Elite gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    He has a point...
  2. ALB Dedicated Player

  3. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Isn't this basically what all gear bought with source marks is? Get source marks from one episode then by the gear/feats from another. I agree Elite should be held to a higher standard and up until last episode i would have disagreed with the OP wholeheartedly. But now I'm kind of agreeing. Once the devs start holding elite to that standard I might be swayed back again
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  4. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    because resetting a card game is so elite right?
  5. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    Forget elite gear. It’s the elite style you get the feat for. The devs could make the style available for everyone. But they’ll never do that.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Ha, well yeah, you aren't wrong. I'm against bypassing the renown but ok with making the style available if that makes sense. I'm still a bit shy on renown for some old dlcs so I just go in and get it. Pretty sure at least 1 doesn't even have a style to get for elite. And I suppose I should stop thinking of this game as only existing on USpspc. There is probably 0% chance anyone can get these done on switch or xbox
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  7. August Moon Well-Known Player

    even if they just reset the card game over and over you still put the time in to get that renwon, you at least walked into the instance a set number of times. what hes asking for is to reap the reward without any type of work whatso ever. If you like the style then work for it , even if you have to buy thousands of replays just to get it or you can run the instance and finish the raid like its supposed to be and save time and replays. either or you put some type of work in rather than wait 3 dlcs until its irrelevant and just buy it for the feat and bragging rights
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  8. nawanda Loyal Player

    So people who can’t be bothered to do elite when it’s new and then still can’t be bothered to do it with the advantage of gear from two subsequent DLCs should be getting a feat for completing an elite set? What a joke.
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  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Hope you keep that same energy with all those cr skippers gifted gear and sp they bought and didnt earn. Is it just the elite tag that people are up tight about?

    Ask me this question even 2 months ago I would be completely against the idea, but elites are so meaningless nowadays they might as well just be treated the same as the reg vendor gear once out of relevancy.
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  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    People with full elite only spamming the first drop are just as bad as waiting for it to fall from relevancy and buying it with source marks imo. You can make all the excuses in the world. Purposely disbanding an instance you know you cant complete also goes against the spirit of the game and shouldnt be rewarded at a supposed elite level. You want a reward just for entering an instance? That is what event and regular is for. Renown should only be given at the end of the raid. The other bosses can drop other styles or whatever, but renown for the gear should only go to those who actually complete the isntance imo.
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  11. August Moon Well-Known Player

    and again i can see your point and thats a whole different topic of conversation , my focus is geared towards getting rewards for people who play the waiting game, which devalues everyones hard work who managed to get passed at least 1 boss.

    on your topic i will agree that renown should be held at the end of an instance to better reward players hard work but i feel like thats an argument that wont ever shift in our favor unless something drastic happens. so working with the chips we have now i dont believe that people should get the rewards just because the instance isnt "hard anymore"
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  12. Brit Loyal Player

    I do not want the Elite gear to be made available without running the Elite Raids.

    However, I am totally cool with the Enhanced Style being made available.

    No gear. No stats. Style only.

    Like, you know, maybe we could update Vendor 00 and Vendor 22 to add those style pieces for purchase with Source Marks once the gear is out of relevancy.

    I'm all in favor of players being able to have access to the styles they want to use for dress-up, especially when that content cannot be consistently run because it passes out of relevancy and players stop wanting to do it. I want players to have fun.

    And there is a clear difference between getting actual gear with the best stats in the game, or getting just a style. That's worth remembering.
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  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It's not as obsolete as you're claiming if the gear is useful for skill points. Stop asking for hand outs and just put a group together to earn it.
  14. ALB Dedicated Player

    I keep hearing the same excuse. What about when players use source marks and buy the gear while not running 1 raid from that episode? Your handout logic is dumb
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  15. Realist617 Active Player

    Maybe this has nothing to do with the price of tea in China but I play on the xbox one server, the small server as they say. I am not in a particularly strong league and LFG is not exactly booming. On top of that the players who do run elite content think they are above or better than others, not just as players but as people. I have been told by multiple leagues that they would do renown runs for as much as $240 per run paid via cashapp. Now need I remind you that this is against the service agreement? And also, what happened to people helping just because they could and were in a position to do so? xxHELLSTROKExx, its people like you that turn games like this into your own personal business or at the least a money making scheme which in turn takes the fun out of the game for a great deal of players. I said I was not in a strong league, I never said I wasn't a strong player. I have 3 toons on the verge of 500 SPs and my troll is ranked top 5 on my server on a regular basis. Why should anyone have to pay someone to play a game that they are going to play anyway? Because they don't know the right people is pretty much the answer, which makes way for scumbags like you to exploit and extort people who are just trying to enjoy the game. Think about that for a minute.
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  16. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I came to the conclusion that i just don't care about elite gear or elite content. Its just not worth the BS and i am quite happy being 316 until the next content. When i came back to this game i came back to have fun 1st and elite is not fun for me so i don't bother with it.
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  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Lol what? I'm broke as hell in this game hahaha. If you're talking about the comment of he can pay me to go thru it, that was a joke. I just spent another 3 hours in elite tonight trying to beat Zues a 2nd time. That's been going on for weeks. I don't get paid to do stuff other than people may reset me to run something relevant with them
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  18. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    On old elites?? Why on gods earth would you only run first boss?? It’ll take you twice as long without using replays. Personally I don't like the idea of people doing that on even new elites but to each their own I suppose...
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  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Pretty sure i’d be just for the style feat (like any other style feat mind you). No one is gonna buy a style feat with marks from an out of relevancy dlc and brag about it lol.
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  20. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    “Cant be bothered to do it” and
    No one is Q’n up or joining the group so you cant run it are 2 vastly dif things.
    Its Quite presumptuous of you to ASSUME that those of us wanting a way to aquire the style/feat from out of relevancy content are too lazy or cant be bothered.........
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