Soda & Trinket doesn't work in PVP... Is this intended or no?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by BƖack, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Like above ^
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  2. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    I've also noticed players who are missing or lacking PvP gear completely are getting absolutely melted in arenas. Players with no gear are getting killed in seconds by just a few weapon taps.
  3. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    went into arenas and was against a level ten. kept one shotting him until i felt bad and let him win. tbh I do not really mind because in the past you had to have pvp gear to survive in arenas.
  4. Mikeyb2001 Well-Known Player

    yes it's intended however there is a soder cola infinite but it's ONLY for PvP Arenas
  5. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Yeah, this update bugged pvp. Block breakers are doing waaaay too much dmg as well
  6. Puppet Master New Player

    in the past there were no buffs in arenas so you had to have pvp gear to survive or you would get wrecked by a pvp player. I liked it better that way personally but pvp gear was stronger than pve then also.
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  7. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    I think this absolutely should be how it is in open world. People shouldn't be able to mix PvE gear with PvP gear and be far stronger than a player in full PvP in my opinion. In arenas though, it seems a bit too discouraging to newer players that they can barely survive for five seconds haha.