No new missions in the next episode?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by devsaregood, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. devsaregood New Player

    Why? I'm struggling to work out why this had to happen? based on this announcement were getting a new hub world, no open world, no new missions. Am I belilve the hub world was so much work they didn't have time to do anything else? but this is far less content than any other episode.

    Also, what's the point scaling up old episodes to current CR if we are state clamped now? if I want to play old raids as they were meant to be played it's now possible.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    More misinformation lol.

    Who exactly said there are no new missions? The devs didn’t.
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  3. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    AFAIK there are some new quests, but no new environments or instances. What they are going to do for this episode is release 3 packs of content (1 roughly each month) based on updated (increased difficulty and mechanics) versions of old content: 1 related to Superman, 1 to Batman and 1 to WW, about 3 alerts, 3 raids and 3 duos/solos.

    The difference is that they will have new rewards specific to this Episode, with their own new currency, styles and feats and will probably get a deeper look on difficulty instead of just a quick balance pass.
    Now, I don't know if they will give us new augments, artifacts or instance feats. I asked it in the original post but didn't get a answer.
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  4. devsaregood New Player

    The only thing we're getting is old content up scaled which does not qualify as new
  5. myandria Item Storage

    Well, upscaled and retooled old content is better than new content that is hastily pushed out with bugs and glitches, in my opinion. Also, it gives players who have played the old content before a reason to revisit them and new players a chance to actually play the old content. If you truly think about it, with this change there will be little reason to need a CR Skip.

    The old content also has unresolved story lines; the devs can easily tie those storylines up by revisiting them and finish what was started. I hope they do that.
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's because they were busy re-tooling the entire game. Technically we'll actually be getting more content than normal episodes, since we'll have 3 solos/duos, 3 alerts and 3 raids in total for the episode, they just won't all be active at once and they'll be upscaled versions of older content.

    The hub world isn't the only thing that will be new to the game when the update comes, so saying "Am I to believe the hub world was so much work they didn't have time to do anything else?" is a bit of a weird take. They have also been working on the Ally system and doing work to implement the new stat clamp system, omnibus system, quickplay system, log in reward system etc. When it comes to the stat clamp system I don't know if that means they had to go back to every single piece of content already in the game and rebalance it or if it was more like "if the entry requirement is CR56 then we will clamp characters to CR(insert number here) + extra stats."

    All those things take time and effort to complete.
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  7. devsaregood New Player

    Sure they did do some other updates but not even giving one new raid and one new alert? come on... like what are we supposed to DO for 4 months+? i've played all the old raids tons of times already.

    also bro it's all OLD, none of it is new, so technically we're getting zero new content to run. I'd rather they delay it and actually give new content.
  8. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I cannot find a picture of tempus with 2 hands
  9. Eve YouTuber

    Literally the next actual episode is in the Fall so you don't have to wait THAT long. Episode 41 is based on new systems and features, and this is also a new content. There will be new quests in the new Hub and stuff to do even if the on duty content is scaled and not new. I don't understand the complaints at all, it didn't even came out yet on test.
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  10. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Lol ppl complaining now but were fine with the already recycled content? I dont get it.
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  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    It's kinda funny - for months people have been saying that they should stop making new content to fix issues in the game... and now they are recycling old content while they address some of those issues, and suddenly the world is ending. :confused:
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That's because he only has one arm.
  13. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    But our characters have 2 o_0
  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Yes. We had to do some trickery to get this one armed guy to look/work right.
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    can i has some 4 arms plz????? *Puts out hands in an Oliver Twist style*
  16. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Still, it's simple, imagine a team most likely reduced for various reasons and either it's having new content of this type, or regular DLC content, I imagine it's complicated to be able to be on all fronts, plus various issues to fix on recently released DLC.

    Personally, I'd rather see more fresh new content added to the game than DLC which is the usual DCUO classic, on DCUO, it's been a long time since we've had new stuff added to the game, although this new stuff will be a hype for a few weeks only, It's always good to have unusual new stuff in an MMORPG, MMORPGs always need to evolve and DCUO, needs it more than ever considering its important loss of attendance, it's high time that the devs stick to it ! !!!
  17. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

    They said no new content. Just new rewards from old. So essentially it's not really an episode it's just a massive update.
  18. Mertal Defer Level 30

    Sorry you don't understand but Instead of Making some short term one month raid they Added a ton of new features, revamped the Ui, Have a solid direction and created a entire new hub for new possibilities for hero's and vils and you complaining... You can't make this up. The first time in years Dcuo has had a major feature update and you complaining about some missions..
  19. Mertal Defer Level 30

    you can't make this stuff up we actually getting a massive retooling to the game and they and they focused on them normal one raid or alert we blow through in a week.. This update is the best thing we have gotten in forever and actually make old content useful and maybe fun to do.
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    People have been asking for upscaled versions of older content, while simultaneously praising the older content. Going so far as to say that it was FAR superior to anything they have released in the last few years. A lot of people missed out on DCUO's heyday and never really ran the content like some of us did. This Episode will give those people what they wanted (upscaled older content which was regarded as superior) as well as new players an opportunity to experience what we did. There will be new rewards and added feats and all that.
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