FFe Critical Thoughts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Dark4, May 17, 2021.

  1. The Dark4 Well-Known Player

    So there was a bug that allows Brainiac to appear twice so you fight 2 of him. It made me think man critical was somewhat easy to beat. But imagine facing 2 Brainiac's for critical level. It wouldn't be far fetched either since Brainiac is known to duplicate himself. Imagine having to watch for multiple charges, multiple pull ins, while also paying attention to crawlers. can we say CHAOS but the sense of accomplishment would feel so much more then the current finish of critical. thoughts?
  2. Lara Committed Player

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  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

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  4. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    YES HECK GIVE ME 5 Braniacs 2 on 1st phase, 2 on 2nd phase, 3 on last phase.
    I think is boring having rewards based on boss hp, never do that again.
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  5. zNot Loyal Player

    Having only 1 boss in general for a raid is boring,when are we gonna get raids with 5 bosses like fos,paradox,nexus had?
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  6. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Now that feedback i can get behind. Wave was such a great raid and the freedom to play it as hard or easy as you wished was great
  7. The Dark4 Well-Known Player

  8. The Dark4 Well-Known Player

    Look fve has that many bosses but kinda lacks mechanics which makes it kinda bland imo.
  9. zNot Loyal Player

    They arent really bosses more like small bountys,i think you misunderstood it when i say Boss i mean big bosses not side bosses / sub bosses,basically they each arent difficult enough to be considered a „Boss“

    For example doomsday in the openworld bounty of the newest Episode is something i would consider a Boss if you put captain boomerang there and compare them you would see that the bosses in the raid itself are underwhelming.

    When i said we need 5 bosses i meant that 5 bosses that you fight each individually (with whatever else they have adds etc) so 5 lootdrops and at the end they get combined like on paradox or Ultimate soldier Elite.

    Batcave,kahndaq,FOS,paradox,nexus,prime battle ground were the best raids imo lots of boss content,and the raids were long and difficult i hope the devs will look into these raids and do something nice for the future raids.
  10. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Take khandaq off that list an i agree 100%.
    I F’n hated that raid lol getting 3 competant ppl to hit switches at the same time was cancer. That specific part aside, it was a decent raid.
    The others were great tho. Specifically my favs in order i think are:
    1) paradox wave
    2) prime
    3) FOS2
    4) nexus
    5) FOS1
    6) Batcaves
    7) FOS3

    After that it gets muddy
  11. zNot Loyal Player

    Yea i mean khandaq out of those i mentioned would also be my „least“ favorite but considering that its a 11 year old or so raid its actually still better them some raids we get these days.

    It still has interesting mechanics such as carrying a objective and having the group protecting it while someone in the group transports it.
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  12. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    DO IT, DO IT I wish I could spawn bosses like the devs can lol Folks like a good time I say give it to them and show no Mercy lol . Make A Elite raid on the scale of madness muahahaha .
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  13. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Fair enough, still..... F*** khandaq hahahaha
  14. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Personally did not enjoy paradox wave as it gave me headaches with the graphics. I would include Gates on that list though. Would be happy to not ever see Brainiac again. Moreover, I wish they would go back to the classic villain bosses that was not a lantern, speedster, involve some human animal hybrid, or robot that we have to time travel to beat.
  15. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Gates was a good one for sure
  16. The Dark4 Well-Known Player

    thats the energy i want
  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not sure why this thread was revived after all this time. But I agree. Batcaves, khandaq, fos1-3, Paradox, nexus, prime, and gates were amongst my favorite raids.

    Believe it or not I actually enjoyed FVe. Not for it’s difficulty. But because it was refreshing to see the devs look for mechanics outside of brain control and block on skull. Yes I do wish it was more difficult. But I want actual engaging mechanics and not sure block and stuff.

    Look at FoS2 and khandaq. They even had mechanics outside the bosses by having players carry options defend, etc. FoSe being announced had be gitty like a schoolgirl lol. Khandaq made people actually have to listen for instructions lol. KhanE anyone? Lol
  18. nawanda Loyal Player

    The ship has sailed in terms of changes to FFe. It sailed so long ago, people have disembarked at the other end. It makes no sense to make changes of that scale to content that is sunsetting.
  19. The Dark4 Well-Known Player

    Yea it’s a gg