Cross Faction Token...?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gambo323, May 7, 2020.

  1. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    The problem is that there are a series of feats in different DLCs that cannot be bought over... for example, go into "War of the Light Part I" and look at feats like "Untrapped" and "Step Lightly"... for the heroes it is the Avarice Impurity mission done on Oa and it's the Orange Lanterns who set the traps... for the villains, it's the Rage Impurity mission on Ranx with traps set by the Red Lanterns. The mission in question are not set up to be cross-faction, meaning even if you have "Enable Task Force X/Suicide Squad" turned on you cannot do the opposite mission.

    Basically, the time investment by the devs to implement this is to make every mission in the game cross-faction eligible... which means going back and creating feat equivalences so that you can complete your faction's feat while in the opposite faction's mission. As an example, look at The Demon's Pit feat "Combination Plotter." Because this instance is cross-faction there are mapped equivalences for the feat... hero side gets Wildcat, Flash, and Green Arrow... villain side gets Heat Wave, Gorilla Grodd, and Deathstroke. If you go into the opposite faction's mission you just need to know that Wildcat and Heat Wave are equivalent, Flash and Gorilla Grodd are equivalent, and Green Arrow and Deathstroke are equivalent. Using that mapping you can now complete one of your combinations.

    Mappings have to be created for stuff all the way back to Episode 3 (Battle for Earth).
  2. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    What are the chances of having the CR jump token scale up with each episode?