Let's Discuss League Hall Lockdown. One Change That Would Help Me Out Greatly!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KidKretz, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. KidKretz Committed Player

    That one change would be: Open the Players Teleporter Into the Room Allowing Knocked Out Players to Rejoin After Every Loot Chance.

    For whatever reason, ppl die at the start, or are not fast enough to get in and have to sit out the ENTIRE Raid. It would be great if they could get back into the room at some point during the raid.

    That is my one request for this raid.

    Discuss any changes to this raid that YOU think you would benefit from IF you could change ONE thing.

    If you think its perfectly fine sound off on that too.

    Would love to know your Omni Experiences so far with League Hall Lockdown.

    I will share my experience so far, I think its a fun challenge raid. Not always going to win the first try sometimes, but you try your best and see what happens. Environmental RNG is just that, hit or miss if the raid is easier or more challenging depending on that. I just keep seeing so many ppl locked out the entire raid that it feels like that one little change could help out so much, because its not like i will ever convince others to wipe on purpose AND the raid experience cant be fun for that poor soul stuck outside for the entire duration, whether he/she died OR just didnt make it to the door in time at the start.

    looking forward to reading everyone's responses and experiences so far :) CHEERS!

    EDIT: Just to clarify, I am not the person who dies at the start OR doesn't make it into the room on time, however I do observe it a lot and think to myself, I wish this person/s could come in and help us out! HOWEVER, I do sometimes que into an already active raid and wish I could go in and help as well :)
  2. Aetrius Well-Known Player

    I might be mistaken, or maybe just confusing this one with another raid, but I thought this one did allow entry after the first boss. Now I will agree that the door locks too soon. It probably shouldn't lock people out until you actually engage the first boss, not the first add.
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