Customizable Artifacts - A Good Idea?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Essential Exobyte, Jul 28, 2021.

  1. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Anyway this can be a thing? There are arts i want to use but the stats given are not gonna help as they are for a different role. I cant be the only one, right?
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Out of curiosity what artifacts are you wanting to use for what role?
  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    For example, you want a higher power return as a healer and decide to use Omegahedron and find that it is tailored to might dps stats. Why not switch the stats from might to restoration so it better suits the role. That is just an example and could be expanded upon.
  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    There are definitely several artifacts where one of the three stats given can only result in "WTH were they thinking there???". I know the first couple batches or arts were intended to at least be somewhat beneficial in both support and DPS roles, so there was logic in that at the time. However...

    A: The bump from 160-200 was supposed to include somewhat of a "look back and fix/change things based on what we know now" process but that resulted in zero changes on this front and...

    B: Artifacts introduced much more recently have still included some stat head scratchers. Like why does the Claw of Alkhund as a controller artifact give 3% might and zero Vit?? And don't even get me started on Quislet giving 4% might but only 3% prec...

    Having one of the % stats be a wildcard that we could make a one time choice and lock it in at the first lvl 20 breakthrough is a good idea IMO. It shouldn't be hugely labor intensive on the part of the devs since it's just slightly modifying the current UI and the rest is just changing numbers in stat algorithms. But it still very well could be a lot of work.
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  5. lordexecution365 Loyal Player


    With so many opinions based off of what non-devs think, I don't want to add to it, so I will only ask...

    What exactly would extra vit do when everything can be already ran and beaten without assistance from other trolls?

    The same question could be asked for by healers and tanks as well.

    I don't know why it's so hard to find the most optimal build for any player, because we all have different response times as well as hand/eye coordination.

    I get that maximizing 1 stat is very important, but this game is no different than any other with the functionality of stats, the only difference is we always box ourselves in to only 1 way to play, when we have more ways that could be even more productive.

    No game will just give a player everything at once, having to make a choice is within a player' s responsibility.

    Not that you are wrong for how you be believe the way things go.
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  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I'm all for outside the box thinking. Sure the Claw can be used to battletroll. In that case, why are only might based battletrolls getting a damage stat buff and not prec based battletrolls? Either way, the might stat alone just doesn't make sense.

    Also, a lot of Gadgets prec DPS's, Hard Light DPS's and several other DPS builds run out of power consistently with buff trolls. Atomic tanks as well. Plenty of healers are power hungry also. Even if you want to make the case that trolls aren't necessary or that vitalization isn't necessary, fine. But it's helpful. The might stat on the claw simply isn't...except for might based battletrolling.
  7. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    To be honest, the claw was probably meant for battle and buff trolls using a super powered based playstyle where they just run through there power tree with minimal to no weapon combinations therefore making the main damage come off of might based attacks, even though it works off a group weapon buff.

    What is particularly funny with this artifact is that you can actually control who does the most damage by simply controlling your recharge output as the artifact buffs the people in group who have the highest power bar.

    Dirty little secret for the DPS compers who like to carry their own buff troll with them.
  8. DontCare97 Well-Known Player

    Pal's Trust
    A new artifact that specializes on the pet specialty meaning pets such as Diamond & Stone or Crystal & Brick from Earth,The Watcher & Fury from Sorcery or Legba & Marinette from Necromancer maybe Death Blossom Seed trinket from spring season now folks will wonder who tf is Diamond and Stone they are the inspiration for this art idea they are new pets purposed for my earth rework idea in short it was to change earth golem system from summoning 1 golem alone it'll replace crystal and brick and instead be a new ability for earth called Earth Guardians Brick Tank,Crystal Damage,Stone Controller and Diamond Healer the golems will also have to be redesign to look like actual golems meaning they'll no longer be smaller then the player and they'll be a few inches taller then the player not too tall they'll still float well fly to keep up with their summoner now going back into what the art purpose is i'll start from the healer based pets i thought of while coming up with this idea Diamond,The Watcher and Damage/Healer Death blossom healing effectiveness for example using Diamond her heals be increased Stats: 10% at 80 to 100,15% at 120 to 140,20% at 160 to 180 and last 25% at 200 while same percentage increase for i guess controller pet trinkets someday but going back into my point Stone controller pet for earth and same percentage increase for Damage dealing pets like earths Crystal while also giving an overtime effect similar to Strategist Card with a slight change here's the art overtime effect Stats: Damage,Heal,Power exactly like Strat art but my point is Pal @ 80 to 100 8s 120 to 140 17s,160 to 180 26s and at 200 36s with a 10s cooldown effect after its duration is over meaning the increased percentage will remain the same as longs as the pet is still active the cooldown will only effect the art overtime proc effect and for example i will only speak of the art from its 200 stats at 200 25% overall Healing,Damage,Power regen pet permanently increased by 25% as longs as the art is equipped with 36s on the active pets overtime effect but the 10s cooldown will be the same at all ranks if the art is under 200 remember if your art is at 160 to 180 you'll only increased their overall specialty effect by 20% with 26s on the pet overtime effect and remember 10s cooldown as well now most of you will probably think this will make pets too op but not really its not like i said its not like i said at 200 the art will give your pet such as Death Blossom Seed 100% damage and healing increase permanently and 100% healing and damage overtime for 100s i based the stats i came up with more realistically how they'll most likely balance it because with my exact stats for the arts will not make Death Blossom 1shot any boss in reg and especially not in elites or sm btw art will not affect turrent trinkets and grimorium art ik there are folks who does use pets in their builds for duels it won't give them a full advantage especially against rage cheesers are demon fang abusers and they'll def not do much against the mental and gadget players it might help create new pet builds with arts such as lineup Pal,Source,Grim so remember that source art only increase the pet damage by 200% but for only 5s and to add you only get 10% chance to renew its cooldown so not a lot Btw artifact is any role based stats could be Power,Health,Dom at 200 the Power and Health should be 7650 and Dominance 758 and stat percentage Power 5% Health 5% Dom 3% if anyone wonder why dom was included its because not too many arts give dom it's to help earth dominance mainly but could be used with mainly any powers that have pet abilities but here's what Strategist at 200 looks like https:TheStrategistCard200.png
    Pal's Trust
    Rank: 200
    Item Level: 250
    Experience: 1678722

    7650 Health (+613)
    7650 Power (+613)
    758 Dominance (+245)

    5% Power
    5% Health
    3% Dominance

    A new artifact that specializes on the pet specialty meaning pets such as Diamond & Stone or Crystal & Brick from Earth,The Watcher from Sorcery or Legba & Marinette from Necromancer, Diamond or Marinette Healing effectiveness increased by 10% at 80 to 100,15% at 120 to 140,20% 160 to 180,25% at 200 while also applying an (Overtime effect: 8s 80 to 100,17s 120 to 140,26s 160 to 180, 36s at 200 with a 10s Cooldown) (Does not affect Turret Trinkets or Turret Pets such as Grimorium Verum/Quislet)

    Unique Equip
    Cannot Trade
    Cannot Sell
    Costs 10x Source Marks

    New Iconic Power Idea
    Muni Rework
    Earth Rework
    Ice Rework
    Necromancer Powers Idea
    Tactical Mod Rework
    Pet Artifact Idea Updated
    My Pvp Currency Fix
    Another guy Older Artifact Update Idea
    Creating A New Power From Already Existing Animations
  9. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    I like the B statement. Why would Claw be tailored to dps when it clearly says it is for a controller. Makes no sense to me. Those stats should be changeable so we can be able to use them to their full potential.
  10. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Q What exactly would extra vit do when everything can be already ran and beaten without assistance from other trolls?
    A Extra vit means a little bit more power output from a troll. It is also an essential stat for a troll as they provide power.

    Q The same question could be asked for by healers and tanks as well.
    A Healers have primary stat of health and restoration. Power is also helpful to be able to heal. Not everyone will be might based or precision based but possibly power based such as myself.
    Tanks are also different and would good is a useless stat besides a waste. Maybe a tank wants to have a bit more resto over dom or maybe they just want health, shouldnt that be possible?

    Q I don't know why it's so hard to find the most optimal build for any player, because we all have different response times as well as hand/eye coordination.
    A Optimal build would imply that the stats provided match what you are doing. If they dont, it wont be optimal. I myself found a build but the way the artifacts are built, it does not fully match my build. My healer is power based, electric, I spec all into power and would like to spam powers and not use weapons or damaging powers. Why not change precision and might stats over to either resto, health, dom, or power so it is attuned to my playstyle. It seems to me, my perception, is that the artifacts determine our playstyle/build and not the player.
  11. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    For any dev or mepps reading this, is there a possibility that we can have the option to tweak the artifact stats so it can reflect our playstyle? I am not asking for a rework, just a little tweak is all. Maybe just a single stat tweak per artifact that would be for both the flat stat and percentage stat. Pretty please?

    Its like ordering a pizza with pepperoni as it is your favorite and it comes with pineapple on it. Wouldnt you ask for a substitution so it has bacon on it as that is also your favorite? (assuming you dont like pineapple on pizza and also like bacon on pizza)
  12. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    See what I mean.

    This is not to reply to you directly, but to those who have a wider vision, so no need to feel challenged.

    The stats are already too high, yet you (developers) are encouraging us( the players) to add more burners under the guise that we are good.

    Everyone knows the population is mainly DPS, because it's where the fun is, it's where the challenge is, and it's the first role we are introduced to.

    I would be harsh to say that we need help because of our lack of skills, it comes off rather elitist and not good.

    Where you (devs) are astonished at our ability to beat content, where you (devs) have designed content around how we run content...

    Having yes told to you, by so few can be good, but the problem is it also limited us to such a small usage that all we have is no ability to challenge ourselves or make proper choices or hard choices for that matter.

    Casual or not, the focus should be inclusion.

    Using this response to the person who responded to my question, should be enough to revisit the whole question on why you (devs) gave the ability to give power to trolls anyway and the flaw with the reasoning.

    Return the rock, paper, scissors and let go of the thought of what a few like and allow us to choose more not less.

    We as players need to do better than 1 stat, 1 load out, 1 way of playing and learn to not rely on others, but our own ability to be better.

    There really is no reason that groups should need 3, 4, 6 DPS, except but to help with the burn.

    We need to get away from the mentality of only DPS can do damage and be more open to other roles filling the void of those 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, DPS and either hold DPS to the same level that we hold, tanks, healers, and trolls to or continue to go down this road of insanity.
  13. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Any news on this idea??