Is there an issue atm?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MidLifeCrysis41, Sep 10, 2020.

  1. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    My whole game went down about 20 mins ago. Was just on an alt, doing whatever! Then everything stops! Like lag stops. But we gotta on for about 3 mins. Turned ps off! Waited. Turned back on. Couldn’t log in! Tried several times. Tried to come on here. This wasn’t loading.

    On now! But serious... SERIOUS! Lag in-game.
  2. Draconiano Committed Player

    I tried to log in for half an hour and I can't.

    LaunchPad was unable to connect. Please check the network connection or try again later. If the problem persists, please visit for assistance.
  3. Elpower Active Player

    same here in USPC