Next dlc no solo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MystoganJella, Sep 19, 2022.

  1. GermanM Committed Player

    Agree, the timer system is better here in DCUO because dont tie people to be an a exact hour in game, here we have more freedom.
    i did not mention the boss system first because i believe is fine in the way we have it, but the rest of the thing´s i believe will help the game and make people been more active, also que can motivate Tiffany6223 to do more omnibus clamped content xD
  2. Kreachure Committed Player

    Last 2 had solo's no?
  3. GermanML New Player

    Dark knights = no solo.
    Legion of doom= no solo.
  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Last solo we had was Episode 38 (Wonderverse). We are now on Episode 43 and going into Episode 44 with no solo still.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually wish DLC's gave solo's and duos together, but that's just me :)
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  6. GermanM Committed Player

    I want that too
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, that's what I was saying too (unless I'm reading that wrong). It kind of doesn't even make sense that every Episode wouldn't have at least 1 of each type, either.
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  8. Eve YouTuber

    Their open world lore is pretty massive. Different locations has different hearts (missions), Vistas, Points of Interest. Imagine these type of stuff in DCUO? Some kind of "Vista" To tell me stuff about the place I am in (Well this is kinda like the Booster Gold stuff they stopped doing), Points of Interest that grant feats could work too, you just go look for those places. This is what I meant for Map completion haha. Have stuff to do in the map that actually makes you want\need to be there other than 4 (?) Dailies and two weeklies.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, that's not something I find fun. Exploring a map is fun and all, but it's also something that can be a single player game. I think that was another reason I chose not to play it anymore. That and I can't STAND jumping puzzle. OMG. It's like every map is that JLD raid. -_-
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  10. Starry Knight Active Player

    Well, at least solos don't have that problem.

    Do you mean the multi-stage Gotham Under Siege daily with Faust and Artemis?

    Metropolis Battlezone has one as well with Black Lantern Hal Jordan but I wouldn't know which one came first.

    I feel more comfortable with solos, like I don't need to speed through it (except that bit in the Atlantis palace level), and I don't feel I'm letting anybody down by running heal spec when in my experience they were balanced for a dps race.

    Building from scratch might take that long - I'd happily take a challenge mode version of Metro Station or the hospital one with Brother Blood.

    Also, if that's the logic then I'd happily take an extra alert and drop the duo.

    When was the last time that happened? (Looks it up) Deluge in spring 2018, unless that doesn't count either in which case it's War of the Light II in late 2014.

    It would be nice but a little unusual.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    From what I understand, it's not just from scratch, though building map can be difficult. So in the end, it still player preference, you want alerts and not duos.