, and the broken source wall has my mind reeling with what I'm going to do with it. It looks like I'm going to have to rerun a couple of raids to get the new statues.

    Amazing stuff guys, and I can't wait to use them!

    The little planet accessories look like a bit of fun too. :)

    Thank you so much for posting this Zoe. We really appreciate it.
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  18. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I like the base items.

    I wish the planet accessories could be base items as well.
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  19. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Some cool stuff!!

    Thanks for the show!!
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  20. myandria Item Storage

    Or loyalty points, depending upon my budget.
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