Artifact Suggestion: Tetrahedron and Cog

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Dec 18, 2021.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Counter idea: Your concept of a Might + Prec buff artifact BUT it doesn't buff as high as Tetrahedron or Cog. Also instead of the buff being a percentage of your Health the buff could be a percentage of a different stat?
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  2. nawanda Loyal Player

    You have (wrongly) declared that these artifacts are outdated, which was the entire premise behind your suggestion, and anyone who has (rightly) highlighted your mistake has been labelled by you as negative.

    Cool thread bro.
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  3. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    The Op is definitely mistaken on 3 things.

    1. How the artifacts work.
    2. How much they are used.
    2. How massively beneficial they are.

    The Op is also refusing to acknowledge all the people who state this. Stop feeding....
  4. Lara Committed Player

    No, and none of those are are outdated
    Every Buff Troll use Tetra,Cog,Rao,Claw and Art swap Claw with tetra so what you trying here to make 2 artifacts in 1 will not happen.
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  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I agree with the comments about being outdated and the meta.


    Unless you have a super op buff troll that does tac swap with Cog and Tetra, you will always have either more might buff or more prec buff in your group. The troll asks what the majority uses (prec or might) and then chooses the majority of course unless he knows some dps's arent as useful.

    That means, if youre a very potent dps that plays might in a group with 4 other dps wich are playing prec, you wont be able to keep up if the skill level is almost equal.

    I personally hate tac swapping. Its awful and not enjoyable. Its effective but not effective enough for me to do it. Others may choose differently but the majority avoids tac swap, wich results in that issue.

    Lets make a pro/con list for merging those two artifacts:

    • Less/no tac swap for buff trolls
    • Hybrid playstyle gets buffed (still nowhere near pure might/prec playstyles in terms of damage)
    • 1 artifact refund like with Vwd if you had both
    • Less artifacts to rank up as troll (Troll is basically the most benefitting role from paying tremendous amounts of money for artifacts and allies)

    • This will become a must have artifact for trolls (right now its optional although still meta of course)
    • Gadgets prec will benefit most from that change and its already not well balanced compared to the majority of powers
    • dev time investment
    Fell free to add to the pros and cons.
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I said I took back that statement.
    I can't edit it out now, so I apologize.
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Fair point, but I was saying for a way to merge them. As in maybe have to have both at rank 200 1st. Or, get the XP back for free. I know it's a long shot, but an idea is an idea. Was merely asking for a possibility.

    That's fine as well, but I'll miss being a health junkie hehe

    What a violent assumption. I misworded a lot of things, but I apologize for that. I do actively use BOTH artifacts and they are both rank 200.
  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Thank you. This. All of this. This is 110% what I was looking for and trying to explain to everyone. I am one of those buff trolls, which focuses solely on it. With my high SP and dedication to the role, it makes it a lot more fun. Switching between my 200 cog and tetra is easy enough, I was just suggesting a future possibility to make the artifact(s) more convenient. I'll say it again, I know it's a long shot. But that's for the devs to decide. Thank you! :)
  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The thing is this isn't giving them any benefit. Right now, people have to make choices, and with those choices come expenditures which does benefit them. What is more likely is that when they really run out of ideas, they'll build a brand new artifact that does both.
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  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    They should be made in to one. As a buff troll it sucks to have to inspect every DPS in the group to see if they're might or prec and, if it's an odd number, run the artifact the benefits the majority while shortchanging the minority. Or it it's an even number, deciding which group I like better or try to guess which one will benefit the most from the buff. I feel like a parent being forced to choose which of my kids I love more and will spoil.
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  11. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Yes, just for another supportive comment, I must agree: I still use the tetra on 2 of my characters, and I have no intention of changing that. Because of the tetra, I constantly buff my health before going into an alert or raid, at least. That might buff is beneficial to almost everyone in an 8 man (or less) run. The more health from armor (and boosts), and more SP's that come with each DLC, the increase to might during combat only continues to rise as well. These will likely always be useful.
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  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Tetra; that's what I figure, here's why.

    Might users are never going to benefit meaningfully from 6-8 K extra precision; weapon taps don't do that much to begin with so scalar gain is minimally noticeable.

    Precision users, by and large, always benefit from extra might - intelligent Precision rotation (should) utilize a heavy damage opening option, which is either going to be a heavy single-target Burst, or a DOT series, both of which can benefit appreciable from that amount of Might.
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    This was exactly my reasoning.
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  14. L T Devoted Player

    I tell you what would be moderately awesome, is if Omegahedron got like 1/3 of Tetra's buff + 1/3 of cog's buff (non-stackable with either).
    The power regen bonus is underwhelming to say the least. This change would make it a very viable troll artifact
  15. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    With the amount of might I'm already pumping out from tetra and claw with 350k health, I say fudge it, let the prec usuers have 4% more might :p
    They earned it, that playstyle is rough ;)
  16. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Trolling is whats outdated. I finally grinded all my cats and got my tank arts up to 160 after dumping the troll ones in. Dude just let it go and be a dps or tank

    I miss hardlight so much tho
  17. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    As a buff troller, I wouldn't say no to this as a QoL change, but I also don't need it... just reeeeeally want it.
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  18. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    But…see…I’m #TeamPrec4Life :D