Please make All bases have their own generators

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by wisetoons, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    So we can put our related armories in these bases and get the benefit of our generators in these bases.
    I will install troll elite affinity mod (+2% vitalization) and place my troll armory into that base. And i will install precision elite affinity mods (2% precision) and place my precision dps armory into that base. And i will install might elite affinity mods (2% might) and place my might dps armory into that base.
    So all my 3 bases may be used so effectively. Now anyone can get elite weapon, rings, necklace. We can play all roles more effective if this happens.
    Please let me know if this is technically impossible or just is not worth to apply. Because i really think this is so essential.
    Best Regards
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  2. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    That's just a waste of source mark. If they did that you can almost guarantee they would balance content around having X amount of generator's active. UNLESS you personally have to activate the bases generator you want active aka you could only have 1 active at any given moment.
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  3. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    The generator stats will not stack. At any time you will have benefits of ONLY one generator depending on which base your current armory is located.
    So that is not a source mark loss by any means. Please read again. Where i say generator benefits will stack?
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Are people really playing both Prec and Might DPS? Wild.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Considering you can freely place your armories in any base regardless of roles, doing what you suggest would actually be limiting particularly if someone wanted to only visit one base for ALL of their armories (as I currently do). There's no real benefit to your idea, and I see no reason for them to spend resources on something that isn't needed at all.
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  6. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    That's what I'm saying, is why it came off wanting it for 'ill' purposes
  7. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Think easiest solution is make them like augments so you can have the switching flexibility

    However, would need to figure out a collecting system for it. I could see something like double-click this newly obtained generator mod to add to your generator mod inventory list, and every high color mod added could eliminate the lowest one of that color, have a limit of 4 specific stat mods (like once u get 4 mights, the game won’t let u collect a 5th might mod if from same dlc) and it could let players get 4 of each generator mod if they wanted to (but still only be able to have 4 of each color active at a time, like how it is now w/ the 12 gen mods)... so basically a portable swapable generator?

    Same thing would apply to elite affinity mods, would have a limit of 1 to add to the generator mod inventory
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I know but can you imagine having to purchase a third set of Artifacts because you can't make up your mind what kind of DPS you are?
  9. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    lol I dont even have 2 sets of artifacts. So I couldn't imagine doing 3 sets.
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  10. Berza Committed Player

    I do play Prec for ST and Might for AoE. You can do both using same artifacts, as Grim Strat Trans.
  11. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    This topic was discussed in this thread on Aug 20:

    I get what the OP is saying. I put Might mods into a generator in base 1 for DPS, and tie that armory to base 1. Then I put Vital mods into a generator in base 2, and tie my Troll armory to base 2. When I switch from DPS to Troll, I am now getting the benefits of the generator mods of base 2.

    You wouldn't have to do it if you don't want to. But it can't hurt. Just my thoughts.
  12. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    Yes, that topic is created by me as well, i thought the title wasn't good enough to explain the subject enough so i created this one, also if a moderator merge this threads it will be fine.
  13. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    We are mostly playing as dps and as our roles, but no matter what role and what armory you use, you always get the the benefits of installed mods on your character bound single base generator.
    My main toon power is mental; and i have 3 builds; troll, prec dps, might dps builds; but because of no choice i installed health mods, vit mods, prec mods and prec elite affinity mods into my generator, here my problem starts because;
    As a troll i want to play with might mods, vit mods, power mods and troll elite affinity mods installed in my generator.
    As a precision dps i want to play with prec mods, resto mods, health mods and precision elite affinity mods installed in my generator.
    As a might dps i want to play with might mods, vit mods, power mods and might elite affinit mods installed in my generator.
    Currently i can play only 1 build (which is precision dps for me) most effective. So to have flexibility to play all builds effective, the idea of having separate generators appeared in my mind and i asked that by thinking that would lead us to buy more bases for better builds, but this can also be done in purchasing additional generators for use also. At the end this is an improvement like armories, augments vs..I see no point of posting reply against this because noone is forcing anyone to use this if it happens. New elite weapons, rings and necklace added to game, now we can get 4 elite pieces easily with all our toons but currently we are not able use them effectively.
    Just saying, i will not insist a lot, all player in game says me 'Oh, this is a great idea, i want that 2% (resto, dom, prec, vit, might) bonus for my role as well', but when it comes to do something for it like posting a reply on this thread, ohh no, players never want this.. Best regards..
  14. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    I am surprised noone is suffering to link their 16 possible armories to 1 single generator. As a precision dps, i need health mods, dom mods, prec mods, precision dps elite affinity mods in my generator. As a troll, i need power mods, vit mods, might mods, troll elite affinity mods in my generator. How ALL people are so confortable about not being able to use seperate generators for their armory builds. best regards.
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  15. Kerberos91 New Player

    I get what he is asking for,

    Most players want maximum stats but i personnally think the difference is not that significant with artefacts in play.

    Having multiple generators linked to armories (1 on 1 relation) could be helpful for that little bit of boost as an optional choice.
    People would be free to do whatever they want/ spend lots of time getting other artefacts up and all to get the maximum stats.

    But i would rather see the affinity mods to be linked to an armory instead of the character.
    We should be able to use dps affinity mods in dps role and tank affinity mods in tank role.
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  16. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    I see that only affinity mods are a real issue for you, but you want to have a limited improvement instead of fully customization option.
    As a might dps, you need might mods and might elite affinity mods, it isn't good playing might dps with prec mods and might elite affinity mods as you suggested instead of fully customization.
    If my suggestion isn't technically impossible and implemented into game one day (i am pretty sure devs are thinking on this at the moment if they aren't thinking i should go to doctor soon), let it not be limited like you suggested.
    It is very simple improvement which the game needs about build customization perfection.
  17. Goyim New Player

    A dev post would be nice to see here - at the moment, the affinity mods shares across your builds, and if you play duo roles, you are forced to either use all 4 spots for one role, or cripple it by going 2 for each role.
    By having your generator reset per armory, or per base would be nice so you fully use it as you want to , instead of going hybrid , aka half for each role.
    Generator right now only benefits 1 role, and if u play more then 1 role on a toon, you will be gimped.
  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Here's some food for thought: going through with the OP's suggestion could end up increasing costs for players.

    Right now, the generators/Mainframes for multiple bases are tied together. Thankfully this means paying the costs at one base (Marks for things like mods and Orbitals, in-game cash for power cells) covers the costs for all of them. One payment and everything's covered for the month.

    Separate them and you're most likely looking at having to visit each base and pay (at least) double the amount you're paying at the moment. It could also mean having to make adjustments to Proto-Mainframe bots as those would have to be able to choose which base you want to access. And knowing how wonky things can get when changes are made, they could even be broken in the process.
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  19. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    Any plans for allowing us to use armories at max efficiency?
    When will we be able to use seperated generators for our bases? Willing to see that more than ally system.
  20. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    In my opinion this would be one of the best improvements in dcuo, but i feel it is dusted under the rug.
    When are we going to play our roles at max efficiency?