savegame login location dc universe online for pc

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bitixix, May 12, 2021.

  1. bitixix New Player

    I need to format pc
    can i know where is saved login for DC Universe online location
    so i can just click dcuo shortcut and dont need to re enter login information
    i dont know if my documents dcuo folder works
    is there any other folder i should look for
  2. bitixix New Player

    any reply help:)
  3. ping on eu Level 30

    I don't know where exactly it is. But I can 100% confirm it's within the game folder.
    If you're backing up the game folder. You shouldn't worry about that
  4. tukuan Devoted Player

    You don't need to back anything up except maybe some screen caps if you have any you want to keep. When you reinstall the client just enter your credentials again to login.

    If you mean you can't remember your PW for your login, assuming you are using the same account for the forum posts you should be able to retrieve it from your saved Chrome passwords.
  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    The Game Folder is: C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\DC Universe Online
    I believe the login info is cached in: C:\Users\YourWindowsUsername\Documents\My Games\DC Universe Online

    If you backup both, you should be fine?
  6. Zamara Dedicated Player

    it's in the same public folder, i backed up just that one folder last time i formatted my pc and when i copied the files back all my log in info was in there.
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  7. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    This is where settings, chat settings, screenshots and logs are stored. I always back this up when formatting.
    I'm not sure about login info though, can't remember.
  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    It seems that only UI settings are stored in the other folder I mentioned. But from it's name, I would guess it's generated as a once-only client manifest. It won't carry across, in that case.