
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MidLifeCrysis41, May 24, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Expect that you CAN face tank in elite raids. Not all of them but some yes. I even gave examples using the newest dlc swe. Only place you can’t is swe+ and elite plus is a new concept so the “this how it used to be” doesn’t apply to that since elite plus was never been a thing.

    And also, the whole “it’s not tanking it’s avoiding” is also not true. Get a dps to switch to tank role and tell ‘em to “just avoid” and see how long that gets them in swe. A tank still has to absorb and mitigate damage. They are still “tanking” damage. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t change that they are still tanking
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  2. August Moon Well-Known Player

    You literally can face tank almost every boss in this game. literally almost every elite.
    COUE 1st 2nd and arguably 3rd can all be face tanked
    FFE you can face tank the adds and have someone take the charge
    FVE 1st 2nd and 3rd can be face tanked especially if you have a 2nd tank on 2nd boss holding the other bosses,
    TSDE every boss can be face tanked
    SWE with the exception of the 3 bosses on 1st you can tank everything in your face an only move for mechs.

    and in reg content its significantly easier to face tank with no issues at all. You're saying that things changed for the worst and that tanks are required to kite but they're not. They're required to work harder now. Mitigate the incoming damage in various ways , whether it be stun cycling , countering or yes , even kiting tanking has become a role you actually have to use your brain on vs back then when I can cycle ice shields and block the whole time knowing mechs that should kill me only do half my health and the healers got me covered.
  3. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I'm reading about all this script stuff about ignoring the tank and attacking the heal and or dps. Why hasn't ANYONE thats playing the game heard of this? When I'm tanking ANYTHING that goes wrong is my fault, new players or veterans alike. This stuff needs to get to the players, not this forum!
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Because they don't listen or they listen to the wrong people.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I haven’t heard any real vets blaming the tanks for scripted attacks. I’ve seen tanks get blamed for not following scripted attacks. For example in swe. When a tank is just standing there taking the frost attack thingy (don’t know the actual name) when they could lunge it or call for a lunge if they can not.

    But actual scripted attacks? I’ve heard new players and unskilled players blaming everyone except themselves. For example, devastator in the alert. A tank can’t really “tank” it since he has so many attack scripts that makes him attack other players. Most notably, his jump. So many players say that it hurts their dps or tanks can’t do anything. But a well coordinated team can actually speed through it. His jumps are very telegraphed and normally go for one of the range players. After which he doesn’t jump for a few seconds. Dps can throw their orbitals after the jump or their SCs. Since he stands still for the most part after a jump he will take most of not all of the orbital. Same with using HoL bot. I see so many players using it just for it to get knocked back and do 0 damage. When a player can instead roll backwards then summon it since his aoe stun has a limited range. Take advantage of the jump to allow it to do its full damage.

    Same goes for the ultra man and pretty much all fights with similar mechanics. Use the mechanics to your advantage instead of allowing it to lower your damage. Oh how many times have I seen players drop orbitals, SCs, and allies on his lunge lol.
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  6. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I've seen some pretty odd crap myself. But yeah, even vets complain, say like ultramans freeze I will haul over to the owled krytponite, and they will do whatever they feel. Then boom, he don't come after me because the others just ignore the mechanics of the level. Then bam. Come on tank, get him to the fake krypto. I'm not good, but I know the mechanics to the elite levels that I do run. As for the lunge, they seem to have that down. Lol
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Others players don’t actually impact what ultraman does during that kryptonite phase. Who ever has aggro (tank or dps if reg) can take him to the correct container. Regardless of where anyone else goes won’t affect what ultraman does (with very specific exceptions). The only thing that can stop ultraman from goring to a container is if he goes to another phase while in that phase. For example, the main 2 mechanics that stop this are the aoe freeze where he sucks people in then freezes them. Or if he does the eye been that goes in a circle. Both of these lock him into place and can cause him to not have time to follow the person with aggro to the container.

    However there is a way for that to not matter which is something I’ve never seen other do without coordinating. If the phase fails then he will freeze everyone and then charges the closest person. If this happens then the group as a whole should lunge him. If everyone lunges correctly the healer pops a shield and when he does his charge everyone within range will be unfrozen. If the group coordinates this is actually faster then doing the mechanic. But few actually know how to do this.
  8. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Never seen that one. I gave up trying to reach the proper container and just try to be the first one he makes contact with after he freezes. As far as the aggro, I've tried pulls when the containers are up, but it seems he hits the closest one to him if most of the crew isn't in a bunch near a container.
  9. Yaiba Committed Player

    You can skip that mechanic entirely if the group have enough damage ;)
  10. PickArole Well-Known Player

    That's a ton of damage!! I've ran with peeps that have a good 600plus sp and still takes awhile to burn ultraman.
  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I’ve actually faced tanked Devestator in the elite alert while being in the spores almost the entire time. I only did it because I thought it was actually damn near impossible and was trying to prove a point to my leaguemate who was calling me a p**** for moving around. I ended up doing it (and NOT making my point lol) but felt I had to apologize to our healer. Thankfully, he’s a buddy of mine, but I still felt bad for his thumbs, lol.

    As for the main point, I feel like more things are face-tankable than many tanks believe and I think almost anything “WOULD” be face-tankable if not for the amount of CCing that happens. As atomic, I can combo heal and rotate shields through damn near anything (with reasonable heals from healer as well). It’s only when I get CC’d three times in a row that I really start seeing red or dying. Immunity barely helps as it’s maximum uptime is about 35%ish. I’m still waiting on a tank artifact that grants additional/better CC immunity and/or lowers add CC resistance/immunity’s.

    Lastly, as for the whole Dom and aggro thing. I do think it’s somewhere down
    the list of tie breakers when enemies are choosing who to aggro to and other factors are relatively equal. But as far as it being a constant deciding factor as to how well a tank or troll can get or keep aggro or CC? No. Not a thing.
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    He will charge the closest container to him at the exact time when his timer ends. So the other players moving to a container will do absolutely nothing. The only person that needs to move to a container is the one with aggro. If a tank is present than they will be the one to bring him to the container. If no tank than look at the scoreboard. Whoever is on top of boss damage will most likely be the one that maintains aggro so that person is the one who has to move him to a container.

    It’s not really a burn check. The mechanics don’t have a specific timer that I’ve seen. I was doing the don’t kill the adds feat. First time the kryptonite phase didn’t happen till he was half health while the second time it happened almost as soon as the fight started. So just having good burn won’t guarantee it won’t happen.
  13. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I dunno if it’s possible to face tank Kerbak, Theon and Jakkec and the three adds in SWe. But I can definitely face tank Theon and Jakkec once Proma is down and the other tank takes Kerbak. I’ll try once I get to 378. I’d definitely have to be running immunity and may still need help from healer on lunges. I won’t say no to a troll running claw giving me 7% dom and resto either! But yeah, it might be doable.
  14. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I've ran the elite version numerous times with pug groups and most of the tanks including myself have no issue with this mechanic. It's ok if the tank misses the laced kryptonite once or twice, but it does get annoying if the tank doesn't know or disregard this simple mechanic.

    When the containers appear, first quickly scan for the laced kryptonite. Then use any power within proximity to gain aggro (doesn't have to be a pull move) and rush toward that laced container. Ultraman will find a way to reach you whether by lunging or fly over to you. Position Ultraman in the center of the map to give yourself the best opportunity to reach the container in time.
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  15. PickArole Well-Known Player

    That's the problem. Every time I tank it, the container is all the way across the room. I can hit pulls or any power in my load out and he still will not follow me across the room. He stays with the dps hamming him and hit the closest container.
  16. nawanda Loyal Player

    This all goes back to the stats revamp (2017). The chief architect of that mess seems to be long gone, but they revamped support roles when they did not need to be revamped. Control role was completely wrecked, and the emphasis was switched to ‘active’ tanking, as though tanking wasn’t difficult enough already and as though there was a need to reduce the number of tanks in the game. Just really poor decision making on a fundamental level from developers who didn’t understand the lived experience of endgame elite players. Also slanted in favour of PC players, a minority of the community, as console players are gated from testing. This game is a massive **** show at times and the stats revamp of support roles was the crowning turd on the top of the pile.
  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I don’t typically have any issue getting him to the fake kryptonite. Every once in a while I won’t but when that happens it’s usually because I was out of position (not centered in the room) and or took a little extra time to visually identify one when panning the camera around. But that’s a pretty rare occurrence and my tank is flight (I tumble master to the fake kryptonite).

    Now, there’s are also the issue of mechanics overlapping and he’ll do that spinning move where he pulls everyone in, freezes them with the red arrows and everybody has to button tap out. Sometimes he does that when the canisters are out and then there’s almost no hope of getting him to a fake one, especially since I believe that mechanic is a scripted aggro drop. But group members are usually aware the canister mechanic didnt get properly executed because the overlaping mechanic, not because I failed my job. Granted, I almost always pop mass density during that pull in mechanic so nobody dies. It’s just annoying to have to wait out being frozen.
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  18. PickArole Well-Known Player

    The red arrows you mentioned is a huge issue for me. That's one of the problems that stops me from doing a lot of stuff. If I face tank him, he uses this red arrow quick freeze CONSTANTLY! The people that want just the adds and a quick tug on ultraman it's a breeze. I don't get controlled much at all with just tugging him, but most people cry and want face tanking.
  19. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    So much agree, the tank has really become a victim of the last DLC and mainly on DLC 43, the damage is incomprehensible, probably because of the stats clamp and all its stuff that breaks the real potential of the player, on this game it almost comes to anti-game™

    For a while, I tried to play without league and there, the damages are completely aberrant we undergo too easily one-shoot, while we are in the CR bracket recommended for the DLC.

    Sometimes, such attack is supposed to destabilize the boss, but nothing happens, or sometimes we just don't have the time to perform the action, because of some weapons too slow, that we would like to use...

    Ice is certainly the most victimized tank power of the recent changes to the tank mechanics, sometimes I have to change the power because ice doesn't happen and I feel a shocking difference, I don't understand how a development team doesn't see that, tank ice is suffering when there is a boss with a significant number of adds, while other tank power is doing very well...

    It's really necessary that the devs listen to the players regarding the feedback on the powers and gameplay that the support players undergo, because far too often, the non support players are extremely toxic towards them, whereas it's not necessarily their fault !!!
  20. Tolly Committed Player

    tank is the most victimized role in recent times and this is felt right down to the tank player with their fear of playing this role in elite now...
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