Statue Idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BillNyeIsAActor, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. BillNyeIsAActor New Player

    Just a thought what about a system where a player can get a statue of his or her character in I don't know one of for poses.
    The Statue would come in four colors Stone gray, Stone Black, Metal Silver, Metal Gold.
    It would be big enough for you to put in a base and would be the same size as your character.
    You can even have it bought at any vendor for 100 source marks.
    Just wanted to know if anyone would like this idea?
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    The idea is ideally nice but unrealistic. It will take a lot of resources and work.
  3. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    It's basically the same thing we already have in league halls.

    I love how this player base worries over how much work and pressure the devs are under. LOL
  4. Mecha Constantine New Player

    Perhaps they could have a new Amenity something like in the League Hall? A stationary plinth where you appear as a statue.
  5. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I'm not sure this would be a tough get. They could use some of the same assets as are used in our league halls for the trophy figures. Various poses already exist and are skinned by the leaders in each category.

    Just make them free standing :)
  6. BSEison Well-Known Player

    I think this would be a really cool feature. In particular what villain wouldn't want a statue of themselves in their lairs? :D

    I would be fine if it worked the same as in the league halls (just smaller). You select color and pose and it appears in a designated area.