New Renown System

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by coldchilln88, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Im an end game player as are most on here. And one thing we all struggle with sometimes is end game fatigue. The grind. What I'm talking about here is a new renown system that hopefully solves some of that and gives us a break from the sometimes monotonous grind of XP and gear.

    A new overarching renown system. Spread it throughout the entire game post 30. Set up specific DLCs or pieces of content to belong to the specific faction. I know they do this for elite content but its a piece per content every DLC. This would be retroactive to the entire game. This would be you run khandaq for the week and gain some renown or rep towards their set up faction. I understand this is an undertaking. But im just looking at ways to keep people interested and on the game after seeing how bounties have that done but experiencing some fatigue.

    New game wide renown. Add cool new rewards. Cut down on end game grind fatigue.

    Just throwing an idea out there.
  2. Draconiano Committed Player

    Khandaq? No please, I had enough Khandaq for a lifetime.
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  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So make renown no longer tied to elite instances? So wouldn't it just make more sense to do away with elite? Cuz as much as I love a challenge, if I don't need to spend hours learning a new raid and can just go power thru a reg raid or turn a cog in open world, that's what I'd be doing lol. Sidenote: no thanks. I'd rather a reward for the challenge.
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  4. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Nah more just a big system that encompassed the whole game. Just an optional side grind to give us something to play the whole game. Not for elite gear. Just some cool stuff.
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  5. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Eh. I get bored. Like helping lower levels sometimes.
  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Are you talking about old old content you mean?
  7. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Yeah. The whole game. Like anytime you run content with superman in it you could gain renown with kryptonians? Idk stuff like that. Then rank it up over time get rewards.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Interesting idea, but not sure what the end goal is. So we add a new 'kryptonian' scale and get 100 or 200 point renown drops. I'd guess there is a feat attached and maybe something to buy from a 'renown' vendor....I'd guess people would just spam the heck out of the runs, get the renown and resume their normal goings on...same as they do every new DLC.

    BTW, it's been less than a month since Legion launched, if you are already out of DLC renown to grind, you probably repeatedly reset the raid and finished it early. Sorry, but people who do that, then complain about nothing to do, don't get a lot of sympathy in my book. Not saying that's you...just saying I know of some who are 'bored' of a DLC in a week because they hammer it for the first 4 or 5 days. For better or worse (ok...just worse) these bounty spams do give us something to do and the insane bad drop rate on OP items should provide something to be hustling for if left at a natural pace.
  9. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    No im just kinda bored of this particular DLC. No real resetting. Was more of just an overall idea for the game. Pay no attention to the timing.
  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I like this idea. Could use some tweaking, but is definitely a start though
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    I think they should do away with renown and elite gear as it currently exists yea.

    There should still be elite content, raids, alerts, duos even, but the elite gear should be a crafted upgrade to regular gear you have to craft by obtaining consumables to undertake the R&D.

    Perhaps to incorporate this idea you should have to farm renown to buy some R&D items from special renown vendors and that renown is obtained from farming relevant content across the whole game. :)

    You shouldn't start with elite gear, you should earn it, at the moment it really just feels like a sideways movement each DLC nor a fresh new progression.

    If people had to go through progression steps, such as drop gear, normal gear, upgraded elite gear, it would feel more natural and I'd hazard a guess content could be better balanced to challenge people as they progress making them have to do so, rather than just jumping from elite raid to elite raid every DLC just spamming renown then elite gear each time.
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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    I think that sounds logical but what additional reward would players get that do Elite raids? Since apart from renown and tiny more marks theres no difference rewards wise compared to regular raids.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Honestly, nothing... Just kidding ;)

    Look I'll be perfectly honest though, at the moment people run elite for what.

    • a minor statistical increase in stats
    • an exclusive enhanced version of the vendor style
    • exclusive feats
    • exclusive titles
    • exclusive trinkets (tradeable allowing elite players to make hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars)
    Removing the elite gear removes only the exclusivity surrounding point number 1 and 2.

    I would argue that point number 2 is already largely diminished because of materials, people don't largely use nor to an extent care about enhanced versions of gear any more because they're too busy plastering the entire outfits with cosmics and chroma's.

    That really just leaves the removal of point number one, meaning that with work, all players can craft elite enhancements to regular gear by just playing the game in general and buying or obtaining the necessary R&D material, encouraging people to run all content throughout the game to obtain drops, re-igniting old content queue times.

    Certain items could drop in certain themed content, for example if it's a tech related r&d item it could drop in Batman related type content, a magical item; amazon content and so forth.

    The renown could also be streamlined in to three categories based on mentors "Amazon Renown or Magic Renown, Wayne Corp for tech and Meta for Superman" as you collect renown you get access to other special R&D items that allow you to build the elite enhancements, meaning that you have to "play the game" to actually progress those enhancements and it isn't just one DLC, you're rewarded for playing in general, the harder the content the more renown it could offer, with elite offering the most.

    Most people that run elite tend to primarily want one thing, distinction and recognition, they don't really care about the the marginal stat increases or the enhanced gear really, for reasons outlined above. They're after "looking OP to the noobs", that's what it's all about at the end of the day.

    If you give them feats, give them titles, give them exclusive trinkets only they can get, they'll still be amazed at in game by others when they're the only ones with a "sorcerers supply drop" for example or they make 500mil letting someone else join the experience, no harm done really.

    I think a method such as this would also allow greater flexibility to make the elite content as hard as hell because the answer can be, so what, go run Khandaq for your renown if need be, you'll get there in the end, but you won't get the other exclusive items until you actually achieve the result.

    There's other ideas too of course, perhaps such as an exclusive "elite mark" obtained from completing all elite content that allows you to then buy exclusive elite rewards from an elite vendor (such as cosmetics, styles and the like) again giving that "seperation and distinction" elite players crave among their peers.
  14. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    You essentially get a survival mode like attraction each DLC with this set up as you can tune the elite content to hard as you want and drop cool rewards and create a better way for elite gear to be obtained. Create older ways to make old content fun and relevant again. And to add to this maybe make it so the harder the content the more renown you get? Just so you cant spam Khandaq? Or do spam it. Its still replays spent? Unless I'm understanding wrong. Either way I love the idea that this got morphed into.
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  15. zNot Loyal Player

    I definetly think they need to rework the rewards for elite also regular raids the time,effort,skill,gear/artifacts (stats) it takes to complete should be rewarded better. Defeating the most difficult content should have reasonable rewards

    But i also think the current renown system aswell as gearing system isnt optimal.

    I think to reward Regular/raid and Elite raid players quarks (more on elite difficulty) should be dropping per Raid boss

    A chance for a seal (Increased for elite raid bosses) to reward players better esepcially given the fact that solos give the most rewards then any other instance based content per reset token which in my opinion should not be the case (more chances for catalysts,super rare collections etc) even though they dont take as much time,skill,effort or a group to complete.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    More stuff to bloat my inventory? No thanks. Honestly we already have this system kind of as we have to 'farm' the Time Beacons to get the Elite weapon, rings, necklace. Yeah, no crafting involved, but it's farming done outside Elite to enable elite purchase, so kind of the same.

    And how is this not the OP goggles?

    I'm fine with a progression like you can't get reg gear till you hit 310, maybe you can't get Elite gear till you either pop the feat for reg gear, or you hit a certain CR....BUT this would require a massive reduction in marks cost. As it stands the price of Elite gear only works out because to get to the renown spot during the life of the DLC, you'd almost HAVE to replay which you also get marks. If you added the fact you'd also have to buy a regular set first, you'd never finish by the time the DLC was up without replays.
  17. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I think proxy is saying theres no buying elite gear. If you want elite gear you go upgrade it?

    I just want a new renown like system that encompasses the whole game. Its just weird to me you have one in the 1 to 30. Then it stops for a long time. Randomly starts again around 200. But just for elite gear? Could be better utilized to me. And its not very well explained to begin with to players who dont know.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Right...sorry. I meant that whatever we were buying for crafting would have to have the price reduced from what we currently spend to get the Elite set (I think it's >1000 for just the 8 style pieces).
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  19. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Tbh I think we should have 1 set of gear that we can upgrade if we choose to, OR swap it out for the new gear. Upgrading via materials would yield higher stats vs just replacing it with new gear each time.

    So for example if someone who was CR316 chose to upgrade via materials vs me who wanted to take the quick route of buying new gear, they would have what someone that is CR331 has as a heal for stats vs me at CR327 as heal.

    There would be a 2nd currency every DLC just for the material to upgrade would drop in all content tied to said DLC, bounty/solo/duo/alert/raids. You would get the same amount of DLC currency in the 2nd currency for each instance.

    Doing it this way the vendor gear would have a price reduction, for example weapon atm is 95 it would be 65 under this setup, chest would be 45-50 and so on.

    The material you could purchase straight off the gear vendor and it would be account bound, for obvious reasons.
  20. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    they had a system where you could craft gear if it didnt drop to you. back before there was best in vendor gear. so you would rely on drops and then you could use salvage crafting materials to make the piece if you didnt get it. it wasnt popularly recieved i dont think? but maybe a different iteration might be better recieved.