Threats !

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Space Zero Funked, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Space Zero Funked New Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    To give you some context; this person did some "giveaway" during the Extra Life stream day, and named it "More Life" or something of that nature.. he forced all players he gathered to form a line before him as for who can claim priority. Well so far..okay. I put on my gorilla trinket after a minute or two as I thought it would be funny to mess a bit with all these people that wanted free stuff; I threw a few barrels to break the line but I wasn't planning to stay there too long as I'm not much of a procrastinator (this doesn't really matter though). Quickly enough the guy comes up to me and sends me a private message and says " This is an official giveaway" (unfortunately I didn't take a picture of that) and I laughed.

    As a final note, this post is for the story's entertainment value and to also turn on a few lights, as when you're informed you'll sometimes have a few extra good laughs ;) <3

    Edit: images removed
  2. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    Yea you should've pm mepps about this so they could confirm because I highly doubt anyone named OG is a dev. Also this falls under the blacklisting thing which is another reason you might wanna just pm him if you worried about it.
    Side note: sad to see 5v5 is still a thing
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    FYI, blacklisting is against forum rules.
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  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Players cant do squat but ***** and complain to other players. Only devs have the power to do anything to players. And players cant tell anyone else to do or not do anything. They can ask politely to stay back or not do something but demand it in a dbag way is a no go.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, was going to say, anyone who has the '5v5' chat better grow a thicker skin that this. That chat is awful. As I'm invited to it about once a day, unsolicited, sometimes I accept the inv and just leave my mic on with some loud, terrible, music playing. It is funny to see that 'in chat' number drop from 40s to 10s or 20s real quick. I bail after an 45 min or hour when I'm done on that toon and delete the channel on the next one.

    As far as the OP's situation, while the person 'threatening' probably has no grounds, coming over to someone's giveaway/contest...or screwing with people by the vendors...or repeatedly duel inviting someone who's said no, is all pretty much petty trolling. No offense, but you can't be too surprised when someone fires back at you for doing it.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Couple of things:
    • Devs don't talk like that.
    • Don't believe everything someone tells you.
    • Do report bad behavior to our team in a customer service ticket at
    • Don'tpost reports about specific players to the forums or screenshots like this.
      • They are too easy to fake and use them to cause drama, problems, and bad will.
      • Nothing can be done based on a report here. Customer service verifies and takes whatever appropriate action.
    If the forum rules are confusing, please send me a private message with your question. It's not worth your time to post 17 paragraphs of hate-whining because you can't handle not being able blacklist and break the rules without consequences. (Comments not directed at the OP.)

    • Like x 8
  7. Space Zero Funked New Player

    Thank you for the clarification Mepps! although I wasn't aiming to blacklist, rather, raise awareness of the issue as I feel like some things need to be shown publicly and many people can be tricked (we all still learn and we all have something to give). If say I was to submit a ticket, yes the DCUO team would see it and perhaps take action if necessary, but the players would never know. I now also see that indeed I could blur the name+rest of the names and I do apologize for the inconvenience, it just didn't pass my mind during that moment.
  8. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    What am i missing here? I read your post 3x and dont see where anyone threatened you???
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There were screenshots, Mepps removed them.
  10. Space Zero Funked New Player

    What's missing is this:
    Person A says : if necessary I will get you removed 4 a day if you keep trolling
    Me: umm are you a dev?
    Person A: yes i am
    Me: lol

    And really, you can understand by my post that I didn't get even the slightest belief that he was a dev. My intent was to present this case as an example, also in a humorous way.. Plus I know I can't prove that I'm innocent in this, you can choose or not to, take my word for it (that goes for the part where I'm "trolling him"). I've played enough to know for myself that people will come to you and unleash their worst self if you give them whatever excuse they're looking for in their confused mind; just don't take them seriously. If you keep them at distance maybe they'll actually put the effort to grow their brain and everyone will be happy.
  11. TritonD3 Well-Known Player

    Innocent might be the wrong choice of words. Like Mepps said, you were purposefully trolling other players and got called out for it.
  12. Space Zero Funked New Player

    Mepps never said I was trolling lol, he removed my pictures because they had the name of the person ( and if you see my response to him I agreed with his move).. also you can't assume, you simply weren't there. If you throw 8 barrels with the gorilla trinket on people is trolling? then maybe I'll tie my eyes next time I go outside in case someones gets offended !
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Long story short, trolling is trolling. 8 barrels or hours of spamming duels, or chat inv or's all trolling. Now, this guy was doing some 'community' thing...costume contest or whatever...and you decided to mess with him. Not sure how 'tieing your eyes' has anything to do with it other than next time you won't know where to throw your 8 barrels.

    Not saying it was egregious trolling or bannable or whatever...but to the person being trolled, it's annoying, which I'm guessing was your purpose. The guy firing off a 'hey...I'm a dev and you will be banned' was a lame shot back, but a threat it was not. I'd say it's about equal to people who yell "REPORTED" in chat but never have any intention of actually reporting to DI. Blacklisting the guy (since removed anyway) is another example of trolling btw. So far in this post I'd score it "Trolling score....SpaceZero - 2....Lame 'fake dev' guy - 0".
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  14. Walvine Well-Known Player

    OG just means the term Oldschool Gamer , On eu server when some ones asking for free aura or mat it's normally always some one with OG or numeric prefix with in their characters ID's common in all mmo's not just in dcuo.
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  15. Space Zero Funked New Player

    Since you keep a trolling score card.. the blacklisting was unintentional if you haven't already understood from previous posts, so minus one point. The second part where I threw 8 barrels..that you consider as "trolling", the way I view it as a term is more on the harmful side, but anyway I'll give it to you because I understand it is language. If you check my profile I have no other posts about these types of people which are everywhere in the game as you also said; but I simply Don't bother! It just happened I bothered this time, and please take the time to understand that the title is a bit inflated...I use exaggeration to make it funny as it has no value to be taken seriously, on the other hand side the message is serious which is about not being touched by these people who project this attitude.
  16. Space Zero Funked New Player

    I didn't know that, I thought it meant Original, which made some sense to me haha, thanks !
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Trolling is doing something to annoy or get a rise out of someone....harrassment would be to actually do harm or hurt someone or take the same 'fun' trolling to the next level (such as if you kept throwing barrells....all day...or followed the guy around to keep messing with him).

    Yeah, it was mostly harmless, so yes....maybe still a'funny' level of trolling. Personally I'm not too easily offended by mild trolling as it's par for the course for an MMO or the internet, but I know it when I see it, or if I'm guilty of doing it. Hey, back in the day when they added the V-Day open world race by Union station, they unfortunately put the start right next to a villain respawn point. I might have 'accidentally' hit the repulse button a few times...bouncing the heroes off the race start so they were disqualified. Funny...yes....trolling...yes. Get a "Quit doing that..." message from an actual GM (Had "GM" tag in their name)....yes.

    I'm not saying it was a terrible thing, but you can't say you weren't trolling them, cause you were.

    And since you admit you were using an over inflated title to get people to read your post, you also were 'Clickbait' the score is still SpaceZero - 2. HA!
  18. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    lol you came here to QQ cause someone said they're a dev and you were spooked lol mmhmmm:rolleyes: after you started some shiiii lmao pick ya BarreLLS back up and move along lmao baka baka
  19. Isif Committed Player

    Maybe I'm old but I thought OG was Original Gangster. Basically, except no imitations.
  20. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    gaming and the streets bro gotta know both of the lingos lol they got acronyms for everything now lol