Questions about finding Cheetah

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLorax, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Is she stealth/invisible? Does she appear on the minimap at all? Can she appear anywhere on the map or does she have specific spawn points?
  2. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    She is completely visible.

    I'm not sure, but I don't think she appears on the minimap (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

    She has a whole bunch of specific spawn points, but there are enough that you can look just about anywhere for her. Usually some corner.
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  3. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    I'd like to know this too. Spent about 20 minutes flying around Themyscira, looking for signs on the minimap, exploring corners, and didn't see her anywhere. I hope she's not like those stealth bees on Titans Island.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    I found her in the Gazeboo area at the entrance to the left as you enter and Ares front she hides there too.
    She can also appear at high locations near those windows in Olympian area.
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  5. spikeat Well-Known Player

  6. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    Has anyone found her in the last hour? My phase has looked everywhere...
  7. The Dark4 Well-Known Player

    She spawns by collection items
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just finished the 9. Couple of notes for those still looking. She is pretty visible, hunkered down and a bit smaller than the other NPC, but not hiding really. Corners and on top of stuff, but I don't know all spawns. She does not appear on the Mini-map. You trigger her at about 5 feet away ( feet) and the shared credit radius covers about 1 mini map+ about the same distance, so if you are in a group, allow the others to get near.

    Got all of ours at 2 spawns (neither were at collection points), constantly phase find a spawn and shift often. It took about an hour or 90 min to get it done, but about 40 min of that was just finding the first 2 spots.
  9. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    found her and finished, ty.
  10. ChippedRock New Player

    I found a spot . By the Atlantean solo walk in mission on the rocks to the right
  11. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    I found about 5 spots. 1 is on top of a wall in the ares area leading toward ares across form blue briefing. 2 was in ares area again infront of the tunnel to get past the ares fight without entering. 3 was at the end of the tunnel from the Ares fight. 4 was on a large themysciran planter in the olympus area after the invisible jet launch dock. And 5 was in the falls of tranquility area next to the entrance. There were more but I always found her there. Not that she was always there but every time I found her was there.
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    is this a limited time only kind of thing or will this always be in game.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's permanent.
  14. AJPro Committed Player

    I got the feat today, she was in numerous spots, bushes, right corner of hallways, top of ledges, never saw at geezbo.
    no red dot, and you need to tap her. Just like the old finding iconics feat in Gotham and metro. I recommend looking in the nooks and crannies, fly around slowly. She does not spawn in main areas of bosses or in the middle of large spaces (for me). I would also roam around vs. waiting in one spot, did that and after 30 min still no cheetah....i also got 8 out of 9 in new spots...7 of which not “shown” to me by someone who got feat. DO Not group up, she can get tapped by random while you wait for group mates. Finally, be in a phase where the bosses keep winning lets you know fewer players. Good luck and stay safe.
  15. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    found her twice but only got credit once
  16. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    a few spots!
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  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Somehow lots of people have questions about Cheeta.... so you had to know Multiverse would make a video. ;)
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  18. tukuan Devoted Player

    One small suggestion, if you are doing these sorts of videos fix you map in the settings so it doesn't rotate. It makes it much easier to track where you are. Regardless, thanks for the video it was helpful and appreciated.
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  19. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    So I finished the feat in less than 30 mins all by myself, she respawns pretty fast, also the trick is to keep phasing with random ppl from the chat asking for bounty invitation so you don't stuck in one phase with some 'competitors' but go to more empty ones.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Lol, nice one :)
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