Can we finally fix Empowered Channeling mod?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Last Dragon, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. Last Dragon Well-Known Player

    To actually, you know... affect all channeling spells, not just some of them? Like really, why spells like Mass Detonation and such are still not added, considering those missing spells are not in any way more powerful than other channeling one's, yet those that are overpowered (like Absorb Heat) get included?
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Mass Detonation isn't a channel, it has a cast time. They're two different things. A channel is when you're doing damage/healing over the period of time that you're, for want of a better word, "channeling" the ability. Abilities that have a ramp up/cast time where the damage/healing only hits at the end of that cast time isn't a channel.
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  3. Last Dragon Well-Known Player

    Still doesn't make sense that some powers are left out and are subjects to interrupts. Simply add cast-time abilities to the list then.
    It doesn't matter if its a channel or cast time, what matters is this mod leaves some powers unjustifyingly underpowered.
  4. Lady Mystyk Active Player

    As Jafin pointed out they are different and it does natter. Even when you are interrupted with Mass Detonation the cool down time is over just after you break out.

    No harm no foul. Inconvenient? Sure.
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  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Except your wrong. The mod is for channels not cast times. They arent the same and dont behave the same. Just be ause tou want them included doesn't mean they should be.
    What you should be asking for a mod that not called EMPOWERED CHANNELING and instead called empowered cast times lmfao
    Just sayin
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  6. Last Dragon Well-Known Player

    The main point that you dont get, is that I DONT CARE if its supposed to be only for what you consider channeling. From balance standpoint cast-time abilities also should be included, nuff said.
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Cast times are not included in the mod (besides the fact that they aren't channeled powers) because Cast Time powers hit hard...the trade-off is that they are interruptible. They will not give you a mod that prevents that, otherwise they would have to nerf those cast time abilities. I know you're thinking that they don't have to do that....but that is exactly what they do.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Cast is where you have to fill the bar to achieve the big hit/heal.
    Channel is where you are continuously doing smaller hits over time.

    They are different.

    Though, I do think that the white mods need an overhaul. They definitely have some outdated elements to them.
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  9. Last Dragon Well-Known Player

    It wouldn't. Stop spreading your false opinions and go ACTUALLY TEST POWERS and compare detonation's dps to other powers fire has, you'll discover that it's mediocre and pretty balanced power that doesnt have anything about it to justify it being interruptable.
  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I don’t get it. You asked why other abilities aren’t covered. Others gave you facts as to why they aren’t covered by the mod. And you give your opinions as to why they should be. But you claim to ignore others false opinions even thou they are facts and base your claims off opinions.

    You could’ve just given reasons as to why you believe it should be changed. Do actual testing. Post the results proving why you believe what you do. And be open minded.
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  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Fireburst tends to miss if you use it at range and you can get easily interrupted even by non npcs such as random objects touching you like mental TK mechanic or the wind trash from the batcave raid.
  12. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Allowing Mass Detonation to not be stopped is like...well, I don't know...spamming rifle in PvP? *shrug*
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  13. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Wait, did they tighten Mass Detonation's randomness? I got tired of seeing it hit like a feather 99 out of a 100 times.
  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    like the fact that 85% of all leg mods are for Abilities that literally No One uses.
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    They were also the last batch for sell through TCs. LoL
  16. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    It seems pretty stable now. When doing bounties/bosses like Doomsday it's a lot more reliable than Fireburst.
  17. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Heat vision is a good example of what a channeled power is.