Pure Frustration Post

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by El Guapo, May 9, 2022.

  1. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    Is the future of this game to make R1 completely useless?

    (Elite duo) Brimstone hand clap 1st press of R1 doesn't work, press 2 times.
    Block Brimstone's explosion....block broken by duo pistol brute (on occasion not even targeting you just present in the room) dead
    3 to 4 volcanos under you, Brimstone hand clap, dead.

    I've completed this duo on many occasions but still can't stand the mechanics. Had a extremely frustrating run today & basically had enough for a few days lol.

    Superwoman fight gets on my nerves too in the alert. I see why tanks are hard to find.
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  2. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Although I agree that it is frustrating at times, I also enjoy the fact that it's never going to be the exact same run. There's an element of luck to it, essentially. I was hoping that with 2 upper augments leveled, that the damage from the lava pits wouldn't be a certain death shot, but maybe the augments were made for regular.
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  3. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I kind of like how spontaneous the brimstone fight is. There is slight luck involved in regards to the stuns on the eruptions, but it is a quick fight to refresh when you just get laughably shut down.

    I've never personally experienced the block not working though. They even gave us more of a warning with a recent patch and it wasn't even that bad to begin with.

    I find that the most annoying part is people not lunging the last boss of the duo.

    The alert feels like a chore though. Superwoman isn't bad if everyone splits up. The healers tend to get in the way a lot. Unless they're battle healing and doing a ton of damage... they really shouldn't be occupying that precious little space the dps' have to lay on the hate. I lose quite a bit of uptime trying to avoid them and hit the boss at the same time. Mostly, it's just the enormous health pool these bosses have. The mechanics are straight forward enough that most people could clear it on the first day... just takes awhile.

    Then again... maybe it just feels like that because of how uninteresting they are. The passed few alerts definitely seemed like there was more going on and we weren't just chipping away at it.
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  4. nawanda Loyal Player

    Be careful. You aren’t allowed to be in favour of an element of luck being involved around here, without some halfwit coming along and accusing you of advocating for ‘RNG mechanics’. Just a heads up.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You can eliminate a little of the rng by knowing mechanics (not saying you don’t).

    If you die because you were block broken and died to explosion than it means that there were still adds up. The explosions do not happen spontaneously. They happen at exact moments based on his health. So if adds are up kill then before continuing to kill brimstone. If you learn where the explosion happens than you control when the explosion happens. You can slow burn when he’s getting close to explosion, wait for volcanoes and then trigger the explosion.
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  6. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    Pop a shield!
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  7. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Don't let it get to you. I have issues whit this one day and the next is flawless. The things I don't like is the FULL floor volcano that he sometimes cast after you beat him and it kill you or both players.
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  8. El Guapo Well-Known Player

  9. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    I DO pop shields bruh. Im Tanking it. You have to breakout to pop certain shields. I said I've beaten the duo a bunch of times it just sucks sometimes. You skip that part?
  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    You'll get better at it if you run the Brimstone duo often, you'll get better dodging mechanics especially the Eruptions. You just gotta pace yourself especially in Elite but even in Regular if you're not careful. It gets to the point you can kinda predict where he'll put eruptions. But if you keep spamming your loadout without being aware of your surroundings you'll get clapped metaphorically and literally.
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  11. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    I should mention I was tanking this since ppl can't use deductive reasoning on their own sometimes.
  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Brimstones attacks seem to come out of nowhere with no warning just bam most of my health is gone, especially that handclap.
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  13. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I've seen Brimstone do the hand clap while on the ground. If you take his life too fast it messes up. Also he still has the volcano when he dies that covers the whole floor and kills you anyway.
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  14. Casey Jaymz Active Player

    To be honest I don't even run the duo just the alert & the raid bc that's where you get the most marks & reknown from. If you're experiening alot of frustration maybe just don't run the duo. I find this episode is alot like Metal Pt 2 which is tedious yes but with alot of practice you can overcome anything!
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    I actually hate the Brimstone Elite Fight. It's too many compounding control effects that ignore the rules. After breakout, you are supposed to have a few seconds of breakout immunity, but he can ignore that and CC you again. First and last bosses are fine, Brimstone is cheap. Then add on the overlapping circles that sometimes makes it impossible to get out of...

    What I found works the best is having a SC ready and your orbital. Burn to second boom, which is also around the time adds come, then hit SC and Orbital. Usually pushes him to next Boom and he can be finished off. (If teammate has orbital, they can breeze the last bit.)
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  16. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    What I’ve found easiest: 2 sorcery toons taking turns turning him into a dog and just holding block while pets do all the damage lol.
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Being a boss, that's not supposed to happen, but we all know at this point, it doesn't matter. lol
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  18. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Yeah, I always figured it was tied to dominance levels and that solo or duo bosses just don’t have much but no idea. I hate hurting dogs but it’s ok if they aren’t really a dog
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Yes, Dom is the factor to control enemies, but Bosses are supposed to be immune to it, though, some bosses seem to be able to be controlled. Dom in solos and duos don't matter though.
  20. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I've been block broken once or twice by an add during the explosion, but it's very rare.

    Not sure why you can't find a tank for superwoman. When I tank her in elite, all i do i stand in the back and roll out of the fire. Rinse and Repeat. Maybe cause it's boring mechanics.
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