The Final Solution to Raid Difficulty

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BaelinFishman, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

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  2. Proxystar #Perception

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  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Friendly fire also needs to be enabled. Any truly Elite multiplayer content incorporates strategies for not killing your teammates.
    Heck, what if there was a PvP element too - in the open world. :eek: Could Elite Operation Raids fix PvP?
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Excellent idea, I also think they should re-implement manual PoT for the trolls as well and players lose 75% of their power bar for every 0.25 seconds PoT is not present
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  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Now I'm just sad. :( I mourn for the neutering o_O of the controller role. Clearly, roles are going to need to be looked at. Artifacts are the issue everyone is just too powerful.;) If Artifacts were removed and Content was sold in the marketplace. It could be a new way to monetize the game and there might be a decent shot at elite content. It would put everyone on an even power footing, regardless of how much they spend.
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  6. The Con Dedicated Player

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  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Dang prime was a good raid
  8. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I like that.
  9. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    My solution to that, if you warp outside the map, it will crash your game and double the bosses damage. So no only do you get punished, but so does your group.
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  10. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Just know I fully intend for this raid to be unbeatable and actually impossible to complete or for that matter even come close. Think SM raised to the power of 100 and put that on steroids.
  11. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    No, I described a raid that I would design that is unbeatable and actually impossible to beat. Everything the bosses do is a 1 shot, you can't do too much or too little damage, can't debuff too much or at all at times, can't use EoG, orbs or supplies. I want this to be impossible so its hard and the cryers will stop crying about stuff being too easy.
  12. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Not exactly no, I want this to be impossible to beat, I want to see CR 10k bosses and dead bodies on the floor. I want to see a message displayed after a group wipe saying "Hey you wanted difficulty, here it is". I want to see 0 skulls on boss attacks. I want to see 8 different roided bosses in the room @ once all doing 1 shots. And then I want drink the so called "elite player" tears.
  13. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Hey devs, where that thumbs down update at?
  14. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    On second hand, if all the trashy elite players flock to this, I suppose It would be an improvement for the rest of us as they will be stuck being elite try hards somewhere else.
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  15. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    And if its designed like I want with random a** 1shots and just generally impossible to progress and unbeatable, their characters will be dead on ground and they will be complaining on the forums that the raid is too hard and they can't pass it.
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  16. OnlyNomad The One Above All

  17. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Great idea but we should also tweak Normal and Event content. We go back to pre-clamp and make everything a one-shot, let players steamroll through everything (even relevant content) for maximum efficiency, no more crying that the content is too hard. Leave the enemy's CR at what it is right now in Normal and Event content but boost the player's CR by 1000. Artifacts should also be automatically boosted to 200 for everyone in Normal and Event content. By now you should know that I want Event content back for every Episode, double the rewards in Event and make it so that a simple glare at the enemy completely disintegrates them. Again, maximum efficiency.

    With our ideas combined, like Vultron, no more crying that the content is too easy or that it's too hard.

  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I don't think the issue here is players from either camp.

    There definitely needs to be improvements on tells with certain mechanics. The devs have gotten better but there is still work to be done.

    For example, when Lady Blackhawk or Eye of Ekron does a 360 attack. What determines when, or in which direction this attack is going to start? Is it going clockwise or anti-clockwise, is there a tell for this? (I will cover this in a video at some point)

    A clearer tell, maybe an arrow of some kind, if the boss points at you before doing something to you.

    The messaging could definitely be better, more so given that 99% of the player base on DCUO don't use their combat log in their chat tab.

    I also acknowledge throwing a skull on every boss ability can be confusing. In FFXIV the boss has cast bars and the ability they use is on screen as well, not just in combat log.

    Players in FFXIV tend to be better at dealing with/learning these mechanics because the messaging is much clearer in many cases. It's not perfect, but compared to DCUO it is way better.

    Hopefully the devs are working on something for this, better communication and messaging of mechanics (rather than just in combat log) would help all players in the community on dealing with various challenges in PVE content.