Up-Votes Needed Raids Unplayable - "CR Is Too Low" When It Isn't!

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by TheTenthDoctor, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. TheTenthDoctor New Player

    I have a character that has a combat rating of over 300. I have been trying to run the T6 Flashpoint raids that require a CR of 280+. When I try to queue up one of said raids, it is locked, and states "[character's] combat rating is too low", when it clearly isn't. This has been going on for a while, and means I have been unable to take advantage of the recent Episode Spotlight for Flashpoint.

    I am a paying member of this game, and have been around since 2011. This is highly disappointing.
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  2. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

  3. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    Whole Tier 6 use the old minimum cr.

    You get to 280 > Get the intrusive message to check in with Harbinger > Take Orrey to Patchwork Themyscira to get Art Cache and talk to Diana > You land at TP in WT/HoD > TP tells you minimum cr 299.

    Same with 31st century, except 310.

    Both WV and LLL Instances are queable from 280, but only drops Scaling Omni Gear, not the old boxes that open at min level close to old minimum cr.

    FP TP just moves you a few feet back. Looks funny. No where does the game tell you that it still wants you to be min 322 to access Open World and Instances.

    I'd complain myself, but only have 3 Baby Toons left to get through the hassle, so I've stopped caring.
  4. Metallix Active Player

    The stat clapping was a mistake ill can't do nothing with low levels in they artifacts be at 0 y'all need to make some changes or get rid of it ill like it the way it was before stat clapping ill understand the reason of it but its not helping it needs to be another way thanks
  5. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player