Cr & Stat clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MidLifeCrysis41, May 27, 2022.

  1. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    [quote="DeitySupreme, post: 4513084, member: 384389" Teleporters don’t work. They tried to implement them in the past and they caused ti many bugs. So that won’t happen.

    Please explain. Why did you earn the right to steamroll through content? How did you earn that right? You didn’t. No one did. Content is there to be played. So no one earned the right to trivialize content.

    And how can the game determine who is an Endgame player? What determines an endgame player? Is it gear? No it’s not. You can farm your way ti endgame gear within a week. Is it arts or augments? Players can max out both within the first day if they are willing to spend money. Even sp can be bought. However the thing you can’t understand is that skill matters far more than anything else in the game. A skilled player is not struggling with EEG. So what should the system detect?

    Again, a skilled player does not struggle in EEG because they know to follow mechanics and even how to form groups. An unskilled player has to be forced to follow mechanics or fail because they will eventually make it to EG and will either get there thinking mechanics can be ignore or will struggle to get to EG knowing mechanics are important.

    So no, the clamp should not be lifted and probably won’t be. If you’re struggling than, while I do sympathize, it’s what you need.[/quote] tf are you talking about? There are TP’s all over the place to allow content. They only removed dox TP because they could be bothered to fix a bug, much easier to remove the TP. That’s the devs problem! Not the players who didn’t exploit it. It actually should be brought back, as the game is now free, and not loot locked. So the exploit wouldn’t even matter now.

    As far as “earning” the right to steamroll. I earned it with every single purchase I’ve made. From the obscene amount of money I’ve spent on this game, helping to keep it alive. Whilst others hack and exploit it. That’s why I feel I’ve “earned” the right to steamroll content. And belive me! I’m not talking a few pounds/dollars/euros p/m.

    It’s very easy to set a cr threshold that is considered endgame. Once reaching it. All lover content from about 3 DLC’s back should be able to be solo’d.

    And… Htf do you think you are? Sat there, pretentiously attempting to preach to me, about “skilled” players. I’ve played this game on and off since 2013. This is my THIRD account. As I permanently left the game (after telling the devs to delete my accounts) and if anyone thinks this is bs. I’d be happy to give mepps permission to confirm I asked for my accounts to be purged from the system. As I was spending a LOT of money) i don’t need anyone telling me how this game runs. Don’t sit there and try and talk about skill to me. My second account had more sp on it at 273cr, than your toon does now. This isn’t about struggle! This is about convenience! How do you not see that?

    Ultimately! If you’re against this. That’s fantastic! Go and run everything with your arts and augs etc taken off, if you want the old playing style to continue. There are MANY who want it removed. They don’t want the hassle of running old content for very little gain.

    So yeah… in closing! I absolutely feel that I’ve earned the right to steamroll content, being maxed out on everything but sp. And I’d like to be able to do it again. As the games population is VERY lacking, and in some cases, players can actually be more detrimental to a feat run. I’m not talking about EGC. I’m talking lower content. A lot of stuff I missed, whilst being gone for nearly 2 years. Leagues are empty for the most part. Pug groups and LFG, you are at the mercy of others stupidity or lack of concentration.

    Now! To draw a line under this. You’ve made your point known ‘YOU’ don’t want this. Fantastic! That was clear early on. You don’t need to reply anymore. And you most certainly do not need to talk to people about skill. You sound like a pretentious clown in doing so.
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  2. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    It's about content replayability. There's 10+ years worth of instances the devs have put out over the years, and once they're past endgame and go into EEG, almost no one touches them again. I think the past content is interesting, and in my view stat clamping is a way for all players to experience what those instances were like when they were relevant. Without clamping you'd basically just be throwing out a huge chunk of the game. Then the only content that'd be even *worth* running would be the current episode... until it gets tossed into EEG too.

    I don't even think the clamped content is hard. They've nerfed the clamp several times by now. New players may struggle, but most of the time it's doable. Bad players will be bad. Better players will try to learn the game and pick up valuable experience playing through the old instances. Noobs not listening while veterans try to explain mechanics? Nothing can make them listen. EEG and the clamp just gives a better platform for the new players who do listen to actually learn, and for the veterans to teach them.

    I also don't think we should be able to just breeze through every instance and pick up every old feat that easily. About as easy as if we were just speedhacking. Takes a lot of the effort and engagement out of the game. Players aren't entitled to any free SP (except the extremely old base game stuff you get from the CR skips I guess).

    Additionally, old content gives Source Marks, which are still useful at endgame. If they removed clamp and made raids so easy to clear they'd have to nerf source mark farming as well. Which creates even less of an incentive to run old content - no rewards, and feats are just a one-and-done type of deal.

    I do think there's a place for a power fantasy (especially in a superhero game), and characters should feel stronger approaching max gear, SP, and arts. But that shouldn't take away from being able to replay old content as it was meant to be played. Also keep in mind we usually don't even see the big comic book supers get stronger over time... they're all about the same power level, maybe some powers tweaked here and there. Past threats don't just become minor irritants in the present.

    If they do have unclamped versions of instances, they should reduce the amount of rewards earned. Not sure how I'd feel about getting those old feats that easily though... seems cheap, but at the same time some of the feats are just meant to be annoying and definitely not worth putting everyone through.
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  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I’ve always been on the fence about the clamp. Not gonna lie OP, the tone of your post has me leaning to keeping it in place. Turns out, you can still steamroll content btw. We do it often enough. Take a bunch of actual end game toons (570+ sp/ all maxed artis/ augs/ tac swaps/ that type of stuff) that are used to running with each other and any content melts in front of you. Bosses ain’t one shots anymore but they’re like 3 rotations per group member at best.
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  4. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I hate the clamp myself but, I have run older content with NO gear equipped whatsoever, gear, arts, or trinkets. I can fly through most content with ease, but some can and will get you. Most of these have a mechanic that must be followed. It's like SD says, knowledge and skill makes a huge impact on your game. Play like me, run some solos gear less with just soder and you WILL improve your game. It takes time but you will beat the content.
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  5. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    Whilst I agree it shouldn’t be a cake walk for all content. Something that is 3-4 DLC’s behind and more, should be easily burnt through alone. There’s an easy solution to incentivise anyone. Feats! If you’re only playing it for feats, marks won’t matter too you. It could be played once, then a loot lock put in place. Forcing the high endgame players back to t5 or up to get marks. If they wish to run multiple times to get feats, for whatever reason… they are still earning those feats. Just at an increased pace. Most feats still require groups. But many could be solo’d if the clamp was removed. They content is lay there, wasting away as it is.

    Go into most old open world content and look at the population. 1-2 people. When you see them. They’re good selling hackers, farming. Or ordinary ppl hacking/farming. I literally see it every single day. Old content is left rotting as it is… so why not just remove the clamp. Lower the amount of marks you get after a certain threshold passed, and allow ppl to spend time running the content? Even now… with all content opened - ppl still only farm DD or FOS 3 mostly, for the convenience of it.

    I truly can’t get why ppl are against it. If against it… ppl are very free not to run content. I want too! And many times… I don’t want to do it with ppl. They mess up a feat, then I have to queue up again and again. Before you know it… 4 hours have passed. Absolutely wasted, and you still didn’t get feats.
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  6. KidKretz Committed Player

    i think you misread my post fyi. read this again "since i came back a couple months now, left due to stat clamp, i see the dev team lost a ton of ppl. so the possibility to get old raids looked at seem impossible, they have to make money, and money comes from new content."
  7. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    And that’ a your right to want to run old content like that. I personally, don’t want too. And I’d put a very large wager on, that most of the population, don’t want it either.
  8. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    First, I can agree that the clamp in open world isn’t great. I think it’s because it’s how the game is coded. They can’t unclamp one yet clamp the on duty probably. I don’t go near open worlds and clamp generally but I have. With a great toon, not a huge deal. With a new toon, must be terrible.

    Anyway, moving on here. You keep saying things about feats failing. Are these built groups failing at feats or just random groups that you get into and hope for feats to pop? Do you even tell anyone in group (ask I mean because you should be asking) that you’d like to get that feat? Do you demand or ask? I can tell you from personal experience, if you type in “we’re doing this feat” I’m leaving. I’m taking my OP buns and requing or logging out. Ask, different outcome. Depending on what the feat is. If you get into a random group and tell them you want madness or something similar, hahahahhaha nopeeeeee. Build a group.
  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So then stay out of it. It’s simple to me. I stay out of it generally. Is it helping new players to learn? Maybe. Is it helping to keep new players engaged? Maybe. Is it working out in general? Maybe. We don’t know. We have our own opinions and maybe some of our friends opinions. Most players I know neither hate or like it. Most of us just ignore it and don’t really run it or only run it together. Making more friends is always the best option. But if you want actual change then don’t play it. The less engagement it creates, the more likely it is to go away. If everyone gripes but still keeps playing then all the devs see is that it’s still being played therefore is enjoyable to the community.

    And at worst, you’re wrong and even if you and others stop playing, the devs will see healthy numbers and the clamp stays in place and you at least don’t have to play it and your in game life is better
  10. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    built groups. But… you can only play with those who actually respond. This is why I try to do as much solo stuff as possible. Or duo feats with friends who are on. As someone stated! Friends lists are almost as empty as leagues now. This is also E.U. servers I’m talking about. Not the very much more populated U.S. servers. There is a MASSIVE difference!
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  11. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    Any older content I enter is for feats, not marks. Feats and old gear drops. That’s it! Not entering these places makes zero difference. If you and your friends enjoy it - again! That’s fantastic! Many don’t. This post (like most of mine) are aimed towards the devs. I’ve truly no interest in the opinions of the forums. It’s a very small minority, and a fair % don’t even play the game anymore who use it. Or… they play the game, but only to build bases. I truly have no interest in the opinions of this forum. It’s simply a message aimed at the devs.
  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Gotcha. The problem with that is that 1 person can never be enough to sway a decision. You’d need supporting opinions and even then, it’s been brought up a ton and dismissed just as many times. Just be sure to respond to the surveys the devs post since that will actually be read vs another anti clamp thread.
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  13. NeoSelkie Active Player

    I honestly think having unclamped versions available would be the best solution to the perpetual war around clamping.
    I don't really care as I simply don't run omnibus, I got basically all the feats from older content prior to the clamp.
    FFXIV does this and it has been fine in that game, they dont have feats, but it allows people to eventually get rare drops from older content if they could not run it at the time.
    The unclamped version would just not reward source marks/scaled gear.

    Regarding people getting old feats easily, I honestly think its an okay bone to throw to new/returning players.
    The reality is that new/returning players prior to stat clamp had unclamped instances that enabled them to easily get the feats from older content when they came back. I was one such player, coming back around legion after having not played since ~2015 having quit following WM/AM and the clipping changes. Even with having access to unclamped instances, the sheer amount of content and other feats is still monumental. I cannot imagine how bad it must be for new players now.

    In the end I would take getting more new players active in the game versus having old feats maintain their difficulty/worth forever.

    On the flipside I kinda wish omnibus/clamped content were changed so that mechanics at least taught players things. Having failed mechanics dramatically damage/notify the offending player would be a good start
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  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    "Can you please remove stat clamping so I can faceroll everything? Thinking is too hard for meeee :( "
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  15. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player


    That other MMO that I constantly mention except by name since I don't want to get banned again released a version of itself that forced players down to the level of the zone and the instance and the backlash was severe. We played it since there were special "prizes" for those of us that participated and completed the content but that version of that MMO didn't not survive long and the actual MMO would have been shutdown if these changes had forced on players instead of giving them a choice between playing the original and the terrible.

    Maybe Daybreak should do this instead? Put DCUO back to the way it was before stat clamping and then release a separate stat clamp version of DCUO for those that want to play it. Offer special "prizes" to those that play it and complete it that they can show off in the normal un-stat clamped version of DCUO that most players will be playing. Maybe then a few players might want those "prizes" enough that are ONLY available from the stat clamped version to actually want to play it.

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  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Oh cool, this again.
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok very important thing. Please learn how to reply back. It’s a bit hard having to read where I left off and where your reply begins. You seem to be deleting part of the quote which is in turn having the reply be a part of your quote and not allowing us to see where the quote ends. When you hit reply do not go back and delete any part since I suspect that’s where you are accidentally deleting part of the quoting part.

    Ok with that said, the devs problem? It was players that were exploiting it. So yes they removed it. And because of that they have been more careful with what they do with teleporters. So yes I was write they don’t work. And the exploit doesn’t matter anymore? Lol stop acting like a spoiled little brat lol.

    Lol you can not earn those types of rights with money. Spending money does not entitle you to get anything other than what you buy. Now, if you bought something and didn’t receive it than yes that is an issue that should be fixed. But you spending money doesn’t earn you any favor with what you’re allowed to do. That is the most ridiculous thing you’ve said so far. So if I donate money to the economy I’m all of a sudden allowed to go through red lights or be allowed to eat at restaurants for free? No. What I spend my money on entitles me to the parameters of my spending any nothing else. just lol…

    HAHAHAHAH here you go about these claims that you had to ask mepps to ban your account lol. That’s not how it works. If you were banned it’s because you did something not cause you asked lol. That’s hilarious that you think you can spin that lol. Nice try suggesting I have under 300 sp. but let’s say I did have less than that. If I’m not struggling with that little sp than you are making my case since you don’t even need much sp to have a smooth EEG run and in turn supports my claims that skill matters more. So maybe spend less money and try to improve your skill?

    And to close. You didn’t earn any rights other than what you have purchased
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The devs decided otherwise. So, to put it bluntly, tough rocks. Deal with it.

    Unless, of course, you and others advocating for either the removal of the clamp or unclamped versions being made available are willing to have ALL extra rewards that come with clamped content being removed from unclamped versions AND having them restored to how they were before clamping.

    That means no Marks. No extra gear. Having to use Replay Badges after running On-Duty content to get any rewards on subsequent runs.

    If people want content exactly like it was before the clamp, I have no problem with folks getting unclamped versions, especially if the rewards handed out for those kinds of runs match the effort needed.
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  19. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Herein lies the problem.

    Clamp came out same time as STU, while I get there is a relatively big anti-clamp crowd, there's a much much bigger anti-STU crowd.

    I don't think many left because of the clamp, I think many left during & because of STU, then came back when the next episode/seasonal hit.
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  20. Tolly Committed Player

    a pince of statto reduce our levels because we were getting too strong in front of the PVE content, now the PVE container is getting too strong and the last DLC is causing a lot of problems to the majority of the game community...

    Already the pince should have been applied only in the instance and not impact the open content of the game!