precision dps needs a boost

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Cutie, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

  2. Perdition Committed Player

    WD, in it's current state is one of the best melee abilities. It outshines pretty much everything and this is not because of the strat, its becasue it over-performs compared to other melee powers.
  3. Perdition Committed Player

    True, gadget is a clear outliner. But if the controller favors prec dpses with their setup artifact wise, they pretty much outshine might users, which makes sense.

    About the weapons, there are more then 3 options, but the current meta atm that people favor is brawling or dual wield.
  4. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    as everyone is switching to prec for SM lol
  5. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    A power heavy prec rotation would use just as much power as might users, while doing less dmg, especially during this Gemini and buff troll meta. And there are no other options that are viable besides the big 3
  6. Perdition Committed Player

    If you think there are only 3 ''solid'' options, then yeah good on you i guess. But there are more options, especially when it comes down to melee. People just go to YouTube and see what other's are using without testing stuff themself.

    Again, you also have trolls who buff towards prec, you'll see them in SM ;)
  7. ALB Dedicated Player

    Prec keep up with might if their SS, gad, and Elec. That's it. That's all
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  8. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Since you’re technically right, I’ll reiterate and say that there are only 3 viable competitive weapons, and only one does competitive St dmg. With melee you have 4, maybe. Even with that being said, they still aren’t beating might in today’s meta, unless you’re gadgets, and maybe electric because of its supercharge. And if the might user can safely run amulet, then it’s not even a contest
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  9. ALB Dedicated Player

  10. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    You can smash might users with water prec I don’t know what to tell you, SS makes it easier but same can be said for what SS does for might users. Maybe you still have more work to do as a prec user. That’s not a diss but you have advantages as a prec user that might doesn’t have use them to your advantage.
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  11. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Prec Advantages
    High ST Damage- This is simply what really matters as Dps goes most of the time add Dps is who is more thirsty to get to them first.
    Mobility/Survival- Might is often locked in non ideal animations, Prec doesn’t suffer from that and is able use also utilize the amazing tumbling master mod something most might builds can’t do cause it requires the dashing attack mod.
    Limited Artifacts- A huge prec bonus is the meta is 3 Arts have Strat, Trans and Grim/Venom and your set while might dpsing is very situational and requires many artifacts if your truly seeking to chase meta damage.
    Power- Currently on live I’m HL Dps and while my ST Dps is nice I’m limited by power the rotation to get the most is very power costly prec does amazing ST Dps without the dependence on anyone for power that is a huge part of Dps.
  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    It's not precision that needs a buff its all the weapons need to be fully looked at once again. What ur seeing is powers and supercharges being more overpowered then ur weapon. Remember prec took a very nasty nerf. It funny that prec took such a bit hit when. The problem wasn't the weapon at all it was strategist card. Doomspin hits 9x it should have been taken down to 6 hits. Doomspin dmg was infact intended its very easily interrupted. The problem was being able to cancel out of the Doom spin with range tap meaning way less interruptions. The next problem was start card proc was never stopping it was always going off like nuts. That's why ppl took notice of doomspin real fast when start card came out and more ppl spent real money to break the hell out of strat card. The same thing happened with flurry shot. Those 2 weapons were the only reason to have transformation card and strategist card. The devs did a very good job with the weapon pass. This means you can now try powers like munitions and other top might powers. Might base will have its day very soon for now the meta isn't precision anymore.
  13. Fwames Well-Known Player

    Or would you rather say DW Flurry Shot?

    Can't agree more.
  14. Cutie Level 30

    i want a actual dev to reply not you guys that dont know anything i have strat card maxed and trans card maxed and venom dispensor maxed and i am losing in boss damage to might dps that dont have any artifacts maxed doing dual wield flurry i dont care about anything else you guys are talking about
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    As far as I remember the venom wasn’t even a top artifact for Prec every since it’s nerf.

    I haven’t retested the weapon combos so I can’t comment on that but you can’t say you want a Prec buff without taking into consideration everything that people brought up in this thread.

    I originally quit dcuo the week before wonderverce came out because mepps banned me cause he didn’t like what I had to say lol. Yes maybe I was a little heated with the changes but that does change that they took the skill out of Prec with the nerf to flurry shot. All they had to do was lower the tick of the first 3 arrows. This was only the really good Prec dps were hitting hard and those who couldn’t clip properly would lose out on the bulk of the damage. Doom was nerfed to the ground without any real replacement or balance being brought.

    Again I can’t comment on what I haven’t retested since playing around when I logged back in. But what I can comment about was your point on the mobility. It can be argued that Prec actually has it worse than might. The biggest issue with mobility is having to suddenly stop attacking or block for whatever cheap mechanics the devs have in. Weapon combos actually have a lengthy dovetail to the combos which can hurt Prec users more than might users. With weapon combos you either have to let it play out or clip it with an ability. Even flurry shot suffers from this. The mobility from flurry shot comes from being able to jump clip from flurry into flurry. This can AT times get you in trouble. You have to jump clip flurry or it’s animation length is long. You have to cancel these animations with either an extra tap or an ability to cancel them. So a might user will already be in animation and block after a Prec will have to start another might animation and then block.
  16. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    That is a user issue. Sorry to say it that way. What do you expect a Dev to say? I’m more then welcome to take you into a raid where I play maxed out Might Dps and out Dps then, I’m also open to working with you increases your effectiveness.
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  17. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    I mean the same can be said for most Dps WD and Heat Vision straight up makes up for classes that lack single target and AoE that’s a flaw on Dc. But for people to say Prec needs a buff is absurd. Brawling and DW are both very effective at chart toppin. What people actually should be asking for is a buff to weapons outside of those two and not a buff for prec.
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  18. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    This game really is in a sad state I really had to go back through the comments here and the OP comments. It really does come off as I have 200 Arts and that entitles me to being top if someone else doesn’t have maxed arts. Your recommendations and tips ect don’t seem to matter to OP.
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  19. ALB Dedicated Player

    If you're not gadgets or elec SS in the current meta, you not beating might. Equal skill. Amulet and buff trolls put might over the top. If tge troll is using Cog, you have a shot, but most buff trolls don't even have Cog leveled. They will probably change. As of right now, might have to many advantages. In dps comps prec users win, but they have to handicap the raid. No amulet and find a troll running cogs. In everyday content, that's not happening
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  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Ditch that vwd for a cog. It's a start. 2x nth is going on. I don't know any good prec players using vwd anymore