Downtime Server Downtime - June 9, 2021 - Game Update 114

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    EU PS/PC worlds are now online.
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  2. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Will the Booster Gold quark vendor be updated to the next TC aswell?
  3. Eve YouTuber

    Booster is updated when we get a resurgence mega capsule.
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  4. Latino Level 30

    On Xbox are we not getting the phase feature? I check my map and there's no such option. But currently there's a issue that somehow Heroes are being able to phase into the hall of doom just as villains are also able to phase into the watchtower. is this a test for us being able to play cross faction in the feature or a general bug? I will turn my stream on so you can see whats going on Mepps.
  5. Eve YouTuber

    Phase is disabled due to issues
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  6. Latino Level 30

    oh ok, thank you i just saw it in the patch notes so was wondering, are you all experiencing the issue with being phased into the hall of doom on pc/ps?
  7. Eve YouTuber

    Yes, I am not sure about Switch but US\EU PCPS having this issue as well.
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  8. Latino Level 30

    oh yikes! it sucks its a bug but this would be cool to have as a feature in the future since all content basically is task force x.
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