How many Trigons have you imprisoned this bonus Legends PVE week?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. inferno Loyal Player

    I don't know how many times I ran it. It was all blur. I only know I need 300 more runs to finish.
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So at the end of this I came up with the 3 'best' maps IMHO.
    1) With a put together, knowledgeable group....HOD (as stated before)
    2) If pugging with randoms or blind queuing....Trigon (as stated before)
    3) If running at 3AM-7:59AM CST and you are 90% asleep/zoned out...OAN. The single room allows for little nod offs(or big ones). Just keep the target lock on and spam your weapon/move of choice and trudge through it.

    PS...Public apologies to the 3 or 4 groups I fell asleep in. I'm sure I was still moving (I sleep fight often) but may have been beating the heck out of a wall instead of an enemy.
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  3. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    Nothing unfortunately, it was actually very fortunately!
    My congratulations that he is healthy and successful and brings a lot of joy in his life!
    It was a better feat than anybody here has done online over the weekend.
  4. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    In my opinion everything is fine, I usually sleep during raids but no one even realizes why I am the tank ...
    Or do they realize? My God. :confused:
  5. travelingtheory Well-Known Player

    none, i dont know anything about maxing the meta game
  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I would love to see some statistics on wich Lpve instances were run how many times during 10x Week. If you're (Dev's) able to get that data it would be very interesting to see in the next Livestream maybe? :D
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  7. Juggurnaut Level 30

    I was able to grind out 485 runs to finish my lpve. I was at roughly 50 for each category (100 for Batman) and I was able to finish. It was the worst week I’ve ever played in DCUO but I finished feats I thought I would never ever finish. 3 of my league mates did the same with me. Trigon seemed to be the fastest. We rotated between HoD (good group we averaged 9.5 minutes) I never pugged this, LOA, OA and Trigon. The last day to maximize time we did almost entirely Trigon.