Being a community player

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnleashedBrevard, Mar 26, 2022.

  1. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    Community player someone who provides the needs to the community by working on more then one character and roles , Tank , Healer , Troll & DPS as extra support to each role so when we get in to content and someone leaves that is needed someone can say hey I got you I have the role needed to fill the spot we lost that is needed more then a DPS let me switch to my tank it needs to content anyways but at the end of the day what do you gain from this but extra work and more grind and what have they devs done for us to help support this more.

    it's 2022 and it's really time for Universal gear no more , Tank , Healer , Troll all gear should contain all stats and those stats should only become active when that role is activated and the cost should cost the exact as it does now for one standard role this would balance the grind and make it a bit easier for players to get geared and be geared the correct way and give more room for other things we need to get done.

    Universal gear would be all stats for Tank all stats for DPS and when you toggle tank or use the armory for tank the gear would switch in to tank stats just like it does if you own a second suit but it would just be the same suit you already have on or else reduce the cost for the character buying them at the moment it's bought not after it acquires the feat let us work on both roles at the same time as long as we buy the same piece tank or dps of the same type the first one is full value the other is half this would allow support to increase along side damage or vise versa for those of us who put support first over damage. nothing wrong with change as long as change is good for the community and it would bring more players to the game changing the grind is what makes some quit.

    Of course if you got a better idea post it below everyone know grinding these suits and artifacts is back breaking and we want to get it done but some no matter how much we grind we will like were getting no where with it.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player


    You are basically taking choices out of players. Some like to mix gear for various reasons. Trolls trying to lower their dominance or tanks trying to battle tanks. Healers trying to battle heal. Taking that away is not good. You then have gear cost. Dcuo makes money from some players spamming to get both sets of gear. So putting a universal gear would cost some profits. A way around would be to increase cost of gear. It now the player who only cares about doing one role gets screwed over.

    Not everyone wants to do both roles. Some don’t want to tank because of the pressure it brings. Some don’t want to troll because everyone expects you to have 20 arts to buff everyone and their pets. People don’t want to heal because they get blamed for everyone dying. People don’t want to dps because people like ti have measuring contest and belittle those who can’t measure up.

    You don’t have to be every role to be good to the community.
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  3. KidKretz Committed Player

    and that's why the first matrix attempts were a failure, it lacked choice! :)

    i agree, no, keep it the way it is :)
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually like the idea of streamlined universal gear as long as it contains all the stats and doesn't take any away.

    If the gear has all the dominance resto, precision, might, health etc.

    The only risk here is that giving DPS more health could potentially feed in to DPS running something like a tetra or a cog, along with a buff controller.

    I don't think the idea is bad, but there's a number of flow on effects to consider.

    They did it with PVP gear (we used to have split gear there as well) so it's possible with PVE, but there would be a number of nuances to consider.
  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    In my opinion, the gear isn't what makes it difficult to play multiple roles. You buried the lead in your post: artifacts and augments. That is where the real time sink is if I want to play multiple characters with different roles.
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I would like to see equipment that can self-adjust its own stats dependent on what role your in.
  7. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    They don't have to take the old gear out to add Universal for those who do the most by adding both roles to all their characters some of us have 3 characters that 6 roles we have to work on while some of you only got one and care about one and act like your a big deal cause OMG i got there first but yet depend on us to HEAL those raids for you Tank that Boss give you power while all you care about is a DPS battle. adding that kind of gear wouldn't cost them any kind of money they can raise the cost of that gear to a fare grinding value and if you think many still buy replay badges I laugh at it I been playing DC since 2011 I stopped adding replay badges to my game they day they stopped giving us a 50% discount prior to that I and league mates spent hundreds I got friend with over 10K replay who quit the game because of all the stupid changes they made DC don't care they make money outside the game just as well as inside the game.
  8. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    They could add the gear with a max and min stat and role selection for those that want to battle tank with a piece being tank and a piece being dps using a toggle system same as when you Q up

    Health Tank
    Might DPS
    Precision DPS
    Dominance Tank

    Would be very easy to do and would make the balance in gear so much better.
  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    There is a lot of assuming you are doing there. I do all roles at a pretty competitive level. I CLEARLY stated multiple reasons why a player would NOT want to do more than one role and you are stuck on "If you dont do all roles than you are selfish". The one being selfish is you. You are expecting everyone to have to play every role or else you belittle them. Not much of a community player if you ask me.

    Gear is NOT was is holding people back from doing multiple roles. Even artifacts are not what hold people back. Its people who are toxic. I CLEARLY gave a reasons to why your idea was not good.

    SOME players buy replays to get gear week one. Just because YOU dont do it doesnt mean others dont...
    Increasing gear cost will punish those who CHOOSE to not do both roles.
    SOME players do not do both roles because of toxic people trying to belittle others for various reasons. Something you attempted in doing.

    Maybe someone only DPSs because when they try to do a role they get called a trash and give up.
    Maybe someone doesnt tank because when they make a mistake they get belittled or kicked.
    Maybe someone doesnt troll because everyone is always telling them they should buff them and they need to get x artifacts
    maybe someone doesnt troll because when they do buff troll people (not just dps) cant maintain their power and expect a troll to also power troll.
    Maybe someone doesnt heal because they get blamed for someone dying even if it is their own fault (not just dps)
    maybe someone doesnt want to heal because they are expected to solo heal while giving everyone SC and only having 3-4 slots to heal with.
    Maybe someone doesnt want to dps because everyone want to have a measuring contest and get called bad for not being op
    Maybe someone doesnt want to dps because metas change all the time and they dont want to keep changing arts
    Maybe someone doesnt want to dps because they get blamed for not being an elite player and a boss takes 1 extra minute to kill.

    There are plenty reasons why someone would not want to do certain roles. If you do both roles than good for you. You are not in charge of what others are supposed to do. If someone wants to do one role than fine. If they want to do 2 roles great. If they want to have 3 characters to do every role that awesome. But who are you to dictate what someone is supposed to do?
  10. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    None of this makes you do anything just because I can heal and or dps doesn't mean I have to just because I Q as a DPS and come in as a Healer doesn't mean I have to heal so move along with the attitude the dictator bs it's people like you why this game has turned so toxic.
  11. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    it's not about being difficult it's about allowing those who like to play both roles a suit to wear instead of those who don't buy both roles I know tons that only buy DPS they don't do support roles and they never will on that character they will support role on a different character it's like someone likes Healing on Water and rather Dps on Rage while some us make a character and like using both sides but have other characters we work on as well and instead of us needing to grind out 6 suits or 6 suits we would only need 3 and those who still want just the one can have it not asking to remove the gear as it stands asking to add another one that is universal so those who spend more grinding out so much can catch a break it's one of the main reasons people quit playing they get tired of the repetitive grinding
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sure I am the one who is toxic when you try to make false claims that someone who only does one role is selfish. Having both roles in one set of gear does not change who is willing to do one or multiple roles. So this suggesting would not change anything on that front. It is just about you wanting to buy 1 less set of gear.
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  13. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    Point in this thread though no one is saying or forcing someone to become a support or a dps if you enjoy being support it's asking to find a way to give players who actually do both a mild break some how rather then some acting like were dictating players roles cause they for some reason can't understand what the post is about and it can be done they did it with PVP gear and it didn't force players do play roles they didn't want to play some didn't like the gear while some did but for those who don't then keep buying role specific gear and let those who go that extra mile buy the kind of gear they want and the arts would still be the same as they are when you switch that role the arts would switch as well.
  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Universal Gear is an idea from WoW. Their version is having one set of gear that has all the stats and those stats switch depending on your Class or in this case, Role. Its certainly an idea I even like for Inventory purposes and not needing to spend more Marks to get 2 sets of gear.

    Now I do agree that this method does kinda remove the method of Battle Roles and adjusting Stats. But I would say the workaround would in fact be how one Specs their Skill Points to determine their effectiveness in those Battle Roles. Which is a good thing cause it could be an encouragement to get more Skill Points.

    My feedback to the idea is I dont hate it. It could work but Deity isnt wrong either and is precisely the feedback I would say the General public would back. Like I said, the workaround should be set by Skill Points to spec into those Battle Roles. But this idea isnt new and I feel it if was gonna happen, it would have by now. But hey, here's to never saying never.