What is the best solo as much as possible combo?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tini Bubbles, Jul 22, 2020.

  1. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    I have kids, life, wife, etc etc etc

    I HATE having to make people wait on me doing stuff.

    So I want to be able to solo as much as possible.

    That being said I havent played in a few years.

    Just looking for some ideas/suggestions

  2. Faelwolf Active Player

    Any power can solo just fine, pick what you like. You will do best with the power set that interests you, as you will spend more time playing it and learning it better. I do well with gadgets, but am a total disaster with celestial, for example, while I have seen some celestial folks do amazing things. Same with quantum, rage, etc. It's the player more than the power set, find the one that fits you and your play style. A lot of the discussions about powers you will see here and in other forums are really splitting hairs for the most part, trying to squeeze that last 1k of damage out in a raid, and not really applicable to the solo or non-elite player.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you have to get up and leave at a moment’s notice than your best bet would probably be earth or sorcery. Reason being that if you are in the middle of a fight and have leave for a few than Brick (earth) and Guardian (sorcery) will begin to taunt adds if your health drops below a certain point. Granted, they can’t just live forever. But they can give you that little breathing room.
  4. Brit Loyal Player

    My recommendation would be either a Tank or a Healer powerset. Tanks and Healers can often perform the slow-solo of something that otherwise might require a partner, simply by being able to heal/mitigate damage faster than the enemies can deal it.

    That being said, there are a few different approaches to this, depending on your real-life needs. I'll outline a couple.

    If you are faced with frequent minor pauses from the game, for example a spouse who sits beside you while you are playing and every five minutes seems to demand 30 seconds of your attention with something. "Open this jar for me." That kind of stuff. Ditto if you simply are obligated to respond to text messages from your spouse every so often. Most of the time you could probably play as a ranged DPS character and play in normal group content. Those lulls where you turn away from the keyboard may get you occasionally killed, and will almost definitely mean that you are never the top performing DPS, but in a solid group, you can still perform at an acceptable and contributing level of DPS, even with occasional distractions. This does not work nearly as well as a Support class, because even a 10 second lull of inactivity will likely result in other players noticing.

    If the interuptions are longer but less frequent, for example every 20 minutes the wife hits you up with some random chore. "Hey, I really need you to take the trash out" or "the baby needs their diaper changed" and you don't want to fight with her about it waiting a few extra minutes or having her be the one to do it, this is something that can often be accomplished through the "Quick bio break" announcement to the group. In this case, your roll doesn't matter nearly as much. If you're DPS, they may just move forward while your character is AFK for a sec. If you're a support class, they will likely wait a reasonable amount of time for you to return, rather than try the annoying search to replace you with a less plentiful role. If they do refuse to wait and boot you to bring in a replacement... oh well. Honestly, if you get kicked because the group can't wait a couple of minutes for someone who says they need to use the toilet, then you aren't really missing out on much anyways.

    If the interuptions are even longer than that, but less frequent, like once per hour you get a flat "I need to go" moment where you're going to have to log out and not return in a reasonable enough time to finish content, then definitely go as DPS. Dropping group as a DPS is less disruptive, because it is easier to find replacements for you. Dropping group as a Tank can often result in a disband and then everybody has to miss out.

    When solo'ing, it's basically the same question. Are these small but frequent interuptions? If so, something like a pet class might be fine where you just let your pet take over for a sec. If they are less frequent but slightly longer, you can just idle for a bit. Even if you die, the penalty for death is no big deal, and if it takes you a few extra minutes to finish a challenge or daily, it's not the end of the world. If the interuptions are ones that are going to result in logging out entirely, then go with a strong DPS class so that you have the minimum amount of time needed for fights. That's the best shot you're going to get at finishing the thing before the interuptions happen.
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  5. inferno Loyal Player

    Just to clarify, what exactly are you asking? Are you looking for content that you can solo because you're constantly interrupted?

    OR are you looking for a power, that you can mindlessly do while doing other stuff?
  6. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    Well I would Like to solo as much as possible and I have times I get interrupted.

    I dont mind having to use my brain...although it hurts :)


    Im just not sure. I have a ice tank but I got yelled at twice for not knowing the instances so im a little weary of grouping now

    Might try to find a easy DPS class to level so I wont have that issue

    Dont know what though
  7. L T Devoted Player

    Only twice???

    Easy DPS powers are (in no particular order) Munitions, Gadgets, Nature, Fire.

    I'd recommend a Tank class because even if you never go into instanced content, Tanks are needed in open world stuff. You'll frequently see 7-8 players, some of them overgeared, sitting around a bounty waiting for it to start. It's because they're waiting around for a Tank to start the fight so they don't all get 1-shot. The best part is that with stat clamping/boosting in the events now, you don't even need proper gear to tank in the open world (though it helps a lot).

    Good luck and welcome back to the game.
  8. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    If you're running raids generally you need one tank. If you don't know what you're doing, that can be a pretty critical point of failure. I'd suggest watching a video on YouTube of some group running it, hopefully you can get an idea of what mechanics are going on. Generally, trolls and DPS can be of mediocre quality and still get the job done, but tanks and healers really should be on the ball in content they aren't outgearing.

    The other option is to find a league that'll explain what is going on.
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