My clamp/feat system fix.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Trykz, Dec 27, 2021.

  1. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Yea that’s been apparent from the start. I don’t have the time nor the patience to educate you or bring clarity to your confusion. Reading comprehension is a skill.
  2. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    One more proof how useless you are. Get good!
    Btw, buying someone else's account does not make you good player...;)
  3. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I’ll take some of what you’re smoking pal.
  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Nor the time or patience to play the game and earn everything yourself, apparently.
  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    The only thing I can agree with is making skill points matter more. Players are already getting enough free feats when first starting and/or with cr skip.
  6. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    If the devs want to continue pushing grindy feats and emphasize how integral skill points really are, then they need to go back to unclamping; at the very least the really old content that hardly anyone does.

    Now for those arguing that facerolling will lead to terrible players or new players not knowing how to actually play their roles well -newsflash! they already don't regardless of what content they do or don't do.

    Bad players will always be bad and have been in DCUO since beta. So let's not make up BS as if people who play DCUO actually care enough to do it right and that playing classic content will help with this. And for those of you who truly believe this, man, you need to expand your gaming horizons...
  7. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I dont know why people still refer to them as skill points, seeing as only about 30% of them require skill anymore. Honestly, they should be referred to as collection points, because ever since time capsules, more points come from styles, collections and rewards (Auras, Materials and iconic styles.) Even in episodes, it's more about repetitive play, counters and luck. The only feats that require skill now are elite feats, and I can personally vouch for over 400 sp without a single elite feat. So, in reality, anyone can acquire over 400 sp without much skill at all, just collecting and playing.

    With that said, should players just be granted, not imo.
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  8. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Definitely agree. Feats should definitely be earned and SPs should have a meaningful affect in a character's development and capabilities.

    The problem though is many feats are gated by content that most people don't do anymore and then further gated by the stat clamp. This is primary issue, not earning feats or being granted freely. So yes, like I said above, feats should be earned but man, give us a chance to earn them all equally one way or another...
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  9. Trykz Dedicated Player

    As long as matter more also equals harder skill based feats, we are in complete agreement there.
  10. Brit Loyal Player

    The clamp is obnoxious.

    It does not make content "too hard". This is not a matter of "get good". I DID complete it when it was at-level. I've already run it hundreds of times. At this point, after running the content ad nauseum, it is utterly unappealing.

    And yet, because of RNG, there are still random style bits and base item drops and collection pieces and so on that I need to return for.

    So I'm supposed to go back to something that is easy, but boring, and play it even more because of bad RNG. And that's fine.

    The gearing up was sort of an unspoken trade-off to that. "Sure. You have to run it for the 700th time, when it's no longer relevent. But at least it's fast because you massively overgear it. It's annoying, but it's over quickly, like pulling off a band-aid."

    With the stat clamp, easy content remains easy, but because easy-yet-slooooweeeeerr. Instead of 12 minute raids where you can run past all the trash and burn down the boss in a minute, you get those 40 minute marathons where you have to fight through basically everything and go through content that wasn't fun when it is fast, and didn't become funner by becoming slower. Instead, it just means more time doing something un-fun.

    I mean, honestly, Panopticon Elite is easy and I've run it hundreds of times. I still haven't got the Ultraman Cape. But now that it takes twice as long to run it, my interest in running it has been cut in half. A stat clamp didn't make me want to run boring content because there was somehow some sort of returned challenge to mechanics that I'd played hundreds of times. It strictly made stuff slower, more boring, and more obnoxious.

    I don't need free feats or extra boosts to work within the clamp. But I will never agree that taking away the gear we worked for and clamping us down added any shread of fun to the game. All it did was take stuff that I used to run on occasion and turn it into stuff that I will run never.
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  11. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    This idea is so bad that I fear that the dev team may offer you a job to join them.
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  12. Trykz Dedicated Player

  13. Proxystar #Perception

    It appears you're effectively asking for a nerf to feats, why would anyone bother getting feats at all if they were granted automatically the moment they moved out of relevancy?
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  14. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Granted, but worthless once they became free. (Value of 3 when most relative, 2 when 1 dlc old etc till their value was 0?) much like the OP gear is relative and highly desired while relative, yet worthless after its relevancy has passed. I don’t want to nerf feat points, just change how they are structured, so that the feats in relative content weigh more than feats in outdated content. Though I don’t think the same 3 dlc window would work at Kimone pointed out.
    It was just a thought on how to appease some of the complaints I see often about both the feat system and the clamp, without hurting either camp too much.
    I can definitely see how the upper echelon of sp havers will push against anything that devalues their effort though, and that definitely wasn’t my intent. I think Kimone grasps where I was going with the experiment but it is definitely not a polished idea, just a rough draft of a thought that was immediately attacked vehemently lol.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah I don't like the idea, the people complaining about get feats in clamped content just need to get better, the feats even clamped are easier than when they were released, the only reason they're complaining anyway is cause they're still living that dream they can steamroll their way to feats rather than put in any effort to get them.
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  16. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Not a huge fan of the just get better argument, when a lot of people got the same feats while being able to steam roll content, doesn’t exactly seem fair? However, I wasn’t asking people to really sign on or anything just curious as to reactions, thanks for the feedback :)
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  17. Requake Dedicated Player

    Technically, one can argue that he tries to make the game more accessible for newcomers, something which dc should be very excited about, as they themselves suck at it
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