Free Powers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reluctant, May 16, 2022.

  1. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    I am just guessing >

  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  3. Mysticwarriormj Well-Known Player

    I think they are trying to figure out what powers are associated with what heroes/villains origin wise. I don't think there is a DC hero/villain that is fire based that is in DCUO at the moment unless firestorm is floating around somewhere. But the others make sense to a degree. Diana (wonder woman) i believe counts as sorcery as well despite the fact that she uses little to know direct magic.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Powersets aren't based on one hero or villain in particular, they're inspired by a mix of heroes/villains in combination with typical RPG classes. For example: Rage is visually inspired by the Red Lantern Corp and playstyle is based on a barbarian/berserker class. Nature is inspired by any hero associated with plants and animals and playstyle is based on a druid class. Etc.
  5. A2J New Player

    I guess. I would just like an option of us being able to do our powerless through our weapons again. Fun stuff
  6. L T Devoted Player

    When you go to create a character, there's an "inspired by" option that gives some ideas for this.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    There is a hero called Fire who uses fire powers, but her powers are green. I don't think Firestorm counts as a fire character, his (their?) abilities are based on molecular reconstruction.
  8. Mysticwarriormj Well-Known Player

    Oh I totally forgot about my girl Starfire. How could I forget that when theres a duty early on revolving around the teen titans (specifically raven) that shes like the second boss in.
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    There are a lot of characters these specific powers could be attributed to, but remember the premise on how we got our powers. Brainiac digitized ALL the supers and Lex came back in time and released them in the atmosphere, thus we gained powers. They are actually weaker than the originals. We also don't have access to the full range either.

    Let's take Ice (Cryokinesis) as an example. Off hand, I can think of 5 Ice themed characters from DC Comics, though there are far more.
    1. Ice Maiden (aka Ice)
    2. Captain Cold
    3. Mister Freeze
    4. Killer Frost
    5. Icicle
    These powers could be internal or external (weapons). Brainiac had the ability to digitize every power. Which is why Batman's "gadgets" became a power. But Joker used to be also included in the Gadgets list. (We had Gag Glove and Clown Box as an example.)

    This is also why I wish we had the ability to change our power colors. Since powers can be the same, but the colors do make you unique.
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Fire, not Starfire. Starfire...hmm, let's just say I don't like how she's represented in the game. She traditionally doesn't use fire based attacks in the comics, she uses energy blasts called Starbolts.
    This is Fire:
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, Starfire isn't a Pyrokinesis group, but Fire (aka Green Flame) is one.
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