The downside of Time capsules(Mini rant)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jacob Dragonhunter, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    • Time Capsules & Second Chance.
    This system sucks. Sure I've had people point out "how successful" these are, but the only reason they are successful is because they divided the player-base up into 3 different categories:
    There are players who will buy all the time capsule stuff out right and sell it on the broker.
    There are players who'll rack up a lot of in-game cash and buy their feats from the broker.
    And there are players like me who will not bother at all because there's no way to catch-up and fully complete all the feats before they sling out another time capsule. Seriously, I don't even bother running the event.
    They sell progression in the game at an unprecedented rate and unless you shell out your in-game wallet or real life wallet, there's no coming back.

    -The Second chance vendor was supposed to be the fix for this; but it doesn't work because the prices don't match the drop ratio in my eyes. If you bought something from the second chance vendor right now, odds are you're only using it for that one character and your alts are not getting anything except for the feat.
    The Quark Drops are RNG involved as much as the TC drops are themselves. Maybe you'll get lucky and get a 108 quark drop from a TC, most of the time from my experience I've gotten an average of 14-28 quarks.
    When a material in the second chance vendor costs roughly 5K Quarks, that's not cutting it.

    Also: The Stabilizer fragmentation event is trash. 6 stabilizer fragments for members? It should be a full stabilizer for members. You guys don't bother updating lockboxes anymore; but you implement another RNG crate to boot; one that members don't benefit much from.

    "But you don't need to have the feats immediately" Oh stop with this argument. let's face it, nobody in their right mind is going to sit there and slowly pace themselves through each and every single time capsule; it's improbable to do so underneath the current pace that they release at.

    And anybody who makes this argument aren't following those who are at end-game; because there's an ever increasing difference in those who have all the TC feats versus those who don't.(A 72 SP difference to be exact.)
    Many others have said it and it's still not done. But Time Capsules need to be feat free, they should never count towards progression in the game.

    The older ones can keep the feats inside, but the newer ones should have no achievements that count towards skill points.
    • Time Capsule Structure Rant:
    Also: Why do the Enhanced and Regular Styles count for Different Achievements? That's Backwards. I can't tell you how many times I'd be close to completing a set only to get the enhanced version of a style item when I needed the regular equivalent. Enhanced or Regular, should both count towards one single feat.
    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not going to care for a mere "title" when something else is going to get me closer to an additional stat point.
    Either that.. or put the enhanced styles as a drop within that Gear Box; it doesn't need to be added to inflate more RNG to the capsules as is; they are full of really awful RNG as it is.
    The Same thing goes for the collections, there's always that 1 piece you need; but then there's all that trash that's thrown your way because every. single. collection. is a 12 piece. If you want us to complete these collections and move on from tc to tc; then they need to be reduced to 6. Less trash means your RNG odds'll better off.
    So what's my takeaway? Time capsules need to be redone at some point, and need to be formatted so it's not as toxic to the community as it currently is.
    • Second chance vendor needs to have price reductions, or quarks need to be streamlined to allow players to reasonably progress.
    • Time capsules need to stop having feats moving forward(They aren't good, you can tell me they sell; but it doesn't mean its good.)
    • Time capsules need to be restructured and have less trash involved. Enhanced styles should be available in the "Regular" gear box when you open it, and collections need to be toned down.
    I get that there's been quite a few threads trying to calm "down the gloom and doom" factor here on the forums, but let's be honest there's no working around the fact that Time Capsules are doing nothing but causing growing pains in this game.
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  2. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    This is like the 17th time capsule. Y'all have been making this argument since the first one. I see your point, and even agree with some of them.

    That said, feats are not going to be removed. They're not going to change the time capsule.

    You guys are banging your heads against a wall and expecting something other than a bad bruise or an open bloody wound. But that's all you're going to get here.

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  3. SkullGang Devoted Player

    We are at that point where our frustration is not a concern. It's been a while where I have seen this many complaints about a feature of a game go ignored purposely. They know it sucks. They know we don't like it yet they are content with it.
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  4. Walvine Well-Known Player

    If you donot use broker and/or resistant to the micro transaction l recomment not opening any capsule but still run the stabiliser daily because sofare ,
    Every 2 new generations of new time capsule a time limit omega resurgence capsule has been released costing 7 stabilisers which when opened includes about 9 unlocked old capsules from previus times and a random ultra rare gift item related to the event.

    Every resurgence timecapsule will individually delete them self after ! 14 days each and donot stack in inventory , So fight your urg to open until omega resurgence events .
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  5. Brit Loyal Player

    I respect that you're upset, and I understand why you are upset, but in your emotional state, you're missing a few key pieces of information that result in you not registering the big picture. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees.

    You are lamenting a 72 Skill Point difference, which sounds huge. And you are upset that you have no ability to "catch-up" to other players who were able to complete those feats.

    Since you have been able to use your logic and reasoning to very successfully categorize the players, I would encourage you to do so with the Time Capsules as well. I take every time capsule and I divide the feats into two catagories.
    1- Feats that are based solely off of common items and will be easy/cheap to obtain
    2- Feats which are dependent upon one or more rare items that I am unlikely to see.

    It is very quick and easy to see which feat is going to go into which category. What are the chances that I am going to see a Neon Chroma? Impossible. Skip that one. What are the chances I can, for example, "Open 5 Oracle Time Capsules"? Guarunteed. They give us more than 5 Stabilizers worth of free ones just for running the event. "Complete X Collection". Impossible; skip it. "Collect X common drop emblem". Super easy. Do that one.

    You have allowed your feelings regarding the rarity of the most rare Time Capsule contents to confuse you regarding the large number of easily attainable items that are in them, dropping in mass quantities. Those 72 Skill Points within the Time Capsules are not an all-or-nothing situation; it is not a single, impossibly rare item that bottlenecks all of those skill points. Instead, you could easily have 40ish of those skill points without every spending 1 cent of real life money on a Time Capsule, AND without having to do any significant amount of broker work. Even Premium Players are able to accomplish this. Do not allow a completionist attitude to taint your view, as though you must have everything or nothing at all. The vast majority of us actually operate in varying degrees of this middle ground where we do not get everything, but we also do not spend significant amounts of money or time chasing it, and still see decent advancements.

    I know you made the decision that you would not even run the Stabilizer Event, and subsequently you do not have the option to open Time Capsules for free. That is a dramatic mistake on your part. That is akin to being offered 3 slices of pizza, and then refusing to take them, while simultaneously complaining that nobody is giving you an entire pizza for free. For a simple 90 seconds per day, you could have some of what you wanted, and have it entirely free. And some is significantly more than none.

    Lastly is the optional nature of Time Capsules. While those 72 Skill Points sounds like a massive amount, you can only look at them in terms of what they actually accomplish. Open your Skill Points tab and look at your distribution of Skill Points. A player who maxes out everything in the game has over 500 Skill Points. But that same player can only actually allot 255 Skill Points into their role stat. Are you really debating that a Might DPS player who has maxed the Might/Power node is still in crippling need of "catching up" because the player beside them has a few extra points into Precision or Health? We can only really use about half our skill points before we have capped our role, and at that point, anything further suffers a massive diminishing return.

    So if you only really require half of the Skill Points available, then you only have to complete half of the feats. Many players take advantage of this to skip entire sections of the game. People who do not work at all towards Legends PvE feats. People who never run Elite versions of Raids. People who have done zero PvP. Or, in your case, people who refuse to open Time Capsules.

    Since you only require about half of the feats to complete your role stat, you can skip the catagories you don't care for and that is totally fine. You don't have to catch up. You're not permanently behind. It doesn't matter if you don't have 450 Skill Points, because you can't actually USE 450 skill points to do your job.

    In my opinion, any player who gets angry because they are missing out on a Time Capsule feat should instead queue up for PvP. Almost nobody does PvP, so you can balance it out quite easily by doing the thing that nobody else wants to do. If you have 100% completion of your PvP feats, feats which are all 100% free and do not even require the Legendary membership, let alone any Marketplace transactions, you will find that you have already capped your role stats and wouldn't really benefit from the Time Capsules anyways.

    As for the Qwarks vendor, I agree that the prices are stupidly high. These prices only make sense if the items are being obtained parallel to their availability in Time Capsules. Once they have been removed from the rotation, these items in no way are affecting sales of Time Capsules, which means there is no penalty to making these items priced more reasonably. HOWEVER, do remember that Qwarks are account-wide. As a Legendary member myself, I log those 15 alts in every day to collect their free mark from the Episode Quest and run the Vault, and then recycle those Source Marks into Qwarks. It ends up netting me about 3K free Qwarks per year, which are all usable by the Main. Again, that pricing is silly and prohibitive, but by doing about 15 minutes of login of alts, I get one of those big 5750 Qwark items every single year.
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  6. Lodestone Active Player

    Downside of TC are the feats in it. Progression obtain by just opening a capsule or just plainly buy a feat/progression is against the essence of a/the game. In my opinion that is what your playing for 'building your character'. In this game there many easy feats, some hard to get and some for reasons (pvp/legends) which are a problem to achieve but they all have in common that you can achieve them by playing/grinding your game. 'Earning youre players progression'.
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