(Request??) I want to DELETE unopened/unattuned gear...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lugo, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. Lugo Well-Known Player

    Can anyone explain to me why I'm not allowed to delete these gear boxes and unnattuned gear? It isn't even an option so I either have to use it or run out of inventory and bank space. The only reason for it I can think of is that the devs are forcing me to the next DLC so I'll buy it... :|

    I want to get my CR up on my terms, when I'm ready. I'm in no rush to get to endgame. I don't play a lot so I still have to work on my artifacts and I still want more SPs. I want to be as useful to my teammates as I can be. And the same goes for my alts. And also I like to have a lot of content to get marks from. And since you can't get the same amount of marks from old content once you've outgrown it (make low-tier content relevant), I'd want to decide when I outgrow a range of content instead of being forced into other areas.

    Is this unreasonable? Iuno

    I want to delete all the unopened/unattuned gear I get so I can control when my CR goes up, not the devs. I don't want to be forced into buying content because this unopened crap is taking up all my inventory and bank space. I know this is on purpose, but it's ******** and this wasn't the case before... I think... I'm petty sure you can do old content and delete the unattuned stuff you get? I forget.

    And if there's an issue with players accidentally deleting gear, you can bring up a double-check prompt or some type of safety prompt. I don't know. But this seems like a super easy fix.

    I can't be the only one who wants to sit back and work on their characters and not be forced into endgame and forced into buying new content by the devs!
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  2. IonHero Committed Player

    While I have tested this method on the test server to this effect, others have said it shouldn't work...

    Your CR is the maximum CR of all the gear you have ever had in your possession (Equipped, Inventory and Bank) at one time.

    So... to start with
    Sell all you Rings (So No Rings Equipped, in Inventory and in Bank), Do not open Unattuned Rings at the moment.

    So now...
    Opening any 1 type of Gear box or Unattuned Gear (except Rings), will be unable to increase your CR. (it's gain will not be able to overcome the loss of CR due to the missing rings)

    So you can open every Chest Gear at 1 time without it raising your CR. and once you have dealt with all the Chest gear boxes and deleted/scrapped you can move onto a different type of gear. (or you could do it 1 at a time open 1 box of anything and then scrap it.)

    When you get to Unattuned rings, either sell an additional piece of gear or go 1 at a time. (Just avoid having 2 rings at a time, unless you sell for instance all your face gear too)

    After you have cleared your inventory, repurchase the rings (+ any other gear ) with the buy back feature.

    If you have any questions I can try to clarify this method.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ding ding ding.....you hit the nail on the head. The game is geared around getting you to endgame. The only thing you can delete is the Utility belt as it's an issue for users who don't own the utility belt mod or membership.

    Part of the reason is probably altruistic, in that they want to keep people from salvaging/deleting things that shouldn't be...but the more probable reason is that endgame is where people pay to keep up. If you are at 321+, you have few sources of 'source' marks....so you need more replays to get them...or you might even need to buy them or buy the things you would buy if you had source to spare (like cats for leveling those artis and augs you NEED at endgame).

    Personally I think all gear should be deletable in the box. I too like to keep a few toons at lower level where they can be source farmers, but with the amount of drops raining down, it's tough.

    One helpful tip, pick a big ticket item like legs/weapon/chest and do NOT open that box. Generally that will allow you to open all but that one without advancing your CR if you get to a certain point (around where the legs/weapon/chest is 3-4 CR lagging behind). Eventually you'll fill up with that piece and will HAVE to open one piece...in that case open purples first, then blues, then greens...but open them all at once...most will get little or no advancement after the first one (which will get a big jump), you can salvage them all and start the cycle over again. Eventually you will have to advance, but it can slow it down a LOT over opening each drop as they come in.

    That and always pick utility belt if you can (delete it) and always pick green over blue/purple. If only blue/purple choices, pick the lower impact ones like mask/trinket/rings vs legs/chest/weapon etc...

    Good luck
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm never 100% sure if this actually works, but if it does it's definitely worth trying.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    The only reason why this works is because you are opening "types" not because you don't have rings. Eventually, it would catch up with you because of the grade of gear you are opening. A chest piece is weighted heavy compared to rings. So opening a purple chest can make up the difference with no rings. Same with weapons.

    OP, you can slow the progression just by not selecting different types of gear. Like collect only head pieces from the loot choices. As long as you don't complete whatever combination that brings you above the next CR threshold, you will be fine. Usually, the best bet would be to avoid heavy weighted gear, like weapon, chest, and legs and go for the lower weighted ones such as jewelry, hands and feet.
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  6. IonHero Committed Player

    Is there anything I could do to prove that my method works to you?
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Ugh, it's not a matter of proof. I know how your method works. And it would work for a long time, but eventually you would get caught in a situation where you have a heavy weighted items that has good quality to it. Like a purple chest, that would bump you UP the next CR.

    You can progress CR w/o having any Jewelry or weapon at all. It just takes longer, because you would have to collect everything else to do it. Trust me, I'm aware of what your method does. I have, in the past, done the opposite of what you propose. Progress an alt with strictly time capsule gear. Which can't include a weapon or jewelry.

    Again, your method only "slows" the process, not prevent it.

    Check out a CR calculator to prove my point. https://odyssey-gaming.netlify.app/cr-calculator
  8. Lugo Well-Known Player

    Thank all of you for giving me some options to work with. I really appreciate the help!

    But I also hate workarounds. Is there any way we can bring this issue to the devs where they'll actually listen?

    If this is as much about money as I suspect, they'll probably not want to address the issue at all. But we are the players keeping this game alive with our precious time and money so we should have our problems heard..
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    I doubt you would get the devs to add something to freeze your progression. The whole CR system is built in a way to go up, never down. (Though, it used to when first introduced, but too many issues of players salvaging gear and dropping you down.)

    They want you to go up too, for money reasons.
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  10. Lugo Well-Known Player

    Oh, I don't want my CR to go down (even though that would be super useful as well), I just don't want to be forced to make it higher.

    It's really terrible when you think about it. You'd think in an open-world MMO you'd have more freedom to play how you want, but these devs want to have complete control over how long you can play in a certain range, certain area, and decide when you're ready to buy the next DLC... Actually I hate it
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Your Overall CR never goes down, it can only up or stay stagnant. I know there are benefits to staying within certain CR ranges but growth and progression are part of the game.
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  12. Lugo Well-Known Player


    And I want to be the one who decides when I progress through content and when I have to spend my money on the next DLC, not the devs.

    If I want to linger around a certain range and collect marks from a wider variety of content, if I want to work on artifacts before I get to endgame, if I want to be behind the curve, I should be able to do that because it's my experience and my time in the game.

    I won't be stagnant forever as I try to optimize certain things. But even if that's what I wanted that should be an option.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    Being able to choose to stay stagnant allows for exploitation of content. Not to say you would, but a player could effectively keep an alt within a CR range that maximizes the amount of marks that they can get and filter things like catalysts up to the high end. This is why the devs wont give you what you are asking for. They want players to not circumvent their progression system by gaming the system.

    Right now, you can slow it, but eventually you would have to open a piece that will jump you over a threshold just to make room in your inventory.
  14. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Exploitation of content and gaming the system? You make it sound as if it's almost cheating to keep alts at lower levels. The content isn't easier for those alts and catalyst aren't cheaper and you don't get that much more marks for doing so as the loot locks and relevancy window are put in place to stop that no matter the CR you are at.

    I have kept like 17 toons in the Deluge-Atlantis window since Atlantis was the latest content. Mostly because I liked that content a lot, but you also get 2 weeklies done in Deluge in a matter of like 6 minutes if you know what you are doing for Applied Science, and the collection mission in Atlantis is also done in like 5 minutes.

    Anyhow, you don't have to do anything crazy like suggested above(no offense to them). All you have to do is when you get a gear box in your inventory, open it and salvage/delete it immediately. Do NOT open more than one at a time if you have multiple types of gear boxes(Face, Head, Legs, etc).

    By only opening a single gear box it will give a minimal increase to your CR so long as you only open one box at a time, and once you delete/salave it, that increase is gone.

    So say for example you are at CR 241 and you open something really good like a purple chest piece and you go to 242, once you delete it/salvage it your permanent CR stays at 242 but your equipped CR goes back to down to 241.

    Because you got rid of that purple chest piece you no longer have that increase to your equipped CR and your permanent CR will NOT go past 242 unless you open multiple types of gear boxes at once. But so long as you open them as I suggested, you can stay at 242 or whatever CR you want for as long as you wish.

    Now if you have a inventory full of gear boxes, open only a single type of gear box and open all of them that you have in your inventory. So if you had 7 chest pieces, open all 7 of them and once have them all open delete/salvage all of them. Then go on to you leg boxes, head boxes, hand boxes and so on until they are all gone.

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Have a good one. :D
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    The way they treat alts, I actually do. But I'm not going to get into that debate in fear of something unrelated to this thread to happen.
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  16. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I think see what you mean, so yeah I understand. Thanks for the insight, you have a good one. :)
  17. Lugo Well-Known Player

    If it's really a matter of "gaming the system," which I don't believe it is, then they've already failed. I can right now keep multiple alts between the ranges of T1-T2 because you can delete those drops and stay in that range. You still get the marks and the nth metal. But considering the old content is pretty dead you'd probably have a slower grind than being able to keep a character near endgame maybe.

    But then why would this be gaming the system? I'm playing the content and getting the rewards. It's not like my CR relevant character alone could blow through things by itself. It's not like I'm not playing the game as intended. If I wanted to feed my main with my alt, all it would be is me rewarding my main(s) with rewards that would've just went to that alt anyway.

    So between the work I'd still have to be doing to get those resources, the breakthroughs that would still be an issue for any character and then the fact that I'm still playing the game as intended, I don't really see this as gaming the system.

    But if it could be perceived that way, we could make catalysts character bound. Or we could put a limit on how many you could own at once so you couldn't stockpile? Non-tradeable? I'm against all of this because I generally don't like limitations on play and I don't see grinding on an alt to feed your main as gaming the system when you're still just playing the game anyway. You'd either be using those resources on one character or another.

    All I want to do is be able to dictate where my characters grind and when I move on. And considering people will already find ways to game any system they can, and considering this would give players more freedom, I believe the devs should give us that option.
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    You can also just buy them with real money. So... Gaming their system.
  19. myandria Item Storage


    I have no issues with leveling up my characters when and how I want them to. I've been playing this game since 2012 and only ONE of my characters (I have 17) is close to true end game level; she doesn't have any finished OP items and can still farm source marks/content currency from BoP through Legion. She only has one artifact at max, which is the Soder Artifact. My main character is CR315. My next highest is in Metal Part 1, and the third highest is in Justice League Dark. All my other characters are in Age of Justice and below.

    What I do is not not play new content when it launches for the first week or so. I concentrate on playing the 2 episodes below the new one until she barely makes the minimum CR for the new content. When I get to the new content and get gear box drops, I will open the box and put it on just to collect the style, then I will remove the new gear and salvage/sell to the vendor/donate it to my league if I'm not ready for that character to level.

    I dont like playing my lower level characters in new content, even though the content clamp would allow them to; I feel that my characters should organically level up to get there and it is easier than ever to do than it was when I first started playing this game.

    Deleting the gear drops from daily content will help control how fast you let your character level; never buy CR gear from the content vendor unless you are truly ready to level your character. Gear drops from raids are great turnover items if you don't want to use them.

    As far as unattuned gear, I put those in my shared bank and have my lower level characters claim them if they are tradeable. If they are not, then I will open and sell them to the vendor. You can open those gear boxes and still control your level simply by selling/deleting the gear inside of them.

    You may want to consider buying more shared bank space when it goes on sale so you can transfer gear/items to your lower level characters faster, as mailing them takes a bit too long.
  20. Lugo Well-Known Player

    Seems like their system is gaming us if you ask me. They don't let you buy your way through playing the game by accident.

    It sounds like your CR is going up but your keeping your equipped CR low. Is that what's going on here? And if so, wouldn't this make the content your running drop less marks because you're out of range?

    Whatever the case, I still want to be able to delete unattuned and unopened gear.