Elite player differential getting pretty ridiculous.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, May 20, 2022.

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  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So all the training, practice, all the other stuff that goes along with beating it doesn’t count as progression? Seems like progress to me if you go into something and fail repeatedly till beating it. Just seems like most won’t be happy till the game has no feats and you could beat a fight while standing in another room making pancakes. And Brady left for more money (I live in Boston) cuz he easily could have gotten more rings with less pay here. Also, let’s all keep in mind that the feat that someone may get has less progression than buying a vendor style for 80 source marks
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  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So they’re asking for the hardest and most challenging content in the game to get easier or give out the 1 possible reward that it has? Gotcha. Much better
  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Anyway, it’s fridayyyyyy and it’s time to go get demolished in plus. I’ll circle back but this ain’t really worth us all arguing about. The devs have seen this exact convo dozens of times and this what they chose to do so clearly it was done with intent so that’s how they want their game to be. Just keep trying till ya get it. Or don’t and work on another quarter of an sp elsewhere and try again in plus in a few months to a year. Gonna be a bit easier when it’s old.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok, well besides the fact that I said the exact opposite....that the practice, training and other stuff is how a player progresses....it's not actually the 'win' that progresses your abilities in real life. In our game though it does. You get progression (via SP) for beating something and getting a feat. Hell, you can get progression in our game just by spending a ton of money opening TCs. BTW...if you die during the fight, you could indeed go make pancakes while the others finished the feat...and you'd get the progress. So nothing new there.

    And without getting off on a tangent...I though he left because NE didn't want to sign a 5 year contract. It wasn't purely money related. Yeah he wanted more money(who doesn't), but if it were a 1 or 2 year contract they probably wouldn't have objected. 5 years meant a 45 year old QB getting a lot of money to MAYBE stink up the joint the last few years. He took a very low 27m for 3 years in 2013 so he could stay in NE...so obviously money wasn't the biggest issue for him.

    Anyhoo. Back to the topic....Feats with SP in reg...Feats with SP or titles in Elite...Feats with titles or other shiney drop items but no SP in E+ or SM.... I don't see the issue with that and I doubt you could make pancakes while getting any of them...unless you are KO'd, but that's no different today.

    Mmmmmm now I want pancakes....
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Reg puts me to sleep it's so easy
  6. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    If you're not running Elite+, you won't need the SP... and even if you are running Elite+, you probably don't *need* all of that SP to beat it. A vast majority of feats are available in non-elite content, you can be a fairly casual player and still have 600+ SP, given the time to grind.

    My only issue with the new SD feat is just how rare it probably is. RNG feats are annoying, I'd want to see some guarantee that you'll be able to get it to drop after X runs.
  7. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    I want a waffle with strawberry toppings
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

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  9. Aetrius Well-Known Player

    My biggest issue with E+ is the resources spent on it. Rather than devoting the time and effort to fixing the 8 million problems in the game, or giving us new instances that aren’t just cookie cutter reskins of old content, they spend limited resources on content that maybe, and I’m being generous here, 5% of the playerbase has any chance of ever finishing. Adding multiple feats and exclusive rare drops to it just makes the whole thing that much more problematic. If you keep adding content that the bulk of players will never get, how long before they just say screw it and give up entirely? We’ve already got elite which is more than hard enough for most and too hard for a big chunk of the players. The devs do seem to be catering to a very vocal minority rather than working on stuff that would be beneficial to everyone.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Very well put.

    For me personally, chasing feats/SP is my main motivation and what I love doing most in this game. I might not *need* it, per say, but it's what I enjoy. But now they are adding feats that I will probably never be able to get (no matter how hard I try), especially since I will have to rely on 7 other players that are the best of the best to get them. If they are even willing enough to help at that.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!
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  12. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    I think the reason might be that this particular group of the player base spends alot of $$$ on the game. That would explain alot.
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I don’t run in an elite circle. I run with friends and occasionally get invited to the elite circle with a friends league. Because of the rarity of elite players in my circle the elite+ is probably out of my range. And you know what? That’s fine. Until my friends become elite+ worthy I won’t be running this regularly. That’s how it should be. We have regular for the majority of the games population. We than have elite so that the regular community can challenge themselves and for the elite community to start. Then you have the elite+ for the elite community to get a challenge.

    I don’t expect the devs to make things easy enough for my friends and I to be able to beat it. Just like they shouldn’t make elite so easy that just anyone can beat it. And just like they shouldn’t make regular so that every single person can beat it while sleeping.
  14. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I sincerely doubt the resources required to upscale content is all that consuming. There's a reason they chose to do that with the House of Legends DLC when their hands were tied with other things.

    I think it's always important to have things in the game that are near impossible to beat though. It's what keeps people here aspiring to beat whether they eventually do or not. If someone beats the hardest thing in the game day 1 with 300 sp and half their gear... there isn't a whole lot of incentive to stick it out and keep pushing. It's absolutely necessary to keep the game alive.
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  15. TH3T1T4N New Player

    It is a player's CHOICE to que and play Elite/Elite +, some don't even play elite yet still grind SP and have fun. People forget that this is a game and get so self absorbed in queing and doing elite runs at the cost of enjoying the game.. That is the whole point of why we play this game. To have some fun, make new friends and kill some time.

    If playing elite/elite + comes at cost of you not enjoying this game, then maybe stay away from it.
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  16. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Elite suks! Lol.. But... I'm not a big player by any means. I have 2 toons, a tank and a healer with 263 sp. My arts are mediocre at best, but after I learned the mechanics, I've been running Elite as much as possible. The gear, sp, arts are all just helpers. The Elite version is for a fun challenge to people who have the knowledge and want for a better challenge. It's not for everyone, (including me) but it is another way to play the game. The gear is a BONUS!! I could be all Elite and have a 350 guy with no Elite wipe the floor with me. It's all about honing your skills, the rest is a bonus.
  17. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    There is a significant amount of development time going into elite levels now, and I do wonder if anyone is crunching the numbers to see if it’s worth it from a business perspective.

    But maybe Elite + will be playable in the years to come as we grow. I kind of doubt it. It’s just going to be dead content for the vast majority of players. All this development time for content that has no future.
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  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I still remember the time raids basically only had an elite mode. I’ve quit this game twice, both times because impassable normal content combined with mark relevancy, a single mark for all content and open world-less monthly content made any hope of forward progress impossible.

    We casuals have NEVER had it so good, and if giving the experts a couple of extra SP is all it takes to keep this gravy train running, then I’m happy with that. Ironically I’d rather give them sp than exclusive cosmetics. I have no idea how many sp the people in my groups have, but I get a pang of sadness every time someone summons a shadow bat. :(

    Still, beats being excluded from the entire game.
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  19. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Elite (and now Elite Plus) should never have rewarded feat points. You might argue it's "only a few points"...except if they keep this paradigm, a "few" points will grow into a substantial chunk. Clamping ensured that people who pug generally won't get the old Elite feats, this will ensure pugs won't get even more feats.

    Don't come crying to the forums about players not having enough SP.
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  20. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    You can’t have everything in this game, and that’s ok
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