Stat Piercing and Unlimited Pickups Have Ruined EEG Elite Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DocElysian, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. DocElysian Active Player

    Our league went into FGSe, and it felt like the regular raid before we even had the clamp. We easily got the no death feats for both Grail and Zeus because the burn was so fast. Yes - we still had to be cautious about mechanics, but not to the extent as before. What once was one of our hardest raids, is now honestly a joke. After that, we went into USe, and finally finished our Elite Victory feat because everyone didn’t care about dying to the nukes or the tracks because they could just be picked up over and over again.

    It feels like we went in a complete circle to the pre-clamp days. It is no longer competitive. I hope the devs reconsider this decision, as I believe elite content like this has no merit to it. The clamp alone was enough to keep things difficult enough to where it felt like we were running at level with the content.
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  2. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    The stat piercing is fine, however the unlimited pickups never should have been a thing to begin with, well at least in elite.
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  3. Chewsy Well-Known Player

    In my opinion, eeg elite should be a way to somewhat preserve content near its original difficulty. It should be at least a little challenging, and the mechanics should still have to be followed. Cheesing with unlimited pickups ruins a lot of the mechanics.
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  4. Sam Hatch New Player

    The concept of Stat Clamping was often championed with the reasoning of "challenge" and "preserving content..." Now it seems like "neutering" legacy elite raids and attempting to transition the removal of the death counter into relevant elite raids.

    I suppose the proclamp crowd should cease in saying that they desire challenge and preservation in old content when they themselves need handicaps added on for the sake of feats.
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I think you are mistaken its the anti clamp croud that need a handicap for feats and complain about not being able to get the feats because of the clamp

    people who are proclamp thought it was fine before they made it easier for the criers in the last update
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  6. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    There is no difficulty when you play with experienced groups. however there is extreme difficulty when you play with unexperienced groups, lookin at you noobs. thank stats revamp for that one
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  7. DocElysian Active Player

    Elite raids pre-clamp were really easy after 2 or 3 DLCs because we could just burn through mechanics. Clamp comes along and makes it so that we run “at level.” This new Stat Piercing makes it feel like it was pre-clamp. What is the point of running elite raids now when they just feel like regular raids. The clamp was not a handicap for the sake of feats, it was a design choice to keep the game relevant through its 10 years of content. Now that has just been erased.
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  8. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Take off your gear.
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  9. DocElysian Active Player

    Wow, just a brilliant idea! Just take off my complete elite set that took me weeks to grind out for the sole purpose of being as good as I can for elite content. Why didn’t I think of that!
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  10. DocElysian Active Player

    I’ll disagree with the first part of your statement, there should be difficulty in elite raids even for your A team league runs. Elite raids aren’t meant to be pubbed. That defeats the entire purpose of grinding out the episode for the elite gear and SP necessary to be prepared for elite.
  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I definitely think it’s lame that elites don’t have the two death limit. The entire group can now pretty much have no clue what they’re doing but fumble through it as long as people keep picking up. Weeeeaaaaak.
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  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Nope they are not but even reg content isn't for pugging either if you run into a few noobs you can't carry the group no matter ur experience lvl and stats. Well you can but you are looking at an 8 hour shift
  13. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    Now it is great, now more people will get these feats,
    It was a joke before because only a few groups can complete.
    It is still good because the raid is already 3 DLC away.
    And now players will try to do those so called ultra hard feats.
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  14. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    Here we go again: Pro clamp VS Anti clamp.

    Want more challenge? Take off armor pieces, take off artifacts. Don't you want unlimited pickup? Don't get up after the second knockout.
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  15. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Why you didn't? Because you are too worried min-maxing when you can increase the difficulty yourself by making yourself not as powerful, or by not having a super experienced group all-around, or by not using the meta or cheese like EoG spam/Tac Swap.
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  16. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    If you keep the original difficulty, but remove the 2 limit counter, would that be a good medium, something that both parties could be satisfied with
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  17. DocElysian Active Player

    This isn’t about the clamp, and to be clear, I am very Pro-Clamp. This is about the new update that includes stat piercing that all but completely negates the clamp. How does it make sense that I would need to take off gear or artis for ELITE content to make it a challenge? Make it make sense.
  18. DocElysian Active Player

    Sojust the clamp with unlimited rallies?
  19. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    If the entire group isn’t applying that method you just end up being the jack*ss holding the group hostage, especially as a support role. It’d be no different than COUe last boss. I always tried to refuse to jump back in but then people would throw hissy fits if I was trolling or tanking. “Troll, wth? Jump back in! We need power!” Uuuugghhh
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  20. Wallachia Devoted Player

    You have a really bad view of things, eh?
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