Community Style Initiative: Call for Suggestions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    I would love anything Supergirl related.

    Ideally, I'd want this.....

    .....but this was from an animated movie, and I don't know if it ever actually appeared in the comics.

    What about the outfit from the CW Supergirl tv show? Does that count?? I mean, they did bring out a set of comics based on the show, so technically, the outfit has 'appeared' in the comics.......

    ....if not, I'll settle for this lol

    (Also, give us Harley Quinns new hairstyle already! Oh, and some simple high heel shoes so I can make my Poison Ivy look like she does in the Harley animated tv show lol)

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  2. flstudio123 New Player

    The DCUO version lanterns outfit
    Atlantis: The Silent School outfit
    the DCUO version of lexcorp and Star Labs outfit
    the DCUO versionthe GCPD outfit
    can you remodel the RemoraStyle Set
    custom-made power costumes AND more skins for weapons with new effects

    I know this do not have nothing to do with costumes but I wish we still had that mechanic that using the powers connected to weapons
    [IMG] [IMG]
  3. RipTide Level 30

    Some more styles you guys could add are new 52 Eobard Thawne Reverse Flash, new 52 Daniel West reverse Flash, rebirth Deathstroke, Lady Shiva, Bizarro, Sports Master, Tigress, Katana, new 52 blue future Flash, Kid Flash, Impulse, rebirth Wally West Flash, Hal Jordan Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner Green Lantern, Godspeed, Martian Manhunter, Superman, new 52 Batman, rebirth Batman, Black Adam, Black Lightning, Red Arrow, Bumblebee, Enchantress, Jon Kent Superman, Yara Flor Wonder Woman, Danica Williams Flash, Superman Beyond, Warhawk, Nora Allen XS, Don Allen Flash, Dawn Allen Flash, Inertia. Also it would be cool if speedsters could change the color of speed force lightning. I’d also like to see a new stance for flight movement.
  4. Stellus New Player

    It's not a full blown character but on my honour as a nerd, if you give me the Dystopian Amazon Cape without those horns on the back I vow to hunt down and eliminate every person on this planet who has ever annoyed you. Or do your ironing for a week. Whatever you prefer. Just please give me that Cape. It's the best Cape in the game but I never use it because those horns are such an eyesore and ruin whatever style I'm trying to make. That Cape minus the horns paired with the Apokaliptian Amazon head would make some amazing outfits. Oh and feel free to bring back the splendid wings that disappeared from the marketplace never to return.
  5. Stazos New Player

    I'm an old player and I just love style which trascend the humanoid form limit like the "Spirit Forest" style, the "Headless Jacket" style or the summer "Fiddler Crab" style. So it's been a long time I hope for a suit style which can really transform our avatar in a Brainiac's cyborg with reactors legs-pieces and translucent pieces (like the Brainiac Guardian MK-XXII)[IMG]

    Furthermore, I think it also would be really interesting to create a Jor-El Suit that propose pieces which can make replace legs, arms or head by holographic elements just like his Meca in the Raid :

    Thanks for reading ^^
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  6. Owlman Earth 3 Level 30

    Font Style: Snow Owl
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  7. Kn1ght77 New Player

    I second the notion for classic 'disco' Nightwing (I know we have several versions, but this one is SO unique).

    Also second the call for a 'stubble beard' hell, just MORE beards for the love of Momoa!
  8. AntiVenom0804 New Player

    I'm of two minds. One part of me wants to suggest a Rorschach appearance. But the other part of me wants a set inspired by The Phantasm.
  9. velveteen New Player

    Definitely would love to have a Catwoman cowl and full bodysuit or Talia's in game outfit

    and updated fishnets!!
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  10. Flagermus man New Player

    More Outfit from the 40T or bombshell Gear .-)
  11. Raykoou New Player

    RORSCHACH and his geart journal please.
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  12. Guamanian New Player

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  13. N-IX Well-Known Player

    almost all the elements of your request are already available in the game, there are other heroes and especially criminal who deserve a little more light :)
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  14. PWIP YouTube channel New Player


    Jason Todd Robin suit NEW52/REBIRTH


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  15. Dead13 Well-Known Player

    My huge wish list:
    Bronze Tiger
    Penquin (umbrella shotgun will be awesome)
    Parasite (skin or white clothes)
    Killer Moth
    Morgan le fay
    Hellhound [IMG]
  16. The Blurr Level 30

    Laira Omoto
    Superman Man of Steel
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  17. Dark warlorck Active Player

    [IMG] The snake styles of Kobra and Copperhead.
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  18. Nanak New Player

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  19. Dark warlorck Active Player

    [IMG] Mr Sorrow and his floating mask.
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  20. Dark warlorck Active Player

    [IMG] General Zod's new war outfits.
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