Will there be new artifacts?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Soldier, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Is the new ally system replacing the flow of new artifacts? Or will they co exist together and each episode we get a hero and artifact?
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  2. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I actually enjoy having new Artifacts per episode, it gives you more activity when finish with PvE and stuff. I hope it continues.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’ll be honest I was wondering the same thing. Usually they say “new feats, new styles, new artifacts, etc”. But they didn’t do that this time. I’m mainly wondering because if they don’t introduce new artifacts they might not add a bonus nth exp event
  4. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I hope they continue them I believe they will though.
  5. Eve YouTuber

    Since It's not a regular episode, they might not. They did mention rewards but not artifacts, so I am not sure. I kind of hope not, but that we will still get a xp bonus week.
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  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    We didn't have new artifacts in Metal 1 though we did have the max level extended from 160-200 and somewhat of a balance pass. I wouldn't be upset in the least if we went one episode without new artifacts and I'm prettybsure we'd still get a double XP week even if not.
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  7. Charon Lead Content Designer

    No new artifacts or augments this episode. The focus is to introduce allies instead so there is a larger offering initially to let players compare and contrast. More on those details in the future.

    Artifacts will continue to be a thing moving forward and allies and artifacts will coexist. The cadence and number of which per episode is TBD.

    And no, no new artifacts does not mean no bonus weeks associated with artifacts.
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  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Augments too??? Damn, the earning potential of my bank full of exobytes just took a big hit...
  9. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Are allies going to socket into artifact slots? I sure hope not
  10. GoldenMaskedGuy New Player

    Allies will work like artifacts with ally xp, ally catalysts and ally xp detectors?
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes I want to know this too please
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  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    They'll probably slot in LIKE artifacts. But I'm 99% sure you don't have to take an artifact out to use an ally. We'll probably have a dedicated slot like the consumable slot.
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  13. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    I seem to have seen a mention that the allies will have a separate UI (I don't remember exactly which developer mentioned this ...) ...
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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    They did say that it will have a separate UI but I didn’t see anything about slotting in
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  15. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    This is annoying, there is very little information and it is scattered on several topics ... and even those crumbs of information have to be pulled out as if tortured with red-hot tongs ...
    For some reason, I have suspicions that perhaps they will work in a similar way as augments from metal 1 (remember those where Dark Robins appeared during the attack?) ...
  16. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Who cares about new artefacts, there's been enough of them lately, we want new powers now !!!
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  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Well they did say they would release more information soon. Anyone being too impatient to accept that and instead adapt their own set of expectations has nobody to blame but themselves.

    Also, I too have been picturing something close to the Metal 1 augments’ dark robin function. I wasn’t a fan of that at the time. But somehow picturing cyborg instead of one of those detestable summummabiches makes it something to look forward to, lol.
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  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Little information? I think they gave a lot of information so far. Not only on what’s coming but on how things work. It’s people that have been misquoting a lot of stuff that is making it seem like there’s no information. And they have also been replying quiet often so I didn’t really feel like we had to force them for information.

    The information that they have released yet is probably stuff that’s being finalized. This community in general can get pretty toxic. Not only if things get delayed from a given date which is why they don’t give us dates anymore, but also with details that they end up having to change for technical issues and people hold it over their heads. So with the community the way it is Id rather them give what they have and not more that can get this community ready for a riot.
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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I actually haven’t played during that dlc so I never got them. Were they summoned from the head augments? If so maybe they will only do 1 head augment going forward and the other slot being placed in the second slot lol
  20. Eve YouTuber

    I appreciate that. I think It's also fair to give a break to artifacts and try something new (Allies System)