Downtime Server Maintenance - November 4, 2021 - Game Update 118

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. ClumsyNinja New Player

  2. Ron64 New Player

    und wöchentlich grüsst das murmeltier
    da fragt man sich doch was die in der einen stunde downtime jeden tag machen
  3. BurnSurge Level 30

    Hey Mepps.....

    Thanks for all you do and Thanks most of all for putting up with "Those that annoy" .... You guys are great.
    • Like x 1
  4. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Active Player


  5. Ron64 New Player

    dachte sowas gibts ja
    der soll ja sogar online sein
    find aber nichts wie ich den instalieren kann was ja eigentlich an sich schon ein witz ist
  6. 080669 New Player

    It could easily be a concurrency issue that would never be seen until you had multiple servers running.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    This isn't related to the game files, but the server equipment that they run on. Test makes very little difference when it runs on the same servers live does.
  8. Dagyr Doom Level 30

    There is a (TEST SERVER) already.

  9. Mytyc Shadows Level 30

    Hey guys just to double check, the server is still down? case i cannot login.
    Now i am curious to know about what did they find in this unexpected way… today is reset day...
  10. Designated Well-Known Player

    • Like x 1
  11. Dagyr Doom Level 30

    Yep closed down tighter than a wingnut.
  12. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    All 6 of those players must be ecstatic
    • Like x 11
  13. AthalwolfCOH Level 30

  14. Nº4 Level 30

  15. EconoKnight XIII Legion

  16. Boss Dark Side Well-Known Player

    i got a lot of work done today, so that's good, at least. :D
    • Like x 1
  17. Trykz Dedicated Player

    This made me chuckle lol I read it in Sheldon’s voice.
  18. UnderworldSelene Well-Known Player

    And I mean this in a positive way....
  19. darry3275 Well-Known Player

    Well gift? Are we finally getting an attack duck uplink? Free base toaster perhaps?
    • Like x 3
  20. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I honestly don’t know if “toaster” was sarcasm. I fully support the toaster idea though.
    • Like x 1