Any plans regarding PVP feats?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by King Bakes, May 12, 2021.

  1. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    No , I wasn't attempting to be a smart ****. Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I am just wondering how having MORE high end fully geared/equipped/sp'd folks would upset the balancing instead of making more people play. I understand your point of view on not spending money and that's the main concern I see of folks that protest the idea. "I had to earn it the old fashioned way! So should everyone!" Some folks "earn" things in a different way. I've played music for over 40 years straight . 4 -9 months out of every year since I was a MUCH younger man have been spent away from home entertaining folks across the globe. I "earned" my money that I choose to spend on the game when I'm here for the few short months out of the year I get to play with my family. I don't have the time to grind out the feats but since I pay for the game year round regardless of playtime I would think I "earned" the right to be on a "level playing field" too? So I would spend my money to purchase the stuff I don't have time to grind for. I get that folks don't want to open the floodgates so to speak and invite a myriad of p2w ideas to come to light. I get that. At the end of the day though this company isn't about competition or grinding. Its about making money for the parent corp. Nothing more, nothing less. We really don't figure into that equation. No matter how hard we try to.
  2. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    Picture this; new person comes to forums for advice on PvP and sees post after post going back years that it is broken. Devs verify it and state plainly "we have no plans to fix it". Would you stay? I believe the answer is no. That's the reason there is less and less to even attempt the feats with.
  3. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    You know if they fixed PvP then we wouldnt have to resort to what's being discussed. Its not the player's fault its hella difficult to get feats due to a broken game and devs refuse to work on it. They already gave feats away when CR boosting. If they dont plan to fix it, remove PvP all together or grant the feats. It's that simple honestly. It's a game. Not a chore. If PvP was fixed then yeah I would say dont grant them but that's not the case. They have no plans to fix it. They've said that. They've shown it.

    Edit: everyone has their own opinion and that is mine. I won't be replying to anything. Just gave my two cents.
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  4. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    To be honest, it’s only the might spec that’s overpowered since it creates the parades of spam that we see currently, which is pvp’s core issue. Prec vs prec matches are mostly balanced.
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  5. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Best ever PvP in an mmo?
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think he forgot the "IMHO"...part.
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  7. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    LOL I bet you do
  8. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I think back when the game started PvP and PvE should have been kept separate outside of open worlds. When they give you that first armory, they should have given you one for PvP and one for PvE. Also. PvP feats should only be good for SP on PvP builds, same with PvE. Then maybe they wouldn't be in the mess with the excuse they give that "the PvE power balance rework messed up PvP". Because they would be 2 separate things
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  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Won't somebody think of the children!

    Seriously though, most complaints about PvP seem to come from the older players who are just salty that newer players are jacking them up in PvP instances and duels lol
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    There's absolutely no reason to remove PVP, again absolutely ridiculous selfish suggestion because the player can't stop themselves from looking at the PVP feat menu and blowing their **** over a few feats they can't obtain.

    The options here are get the feats the proper way or learn to control your excessive completionist OCD when looking in the feat menu at the ones you don't have.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Well yeah, I think the point I was probably expressing is that people are complaining about mostly the 8v8 feats.

    To suggest there's likely any PC player out there dealing with the sporadic queue system running 16 different clients (with different accounts) just so they can queue in to PvP for the feats themselves is not going to be happening, you might get the odd person doing it for 1v1's or 2v2's but even 4v4's and 5v5's the number of clients is simply just going to become ridiculous.

    It's just simply not happening it's a ******* fairy tale, again right up there with the "every PC player is a speed hacker" narrative put forward by console players trying to suggest PC players are just all dirty filthy cheats.
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  12. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    New players leave the forums because they post threads like this n they get over run with thugs. The devs let threads like this hit 20-30 pages and reply to others that are somewhat irrelevant. Ive found that we have to beg for bug fixes so its much more likely for them to grant the feats then fix pvp. Or do as they have for 5+ years and not comment on it at all.

    Its quite obvious that soe saw, and daybreak sees more potential out of the games pve then pvp. My most rememberable experience with pvp didnt come from ques or instances. The most fun i had with pvp in this game was the fight clubs in metropolis or random encounters on rooftops of gotham. Truth is, even if they reworked pvp i probably wouldn’t play it because I barely did when it was “ balanced“. I would get all the gear, be fully geared just because i wanted the style, not because i wanted to pvp. Now i did really enjoy legends, but i dont think anyone is calling legends broken.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    So now the people that disagree with you aren't just spreading negativity, they're thugs...


    Also I guess that's why you're after free handouts, because as self admitted there you'd probably not play it even it were balanced, but you still want the feats.
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  14. Bantos2 Active Player

    Yeah they should have made a whole different system similar to skill points just for PvP, if not a whole system, they could add a PvP tree in the Skill Points tab and disable Weapons Expert, Superpowered and Hybrid for PvP fights. Not the best solution but it would somewhat help I believe.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Who knows? Maybe if there is a big PvP rework, they would do this. Although I can see the noise getting even louder as the PvP tree would get all that much more important if PvP feats were the only SP you had when running PvP. Also you'd almost have to keep an armory dedicated to PvP as it would kind of take the 'just put on your gear' method off the table. Even if the armory is free, it would take a slot out of the 4 active ones you have.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I already have a PVP armory, why wouldn't you even now? You can't just queue in with your PVE gear on, also the way you set your SP is entirely different from PVE - you already need an armory.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think you are assuming that many players coming to this game are coming specifically for the PvP aspect, and if they do...Yes, I'd guess they leave. While I'm sure there are some, I'd say most players come here to play a game as a superhero...which is fully doable in PvE primarily. For straight PvP, I'd guess there are much better games out there where you can be a Ninja or Barbarian or alien or whatever. But if you want to play superhero, you come here...PvP is a side effect.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I did....I don't any more. If I know I wanted to do PvP, I'd grab my gear and queue up...I'd switch it out once I queue in...after popping my 'battle tank' build, which is as close to a PvP SP setup as I have now. Mainly if I do PvP anymore It's legends, so it doesn't matter that much to me.

    And why couldn't you just queue in with PvE gear on? Admittedly I don't PvP much (if at all anymore), but last I tried you can queue in wearing PVE, you just don't get the benefits (especially the soda) and end up with the 'buff' stats and 96 CR or whatever. Has that changed?
  19. Bantos2 Active Player

    There's a lot they could do. But if I'm being honest with you none of the current devs have any idea around PvP, first they'd have to learn the basics around its system and then listen to the right people. Personally I don't think pvp can be fixed with any small changes either, it would need a really big rework from the scratch and a lot of testing. Maybe that PvP tree would be on what they'd work around to remake the whole system.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    You can run with your PVE gear on, but it won't be the same as wearing your PVP gear. If you've earned the gear, the point is to use it ;)
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