The latest update and PVP

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by NorthernYahoo, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. NorthernYahoo New Player

    The latest update and PVP

    I’ve rarely written on these forums despite being active in DCUO since the beginning, but I thought I’d share this.

    I exclusively play PVP in DCUO. I’ve always liked the mechanics of it and I generally like the aesthetic of DCUO. Up until the last update, I could live with the state of PVP (especially arena) in the game, but now I feel compelled to say something.

    Before the update, PVP was in a sorry state, but somewhat playable. Anyone could jump in an arena and play. Scaling was imperfect, but it was viable. People could be found to play it.

    Now, after the update, scaling, for some unfathomable reason, has been removed from PVP. This was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

    It is one thing to say you won’t invest in PVP because it doesn’t make money. I can understand that. It is quite another to break it so severely throughout the years that a once important part of the game is now unenjoyable. I mean I, and others like me, spend money on the game, and will leave without PVP. For others, it will simply reduce the offer of enjoyable activities in the game and will eventually contribute to the decision of abandoning the game.

    There was a time when PVP was not so hopelessly unfun. I’ll give my two cents. What I propose has nothing to do creating new content, but simply reverting to an earlier, better way of doing PVP.

    (1) Scale any participant to a 95 PVP CR, regardless of gear (and make sure this 95 PVP CR includes at least 10000 toughness, unlike before, when scaling only gave you 2500, despite gear giving you 12000 regardless of PVP CR). Make the first tier of PVP gear (96 or 97) free, for those who want to go through the trouble of going to get it.
    (2) Abolish roles and revert everyone to DPS, like before. Sorry, but if I see one more of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, better known as the button mashing unblockable pvp metas (fusion tank, water heals, lightning heals, mental control), I will LOSE it. Reconciling PVE and PVP balancing in ANY game is hard (and from my experience, simply impossible). Remove that variable. It will never be balanced. But at least all PVP means it’s somewhat fair and balanced.

    Another comment on open world PVP, which is, as far as I’m concerned, even worse than arena PVP. I don,t want to play PVE. I won’t play PVE. So having PVE gear activating for PVP means I’m locked out of open world pvp. Can’t duel or do squat since I’m missing PVE equipment to bring me to an acceptable level. It’s annoying. I don’t have a solution for that one. If I think of one I’ll write to you.

    It is a shame that DCUO has missed this opportunity to entice new players to play PVP. Any player that stays in the game is a potential revenue stream, and with how broken it is now, new players will NEVER play PVP and it’s one more reason for them not to stay. That is bad business.

    So, my message is: you don’t want to invest in PVP, fine. But at least don’t break it. Correct your past mistakes, and make it at least playable for an infinitesimal investment in time and effort. I believe THAT is good business.

    Oh, and PS: So help me God with all the players with spry (small) characters in all black attire to make it “harder to it”. You look ridiculous. Targeting is automatic in the game. Have some originality. This is Oddjob all over again except this time it doesn’t work and makes you look like a basic witch.

    And PS(2): What’s up with the characters with obnoxious/weird names? Like “Corona” Seriously? Or “Readership”, “Entryway” and the like. Just how high are you?

    So as I said earlier, I’ve never written on the forums so I had a lot to get off my chest. Please feel free to add to it, correct me, or insult me, this is an iterative process.

    See you in-game!
  2. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    roles were just fine and balance back before devs ruined it. roles are not the problem it is the devs getting rid of the rock paper scissor system with roles.
  3. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    There is not a huge demand for PvP to be fixed, tweaked, or even mentioned in any update, you saw how quickly they added source marks back to end-game PvE, but as for us End-game PvP players, we're still stuck at gear 101, and what makes it really bad is when you lose to someone in PvE gear, they have the audacity to talk s***t even when you explain to them how often PvE gets updates while PvP don't which is how their damage was more superior.

    So in that regards, I just don't think there is enough of a warning towards the developers regarding lack of revenue or player loss count compare to PvE, but as you say bad business, I totally agree, I don't think anyone in their right minds can sit up here and think this is the opposite of bad business, but you will get those players anyway, so my advice to you op is to keep making threads about PvP, but just be prepared for non-responsive regarding PvP from the developers, you would think 10 years or so, something would change but nope.
  4. Gakt New Player

    No scaling in arena fights is a terrible idea, and having separate gear/stats for open world pvp is an even worse idea. The open world pvp was a huge part of why I tried this game the first time around, and I thought it was done fairly well at the time. I only tried arena fights when revisiting and finding the pvp server empty. But leveling/running missions with the possibility of it turning into a fight is what I enjoy most in any mmo I've played.
    Mostly just commenting to add another voice saying put some damn love into pvp, the current options are not fun.
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  5. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Nope, roles are too strong because there doing the same damage as dps, in addition to having the affinities that come with being in a support role, roles get buffed by default
  6. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Yep I noticed this, the scaling is almost completely gone
  7. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    in the past roles did not do as much damage as dps and that made it balanced.
    also roles had rock paper scissors where heal>tank>troll>heal. so no never ending tank v heal battles.