Base items question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Green Lantern Dude, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. Green Lantern Dude Well-Known Player

    Is there way to unlock base items on one toon on how you can with styles?
  2. Eve YouTuber

    No sadly, I do wish the base inventory was account wide though. Imagine how many base items I have on one character I could use for another that just sit there questioning life?
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  3. Achikah All About That Base

    @devs #AccountBoundFurnitureInventory #SerenityNow

    The dream. :oops:
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  4. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Big Fat NOPE. Would be pretty sweet if you could, though that would cut into player sales to each other and yet it would also cut down on the unavailability of various items. How would you handle getting more than one item though? Can't really unlock something more than once with the current system and that would take more programming time to make happen.

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  5. myandria Item Storage

    Unfortunately no. This is why many players create alts and never level them up to CR30; they are storage mules for base items and other things. I think part of the reason some players have a hard time getting a name for a character is because that name is a storage character's name: guilty as charged <--------.

    100% Agree! Also, if base item boxes and base items "stacked" to 999 in your inventory, it would make "item storage" more effective. The dream continues....:oops:
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  6. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

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  7. Prindacerk Committed Player