Thoughts, 2 healers in the instance, Complementary Powers, and it's not all about the armor

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by AGGUSTEN, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    A while ago I wanted to open a thread like this, it seems fun to mention it, but I have noticed and experienced firsthand, that there are powers that are more complementary to each other, amazing right?

    I have seen the end time of raids, alerts, the death of players in combat, their durability, the speed of team performance altered, either for better or worse, or a common and normal performance, I have also lived experiences How to successfully overcome very difficult circumstances that were already to give up and abandon instances, or there was simply a team with powers that do not shine or stand out well together and the instance has been thrown to the ground, despite having good artifacts, good team

    I give for granted that a good set of artifacts and having the highest armor, are the first thing we see and what we become more critical of and what we know that modifies the success or not of finishing an instance, there is also the factor of how the player play and perform. Still, that's not all!

    And it is very interesting, this is almost mathematical, due to the different mechanism that our powers have, their shortcomings and their pros, that there are improvements in performance by complementing each other⚠️

    But I have also seen the opposite powers or set of powers that do not get along or stand out, This is also often aggravated when there are many repetitive powers in the instance and little variety or a bad combination of variety (It comes to my mind right now, an experience I've had, that the group has about 4 dps witchcraft and I don't remember the other powers they had, but there was no variety and it was repeated,)

    I also want to clarify something that is more interesting! The powers considered as the best or the most pro, this time they are not benefited by being the best or very good, individually if they are very good, but as the complementarity is about covering the deficiencies and improving the weaknesses, or making stronger the strengths, then it is that the other power has the ability to help you innately, and this would be a general rule and not everyone will have their perfect partner

    A ridiculously fabulous combination I've experienced, is having 2 healers (in those cases when a single role isn't enough) of Nature and Water, Water has the shields that nature doesn't, and a heal in a given area, Nature has the group healing to 8 people at a distance and prolonged that affects everyone, I have personally overcome difficult elite situations with this combination, the 2 powers have their best powers in 2 different strengths, and for example, the healer celestial did not achieve such complementarity with water and it didn't work...
    • And what do you think is your complementary power? And what power or group of powers do you think are complementary and those that are not...
    What would be your detrimental power?(example, Electricity always quickly gains the healing of nature, if it has a chance to take effect, they are not compatible at all and although their healing is at a distance and they are similar in that sense, it does not even have the complementarity of: "improving strengths or improving what one is already good at", because A always erases B's efforts).
  2. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    Is there a group of DPS with very complementary powers that you have seen? and that they have achieved an unusual result. And sometimes you usually see 2 trolls per team, I wonder if the troll powers have some kind of complementation
  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Can’t go wrong with electric heals. That’s really biased as I’m an electric healer myself. ;) I’ve done end game raids with 2 healers and no tank so we would become invincible as we would be the ones with aggro. It’s hard to ko a healer who is self healing and another healer who is free to heal you. I find electric with page and purple to be quite effective. As far as the other healer, I don’t really care, as long as they are different and confident. Water does have nice shields, nature has its hot’s, sorcery it’s aoe, and celestial it’s nice combo heals.

    Although (a bit out of scope) being a solo heal can be challenging especially in that (elite) content like fttfe. Tank dies and I run to the other side healing my buttcheeks off to draw aggro away from tank for a pickup and not dying as now the adds are targeting me and staying alive long enough until the tank grabs aggro and release a huge whew! Having a second healer definitely helps in that situation whether to prevent a tank from dying or to simply keep the other healer alive. And if you know how aggro works, then you know why the healer ain’t doing pickups (because they have the aggro and are trying to stay alive!).
  4. Ergotth Committed Player

    Personaly I'm biased on Celestial as the best COMPLEMENTARY healer. They are very burt-ish but the main HoT takes a full combo, but on the other hand they cover the larger distance. You can heal in Gotham and hit an ally in Metropolis, basicaly. So alongside a less-ranged one such as Electric, Sorcery (I mean the circle IS huge, but there are maps large enough someone will be left out if they are not paying attention) and Water (Same with Solace of the Sea) so Celestial can really help pick up healing everywhere while the continuous HoT is handled by the Sorcerer in the team.

    I also found out Sorcery is the best power to use Clarion. Since the bulk of your healing is with things you summon (pet, Circle, Well) it leaves your hands and loadout free to use Clarion to it's fullest. Celestial definitely does NOT work with Clarion! Not only I don't think any of my 6 spells (barrier, Admo combo, Consume Soul, Guardian Light, Prio heal, heal Glyph) can be replaced with the weapon buff, I just can't stop doing the combos and the heals to use my weapon attacks xD And thats kind of ironic because Celestial's weapon buff is animated like you're shouting, or giving a CLARION CALL.
  5. Tilz Loyal Player

    Lets say we only talk about elite content since otherwise it's a waste to run 2 healers.

    Every healingpower does great with Water. Water can just spam shields to oblivion.
    Like really... every power does fine as healing power (even nature can soloheal new elite raid).
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Im always for multiple roles
    I personally miss the 2,2,2,2 days or at least the 1,3,2,2 of this game

    but we still will run 2 heals on harder instances generally go in there with one otherwise idiots leave
    and if main healer is struggling then I or someone else will switch to make the content smoother.

    I for one have no problem making a fight last 2 mins longer to have a smoother run

    heck most of the time the 3rd and 4th DPS suck hard anyway and its not hurting anyone to not have them
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