Test Discussion Damage Supercharge Balance - Update

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Feb 26, 2021.

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  1. Vulpar Well-Known Player

    You mean the CC immunity? I hadn't noticed the difference between the two descriptions. That's a pretty small change.
  2. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    The whole group gets a bonus to critical chance and critical damage (which is what I tested).
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  3. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    Seems a buff to me, yes u will not be the top dps but if your group has 3 dps u already winning with this buff. Additionally the cc immunity makes for interesting gameplay. Im very happy with this change, to me Infuriate makes more sense as it is now on test server.
  4. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    there is absolutely no way ANY rage players picks the power to help SUPPORT the team lol
    definite nerf. still no reason to use it over Neo Venom, which gets double the duration.
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  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Lol, probably right but I'll give it a try on my alt. I run tetra and plow thru compounds since every que I get into is a skipfest. I'll take a bit if a hit to get the rest of the team going.
  6. Mr.W Committed Player

    Buffing tank maybe? Lol
  7. Bladechaos Dedicated Player

    Balance is coming.....sounds familiar.....I am all for it .....so long battle roles wipeing raids.....probly gonna be a few frustrated people who built wrong mods and arts and augs....but it's all easily fixed ....given all the free stuff dcuo has given us ! So many over powered people ......you hardly even notice the inferior dps roles out there as is......and if balance comes in waves then people can make corrections in waves......so it sounds good! I think the important thing is to really really make people aware of the balance patches ..,..like maybe an in game message or loading screen......of course some people will still miss it lol but hey gotta try
  8. Bladechaos Dedicated Player

    Scorcey dps needs a damage buff to their sc for sure or maybe while sc is active karmedic damage is automatically applied freeing up and extra attack move...idk how to fix it ....just know it needs 1
  9. Aspar Agus Well-Known Player

    Rampage (Nature)
    (OLD) Receive a damage buff as well as crit/crit damage modifiers for a short period of time.

    (NEW) For the next 3 seconds, any poisons/pheromones you apply or spread will deal significantly increased damage/healing for their duration. (Approximately 148% increased effectiveness)

    [BUG] This is not interacting with Roar the way it should. The buffed Poison DoTs are only dealing normal damage when Roar removes them and not buffed damage even within the 12 seconds of extra damage.

    Reproduction: Apply Poison DoTs to target. Use Rampage. Use Harvest to refresh. Wait 2 seconds to confim buffed poison DoTs are on the target. Use Roar. Observe that the Damage the now buffed posion DoTs do when then are removed by Roar is not buffed.
  10. Thebigwolfie New Player

    Nature's chaotic Growth on live is 10000 sc 30 second cool down. How is make it 60 seconds a improvement? Also Gorilla Form you stay in form untill you use return to normal or die what is this 15 to 18 seconds you referring to?
  11. Dead Reckon Well-Known Player

    Has anyone tested Freeze Ray?
  12. L T Devoted Player

    It does significantly more damage than the other 10,000 supercharges. But it's a 6 second channeled ability so I'm not sure quite what to make of it. If you're interrupted you don't lose 100% of your damage but you do lose 100% of your supercharge.

    It would be great if it spent supercharge over the time of the channel, so you're not completely screwed if it ends early.
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  13. L T Devoted Player

    Even with EoG spam you're not likely to regenerate 10000 supercharge in 30 seconds, so the cool down change should have minimal impact.

    The damage buff from gorilla from is temporary even though the form change is not. On test the buff lasts an extra 3 seconds
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  14. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    Since we are working on supercharges:

    Original thread: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dc...hydrate-ability-supercharge-indicator.313290/

    The OP of the thread:
  15. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Super Charges SHOULD be reverted to their normal numbers and reflect what is on Live now. We need to do this in order to make room for other data changes coming out soon for SM, pets, St. Patrick's Day, etc. SC changes will be looked at again later for further feedback, testing, and iteration but for now we go back to status quo. If you see something that is DIFFERENT on PC Test than Live, let us know.

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  16. Elusian Crowd Control


    2 Furies and a Guardian (gets you some DPS increase to compensate for the missing crits, idk how much it would be tho)

    For Healer role I would drop it to 5.000 SC and just have 1 Watcher + Guardian spawn. Healers already have the Shield SC with healing as 10.000 SC option.
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you look how other "Summoner" builds work in other games a very noticeable pattern emerges of the user sacrificing their own damage in exchange for their summoned damage. Something similar can be used in a pet update where Pet damage scaling with Health. So a person who wanted to fully go into the "Summoner" build, which we still technically don't have, could build towards health over might. Thou the mechanics in todays raids wouldn't benefit this with one shots still being present.

    Just a thought.
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  18. AV Loyal Player

    Updated the analysis spreadsheet in my feedback thread with better refined power BiS DPS values but doesn't really change outcomes or my overall suggestions. That said:

    - I'm leaning more and more towards Nature's Primal Wolf Form changes being too OP in that basically gives them the equivalent of what you're trying to take away from Electricity... despite not needing it half as bad as Electricity needs Circuit Breaker.
    - Feeling more and more like instead of nerfing CB you should simply change it into a Prec/Might buff instead of a raw damage buff. This would allow it to have different Prec and Might values such that the might side could be allowed to continue to be SC dependent (which the power is currently well balanced around as far as Might goes) while toning down its Prec performance (since Prec Elec doesn't have the same innate drawbacks as Might Elec does).
    - If Neo gets its CD reduced to 30s, Ice Elemental needs to remain a 15s duration, otherwise the tank side of it becomes DoA in comparison.
  19. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Just a general question...

    Are these being tested/balanced with artifacts or without? The reason I ask is because some of the artifacts directly impact a supercharge... Scrap of the Soul Cloak (reduces cooldown, extends SC bar, regenerates SC faster)... some require a supercharge to activate.... Eye of Gemini, Quislet (160+ does extra attacks)... and others appear to have an effect that may or may not have been intended... Transformation Card, Strategist Card.

    I ask because out of curiosity I watched my combat tab... and Obliviion had a mix of "<player>'s Oblivion damaged <enemy> for X" and "<player>'s Oblivion critically damaged <enemy> for Y."

    Again... this is the elephant in the room that nobody is addressing: The impact of artifacts, whether intended or not, on supercharges.
  20. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    its centered with them in mind. Thats the perk of running those arts otherwise everyone would have no reason to not to run trans and strat only.
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