Downtime US PS/PC Extended Restart

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 28, 2021.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Today's daily server restart is taking longer than expected for the US PS/PC world. The world is expected to be up by 8AM PT.

    Update: we are still working through what looks to be a hardware issue. I don't have an additional ETA beyond as soon as possible.

    Update: the world is now online.
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  2. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Thank you for the heads up.
  3. LandosWayne New Player

    Thanks for letting us know. I cant wait to get back on.
  4. Corsair X Well-Known Player

    Okay , I thought it was just me. I glad to here they are working on it. I ported in Phantom Zone after Jor El and dropped to CR 145 from 339. It was very frustrating. I died over & over.
  5. Doittoit New Player

    I appreciate you informing us.
  6. LoganCaron Active Player

    Steve Trevor's missions are bugged..just a heads up to look in to it eventually;-)
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    It's been a while since I've played this early. I thought the hour for maintenance changed from like 4-5am to like 7am. lol
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  8. Ivan Drago New Player

    I tought it was only me, I'm glad to know it's a bug and that they will address it on the hotfix ongoing right now :)
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Update: we are still working through what looks to be a hardware issue. I don't have an additional ETA beyond as soon as possible.
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  10. jumper447 New Player

    this is stupid on a weekend when more people can play get it together
  11. YoNinja New Player

    I need to save the Multiverse! Let's go!
  12. AlcatrazTr New Player

    To some people,The item that goes from when 100 cr to 280 is coming
  13. DevilSlayer80 New Player

    The CR controlling is stupid it's like you don't want us to use our full potential with our armor no one likes it I think you should keep everything the way it is except the function where are CR is being controlled in the missions we do also you burn through so much money on repairs so I think you should switch it back cause I would imagine half of the people aren't enjoying this cause I assure I ain"t
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  14. Eve YouTuber

    I like the clamping. Don't speak for me, thanks.
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  15. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    I'm enjoying it.
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  16. Sandri New Player

    before we could go back to old ep and finish feats we left behind easily, now it's impossible as we're losing CR. I have CR 342 and I can't kill Haven anymore, or the bizarro one in Doomed
  17. ThePanda Active Player

    I barely need to repair, why are you spending so much on repairs? Maybe get Oracle Ally and get her to Fortify Level 3 and slap her into the support role, her passive makes it so over time she repairs your stuff for you slowly.

    The whole reason of the stat clamping in older content it to make it a challenge, allow the locks to be taken away and so that people who are end game doesn't just go in and ruin it for those new players. An by ruin it i mean take away the chances to learn the mechanics of certain instances instead of just get a player to brute force through it. One of the biggest issues i've had was people who didn't know what to do and so just attacked away at things.. This is going to shape people up to learn the different mechanics.. So that when they are in game they won't have to rely on others.
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  18. EdGe7x New Player

    Having countless content to play with meaningful rewards Vs. not running content at all because rewards are trash... I'll take the clamping any day. This change is for the better and I hope our league can be built back up now that we have so much stuff to run. A change in a positive direction.
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  19. Terremor New Player

    why im always looking at naked dude when im loading? my ps loading is fine but on PC it's always that butt....
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  20. Alexei Shostakov New Player

    I agree with Devilslayer80. If you want a challenge, remove part of your armor or go play some elites. And if the goal is to teach new players the mechanics, as you argued, how about testing something called: communication (via chat or microphone)...? Any more weak arguments?

    P.S.: And yes, I know some new players ignore communication. In this case the solution is the kick.
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