Make Elite+ Critical level drop slighty better gear then elite vendor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8k3n The 7, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Not gonna happen. The “elite^elite” is for those 8 players who have no life. If you increase gear stats, then it wouldn’t be as difficult. This is not including those who already dislike elite content and everyone else for various reasons.
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  2. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    The best gear in the game should never be gated by RNG. Period.

    The only way I'd get behind anything close to this is if "elite" gear was disabled in elite content and only usable in normal content. That way elite players would be forced to use normal gear to run elite content and it would *always* be as challenging to complete every single time it's run with no way to trivialize it with gear upgrades.
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    No, that just eliminates best gear in vendor which is something players fought years for.

    Just no, silly idea.
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  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I completely agree with you... but I think we both are going to reach different conclusions as to what that means about both Elite+ and the real aspirations of the people requesting it.