Stats clamped concerns... Is content is gonna Resemble LPVE??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ghost27Xog, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I was excited when I first read about the changes about to come but now I unsure about the changes.
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  2. Sammy Well-Known Player

    I'm mostly worried about Elite. I rely on Overgearing Elite to get through it. I know that this will help me find a team faster but.

    1. Will it work for Elite content too?
    2. Will elite content be uncompletable for brain dead players like me?
    3. Forget the feats, are those styles just going to be a pipe dream?
    4. is there no alternative for Reknown?
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  3. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    I'm not gonna lie, I like to obliterate the maps in lower content. We have the control over burning or not burning the maps up now.
    That's fun to me we get in and out. Imo I don't think making players clamped will really make people really want to play that old content over and over again and again after a while people will still get bord. The endless marks we get from the old runs would have been all the devs needed to implement.
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  4. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    That gets old fast
  5. Redwingsrock New Player

    Me Too! Not excited about the clamping,
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    They didn’t say which Superman dlc was going to be featured but I definitely hope it is the FoS series. I want to see how an elite FoS2 would be lol. I can already hear people dying in the chasm.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    They already said that there will also be elite solos/duos/alerts. And those are easy even at current level. So there will be options to get renown

    This update isn’t about us those. It’s about new players who don’t get to participate in any raids because players keep one shotting everything. New players aren’t learning anything while gear up to end game. They then get to endgame wipe and get blamed/kicked. New players facing this are likely to quit.

    Dcuo vets keep saying it’s not fair for them. Or why should they have to try in them. But how’s that fair to other new players? If new players keep quitting when they get to end game cause they keep getting kicked than there’s only a fine amount of players the devs have to work with. The game won’t grow and the days dcuo stay open are numbered. The game has to be streamlined to make everyone have to participate in content so players actually learn things
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  8. Wildcat Committed Player

    Well, Devs are gonna remember this moment for a long time.. it's like sticking a stick into a beehive...

    They are gonna turn off stat clamping after few days/week :)
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  9. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Highly unlikely. When they make a big decision like this, it sticks for a long time. Just ask advanced mechanics.
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  10. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    All your points are valid.. Heck everyone that has posted about this topic here also...
    I just see that after awhile a lot of the community will still get jaded by the change... its history repeating over and over.
    Hopefully the devs will keep updating 'New' and 'Unique' drops in the old content for time to come...hopefully lol
  11. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I'm more annoyed that they're clamping open world too. Yes, I'm frustrated that they're clamping Instances too but at least I can see where the rationale for that comes from. But trying to revive open worlds by clamping...I don't buy it. Even making marks available for all content isn't going to be enough. There's just too much old content and definitely not enough players. I still have trouble soloing Giant Robot and Metal Man-bat at CR 338. The number of players running that old content when I am on is usually less than 5, typically 2 or 3. Now you want to clamp that?

    Heck, just think of all the people required for Patchwork and 31st Century bounties. So many failed Hydra groups now, now you want to clamp it?
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I honestly think my main complaint with the change is the fact at some point you will HAVE to run the clamped content. Even if you have every feat in the game and only have X amount of time to run new content weekly, you will need source and source will come in the older content only. Now, do I believe things are bad enough clamped that we won't be able to complete things? No....I'm sure we'll be able to get it done even with the worst group of noobs, but it would have been nice if it were optional. So guys like you who really enjoy the 'challenge' aspect, queue up and go have a nice 90 min FOS2 run for 10 marks. Me, I'd rather hit a quick 4 min Dox + do a few current daily runs (which I'll be running anyway for 'current' marks) to get the same 10 source. Taking source out of current stuff, removes the 'run only current' option, and the clamp removes the 'quick old run' option.

    I'd also you have 200 artis and 23 augs. Yes they are needed for Elite (pretty much) but do you remove them if you are running older content today? I'd guess not, but why? Cause.... "Who the hell wants to just run through and blast everything?"
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So will re-explaining old mechanics to people who don't listen.
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  14. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    People don’t pay attention now, that’s nothing new.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Agreed, and that's when it's 'easy'. At least now, if you are in a run with, players, there is the option to carry them to the finish line. Assuming the clamp is going to have the desired effect, that will be less available if not removed now. Example, if you run ToTD, and there are 1 or 2 guys who simply will NOT stay away from the essence, I'll 'suggest' the healer stop healing and we let them die....they die and you can recover the run, even with just the tank(in this case me) and 1 decent OP DPS. Won't happen after the clamp. that above situation wrong? Yes....but so is having to say 'STAY AWAY FROM THE ESSENCE' ever single run and multiple times each run.

    But yes, at this point, I'm in a wait and see mode. Hopefully it's not that bad...hopefully those who don't listen today because they don't HAVE to will put their big-boy(or girl) pants on and start learning how things work, and hopefully if all else fails we'll still be strong enough to finish the run regardless if they do or don't in the end.

    If not, I forsee a lot of runs of FOS3/HH and other 'quick' 'no mechanics', runs or a whole lot of OW bounty work...and NOT Hydra...coming. Interesting times indeed.
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  16. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    We're also NOT going to be stat clamped at all for the three most recent episodes.
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    To the OP, that's not the goal.



    The Superman raid for Save the Universe (up-leveled content for House of Legends) is FoS2. Get good, folks.
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  18. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Sounds like a plan
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  19. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Lol oof.

    I think there might be a few people on here who still have PTSD from....




    The BRIDGE.
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  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

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