Which are your most favourite and played Iconic Characters in Legends PVP?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by BƖack, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player


    List below your most favourite and played Iconics Characters in Legends!

    My best legends are:

    1. Future Batman
    2. Catwoman/ Bombshell Catwoman
    3. Bane
    4. The Joker/ Arkham Asylum Joker
    5. Harley Quinn/ Future Harley
    6. TwoFace
    7. Cheetah
    8. Superman
    9. Power Girl
    10. Supergirl/ Supergirl - TV Series Costume
    11. Donna Troy
    12. Wonder Woman
    13. Lex Luthor
    14. Doktor Fate
    15. Felix Faust
    16. General Zod
    17. Bizarro
    18. Black Adam
    19. Ursa
    20. John Stewart
    21. Saint Walker
    22. Kyle Rayner
    23. Atrocitus
  2. Brit Loyal Player

    Mostly, I'm a Bizarro guy. I'll mess around with others when the mood strikes me, but by default, Me Am Bizarro.
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  3. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I definitely 'main' Wonder Woman, but I also enjoy Supergirl, Hal Jordan, Bizarro and Lex Luthor.
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  4. Madine Wayne New Player

    Robin is my main icon character in PvP.
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  5. Eve YouTuber

    I mostly play Wonder Woman and Catwoman. Both are great and fun to play with. I main both, so I can switch and not get bored lol.
    Wondergirl sometimes as well, I wish I understood Donna's loadout and rotations better.
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  6. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Riiiiiiiiight? I feel like I have the worst timing for the shield or heal, but sometimes a good Donna will just wreck everyone.
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  7. MarvelHawkeye Well-Known Player

    Kyle Rayner, and Saint Walker, but I don't usually play legends.
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  8. That1DarkKnight Active Player

    Lex (My go to legends, has flight for counter freedom, Hand Blasters are fun as hell when you're a PC player), Bane (simply because I love throwing rocks or jump cancelling it with brawling), Nightwing (Easy as hell to play and avoid counters with), Amon Sur (people forget to ban him so I spam his claws in tourney finals like an absolute boss), and Batman (Fun to play even if he is cancer especially against another Batman).

    Hope I'm not giving away too many abusable ideas with my answer. :(
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  9. Wildcat Committed Player

    Flash... but my favorite DC character is Reverse Flash / Zoom - maybe one day.. ;)

    Hal Jordan - I like to put people in the cage at the start of the match :D
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  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I used to play Legends a hell of a lot, but can't even remember the last time I touched it now. I think my favourite overall was Cheetah. Her and Future Batman were probably my two most used. I kind of slept on Cheetah for a long time but once I figured her out properly she became my absolute favourite, despite the fact one of her abilities (Blood Sacrifice) has been broken* since day one and just never worked correctly.

    *The description for Blood Sacrifice states that if the attack KOs an opponent a Soulless will be animated. I assume that means you're supposed to generate a pet or something? Anyway no additional effect has ever occurred when knocking out an enemy with Blood Sacrifice, or at least not one that I could see.
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  11. L T Devoted Player

    Pretty sure most of my wins came as Huntress. Bane and Supergirl are probably tied for my second favorite.

    Shazam and Two-face are fun, but they feel too much like cheating.
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  12. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I would love to play Larfleeze especially now during the christmas time. :)
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  13. Zydelo New Player

    Batman..I always found him to be one of the more balanced legends to choose from. Second would be Two Face but back when he was more tactical and not a legends to just button mash with..Third would be a toss up between Dr. Fate and Joker..
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  14. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    My favorite is probably Atrocitus, but my best would have to be Two-Face or Lex.
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  15. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    My favorite and most used legend is none other than Modern Batman. I have played with all legends, but there is no feeling like playing aggressively as Batman. It's such a fluid, fast-paced, violent playstyle. It's bringing the new Robert Pattinson Batman trailer into DCUO. I use Modern Batman specifically because his color-scheme is the darkest.
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  16. Fwames Well-Known Player

    Catwoman and Cheetah

    remember the pre-nerf shuriken frenzy these two are causing? and their combos are just soooo cooool!!
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  17. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    Probably Batman, Robin and Donna Troy
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  18. darry3275 Well-Known Player

    I want to play as a sparring target:(
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