2x XP Next Week

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KzR12, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. KzR12 New Player

    I dont know about you guys but I really hope its 2x XP next week. I know the devs probably wanna hold off until the week before the next DLC and continue their normal pattern, but with SM coming imminently it only makes sense to do it now.

    I know due to lockdown that there are a lot of returning players with low-ish artefacts that aren't willing to level up their artefacts without a 2x XP even for SM and with lockdown rules easing across Europe its best they cash in now before people start to lose interest as they go back to normal life.

    I have all my artefacts maxed out so this isn't for me rather for a huge amount of people that wont play SM because they aren't willing to buy their artefacts max without a 2x XP.

    I believe if we get enough people behind this maybe we can get a 2x XP if anyone agrees a reply to this post will go a long way.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Double XP is usually a couple weeks before a new episode so the next one should be later in March as the new episode is in April.
  3. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    More like a week before an episode drops, but yeah we're most likely getting it around that time unless they're feeling generous and gives us one before SM (which is unlikely.. but one can remain hopeful!)
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    I think from a positive player experience perspective they should give players one before SM, so players can swap or choose a few artifacts before going in
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  5. KzR12 New Player

    Thats the whole point of the thread I think it makes more sense to do it before SM rather than after. Its already been 6months since the last one and there are so many new players that have come to the game since then. I bet they want a chance to get to later rounds of SM without having to pay 9000 station cash to get their 160 to 200.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    100% agree, support the idea.
  7. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    It probably might be bonus solar credits
  8. KzR12 New Player

    I hope not it was bonus credits like 4 weeks ago no one wants that
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The next bonus XP week would be during SM and not after but I'm not against the idea.
  10. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    People may feel inclined to spend more money as well to knock out as many arts as they can for the upcoming SM.

    Well, that's usually the timeframe for them. Every 3 or 4 weeks I believe and the last one should be triple solar credits.
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  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    If they are wanting to cash in on SM. Having one right before, the first week of, or maybe the second week of SM would bring in a boat load of money. Especially with the nerfs happening. A lot of electric players gonna be mad.
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  12. Controller Devoted Player

    Good Lord I hope so. My main inventory is about 70% full of nth metal. I haven't spent any since the LAST 2X XP.

    Would hope to be able offload them before end of March or April.
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  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I seriously don't know where I'd put my XP. (Maxed: Solar Amplifier, Transformation, Strategist, Eye of Gemini) Nothing really stands out that I feel must be made 200. I'm thinking the new Computo one since I've been doing some research on and off for doing hybrid for some time.

    In case others are wondering the same thing... (NOTE: Posted last November.)

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  14. Beat Active Player

    To be blunt.
    It would be seriously foolish to wait until after SM's launch to release double art xp.
    Before SM is a prime-time to do double art xp, not to mention we are already in that 6month ish frame, so it's time anyway.
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  15. possessed New Player

    It would be awesome if they did that in the next week, but I doubt it.
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  16. KzR12 New Player

    I mean at the end of the day they are a business and they need to make money dropping a 2x XP will bring them in 10s of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands especially at a time when people are home and have a lot of disposable income not doing it would be borderline idiotic in a financial sense.
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  17. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    I'm all for a double XP soon as I'll need it. Problem is, this thread is showing why they might not want to do it anytime soon. Numerous users have said they have stored up plenty of Nth metal, so where will they be making money if people already have everything ready to go?

    They will only release the double XP when they feel it's the best time to make the most money, which wouldn't surprise me if it's after this supercharge change.
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  18. KzR12 New Player

    Surely the more they wait the more time we get to accumulate more xp which means less money for them xD. The sooner the better from a business stand point. That argument makes no sense
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  19. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Speaking for myself, I am happy to spend on artifact XP and seals during a double XP week. I don't really do it otherwise.
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  20. Cyro Committed Player

    We would all like to see it happen but i think we all know it's not going to happen, no matter how much we hope
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