Why I just cancelled my sub - my perspective

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mazahs, Jun 3, 2020.

  1. Toshknight Loyal Player

    obviously this is just a picture of a father and daughter but all we know now, its wierd . and i never comment on political people


  2. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    Same boat. I had decided not to renew my subscription during Metal I. Although I enjoyed that dlc, the drop rate for the op collection piece in the solo was what made me decide to close my wallet. However, I do buy episodes and other items from the market place. Still a lot cheaper than what I was spending.
  3. Brit Loyal Player

    I was also one of those subscribers-since-Beta that dropped to Premium recently.

    While I find there to be generally enough content to make me happy, and I don't have the issues with paying for the game that so many other players seem to have (never complaining about time capsules and artifacts here), and I only ever viewed PvP as a chore that I did for the feats until I finally completed it, at the end of the day my decision was shaped by the Legendary Plan.

    I just didn't feel that the Legendary Plan gave enough to justify the expense.

    Half of what you pay for in the Legendary Plan is just renting. Sub for 9 years and if I drop the sub I don't own the DLC, but a Premium spends a fraction of that price and gets to keep them forever. That's a beef for me.

    The other half, it just felt like there wasn't enough value. Like they gave me stuff I didn't particularly need or care about, but avoided giving me what I really wanted, in a way of pressuring the "Subscribe but still make additional purchases too" plan. And when I looked at what I cared about, and then I looked at what the Legendary Plan gave, I realized that a Legendary Player who spends no extra money seems to get less of what I wanted than what a Premium Player who spends $15 directly on Seals and Stabilizers and such. I got more bang for my buck by going a la carte, so I did.

    Lastly, it honestly feels as though most of the time they forget that anyone even does subscribe. "Here's a special event! Three months of open episodes! And if you're subscribed and paying for them... well... thanks for giving us money for something that we're giving everyone else for free." No discount or bonus gift for subscribers. Just a paid function of the subscription, given away for free to the FTPs and Premiums, but the subscribers were still charged money for it.

    Eventually, I just felt as though they cared more about making the Premiums happy, and they took the Legendaries for granted. So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
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  4. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the game needs to be seriously shaken up. it just does.

    it needs to be grant morrisoned.
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  5. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Correct, I will still play albeit much less

    I wasn't making out to make a demonstration, more of why I supported the game thru membership + extra purchases, will no longer be a guaranteed money spigot. I do think the game has value, but that value (for me) no longer justifies paying a sub.

    I've taken mini-breaks from time to time. Mostly 1-2 weeks here and there, with longest being about a few months while traveling.
    In that time I never have un-subbed. Heck when they screwed many of us out of the 3 month deal a few years back I just paid monthly without interruption.

    The boredom isn't from them NOT making new content, it's more that for people like me who have played for years and years there is nothing to gain in going back to older content. So your stuck in doing same dailies over most of the time.
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  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    While I'm still paying my monthly membership, I see where you're coming from. I'm still feat chasing after being gone for so long so for now being monthly makes sense for me. Once I'm done with what I need, yeah there doesn't seem to be much reason to sub anymore. Especially while all episodes are ftp. I'm glad they are doing that and it's awesome to give people something to do. But at some point they're really going to need to adjust what members recieve, even if it's an anniversary type of thing. Like thanks for being a member, here's something only members can get.
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  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    what? you mean something like the Membership Appreciation Gift box we've got the last two year's running ( artifact cache, dionesium, flawless & reinforced nth, nth detector, paradox energy, quantum field energy, seals of preservation, all free )? or the free Royal Chroma pack? the Batman & Flash day shirts? Wonder Woman's shield? the Flash's cowl? the Age of Justice & Bombshell posters? the Metal emblems? what about the free Iridescent aura you got with Deluge?

    see, the thing is: they do give us free stuff, quite a bit of free stuff really, but it's never enough, is it? & it will never be enough.
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  8. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Yes and no. Yearly? No probably not. 3 or 4 times a year? Yeah probably. Or all those things could be given to members that weren't members during that time? My basic point was that there are decent reasons to be pro sub vs no sub and if there's enough people dropping subs that they will need to look into it. Again, I sub. I see value in it for how I play now. In the future, that could change. I know plenty of people have been complaining that if all episodes are free, they shouldn't have to be paying a full sub price.
    I speak highly for the devs and defend when I can. They do a great job. But now think outside your area. Brazil isn't going to pay $80 a month for what they're getting and that's what it's costing them now. Brazil has a large demographic of dcuo players. The devs can't help what happened to their dollar and it won't be considered fair to drop their prices and keep everyone else's the same. But if there's something that could make it more worth their expense, maybe you lose less of them. It's a business, your product needs to be altered to stay relevant on occasion. OP isn't the only one to come in and say he's dropping sub. Idk their accounting, maybe everything is good. Maybe things could be better. Maybe they make more of non subs. All I'm saying is that incentives for subbing have been dwindling since many players can live without free cosmetics. I get it, no matter what they do it never seems enough, I fully agree with that statement. But go out to dinner at a place you eat at daily and pay for everytime. They put an extra piece of ham in your sandwich. You appreciate that. Now a bunch of people walk in, get free food. Has 2 slices less of ham but they could pay a percentage of what you paid and get even more ham. Those pay everyday customers will stop coming.
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  9. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    'ey, I'm not one to keep me lip buttoned when the devs do something I don't like, but while the whole plague thing is going on, I'm fine with free episodes. & who knows? maybe when it's all over, & it will be over one day, they'll drop something just for the paying members by way of a " thanks for being good sports " gift? you never know. as it is, while I completely understand some people having the hump that people who aren't paying customers are getting stuff for nowt that they've paid for, I'm cool with it. for now. they're trying to do stuff that helps everyone who plays get through these very very sh*t times. & I can only applaud them for that.
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  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Fully agree! They've been awesome to the community during this whole thing. Stuff went sideways with lag, some bonuses weren't what people wanted and they got an earful for all that but I've been giving nothing but praise. I didn't even want to comment in here because it could only sound nasty no matter how I worded it. In truth, I run a business. It's been open 40 years in a few months. Had to adapt a lot. I'm just hoping that if they need to, they do before posts like this happen multiple times a day. I'll see ya out there!
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