Fixed [URGENT] Test Server Login Request

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, May 10, 2022.

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  1. Dstdnt Source Wall Promethean Editor-in-Chief

    Tried 10x and no issues so far.
  2. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I've tried it out 7 to 8 times, so far I'm logging in and out just fine.

    I will try it a few more times, I am basically repeating this:

    Log in, walk around for 60 seconds, warp to House of Legends, stand still for 60 seconds and log out. Log back in, walk to and around the warp hub in the HoL for 60 seconds, warp to a new area, stand still for 60 seconds, warp back to House of Legends, back to hub, new area, etc.

    Hopefully someone can help figure the problem out for you guys.
  3. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Other than longer loading times specific to test server(I assume that is because server have to create a zone that is currently not used by anyone) everything seems pretty normal.
  4. KiraStone New Player

    I went on test server, flew around not more then 20 seconds I got dc'd and it said "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world. <0x0100.12> Please exit the game and relaunch, I will try it a few more times.
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  5. KiraStone New Player

    Exactly 7:36pm I was dc'd from the Test server today this evening. I could not use any powers ,just flew around . This is the 3rd time I have logged in the test server. and it said again "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world. <0x0100,12> Please exit the game and relaunch, I will try it a few more times.
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  6. KiraStone New Player

    "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world. <0x0100,12> Please exit the game and relaunch

    This time I could not launch, it took me right back to disconnect page. I Will try again a little later
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Thanks very much to everyone trying so far, and a special thanks to everyone failing! We're looking to get another test server build out later tonight with even more logging turned on (so we can gather more info).
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  8. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I tried at least 12 times in total, no connection issues. And I forgot to mention, I am completely exiting out of the game not just logging out like I said in my last post.

    Unfortunately nothing was happening, so I used a new account to try it out and it also logged in and out just fine.

    I will give it a few more tries tonight after it updates and so more tomorrow as well.
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  9. ShadowedJustice New Player

    1st attempt: Logged in, messed around with character, warped from watchtower to House if legends
    2nd attempt: the launcher took a moment to load (this happens sometime when logging out and relaunching I've noticed), logged in without issue, warped from house of legends to Gotham. There was longer wait time to warp but no issue. Logged out.
    3rd attempt: logged in no issues, warped from Gotham to death metal Washington. Logged out.
    4th attempt: logged in no issues, warped from death metal Washington to metropolis (again warp time took longer than usual. Maybe because they are open world), logged out.
    5th attempt: logged in no issues, warped from metropolis to spring time event, logged out.
    6th attempt: tried a different character, tried switching between characters, warped from hall of doom to house of legends, logged out.
    7th attempt: Logged in no issues, warped from house of legends to death metal Washington, logged out.
    8th attempt: logged in no issues, warped from death metal to spring time event, logged out.
    9th attempt: logged in no issues.

    Times start from 6:03 pm mtn to 6:32pm mtn
    I'm not sure if this is at all helpful but I really wanted to help. I had downloaded a fresh test client just before doing this. I have mid yo upper range rig so I'm not sure if any of that may affect it. I also tried just launching it and closing it a few time to see if that did anything but no issues there either.
  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I'm not sure if the server is down, or if this helps. But I put in my info, logged in, hit play and got this:

    EDIT: I tried two more times and on my second account, got the same thing. I am assuming you guys are updating the world though, as it did not fail at all in much more attempts last time.
  11. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I tried logging into PCTest at 7:07 am EDT and got the "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world. Please try again. <0x0100,12> error message.

    None of my follow-up login attempts were successful.
  12. Eve YouTuber

    Test seems to be down since 7 hours ago, so maybe this is why? Unless you tried when it was still up.
  13. Jevnaker New Player

    oh btw my test server client was a fresh install also and i had no issues when i tested it yesterday.
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The test server is back up with a slightly updated client to download. We expect you to see more varied disconnect codes, not just the 0x0100,12.

    We would really appreciate it if you can try again today and note what code you see, assuming you run into the issue.
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  15. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    On my laptop, I entered the game without problems (I tried several times and from different accs).
    Then I tried to log in with my "gpd win 2", and the first time the "gpd win 2" froze, I had to reboot it mechanically ... after that I managed to enter the game normally (I made several attempts, all were successful).
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  16. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    Ran around on different characters a few times after the update. Not seeing any problems. :oops:
  17. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I did the same things as yesterday... logged on OK and zoned a few times after doing some maintenance. I only got the 0x0100,12 after trying to change characters (crashed on character preload). Same thing today but it's 0x0009,33 at 11:59am ET.
  18. Eve YouTuber

    Just tried it again, had no issues switching to character select or load into world\zones.
  19. sharpy36 Active Player

    PM sent.
  20. Wonder Boi Well-Known Player

    Did the same as yesterday logged in ran around - exited all the way came back into game zoned a couple of times. Nothing but normal here.
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